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Memory Usage: Arrays initialized differently


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I've been doing some benchmarking for memory usage for a very resource-sensitive project I'm doing (that I probably shouldn't be using PHP for, but oh well). I came across something peculiar, and I'm trying to figure out why I get results as I do.


Here is my test file:

$string_parts = 4;
$max = 10000;
$arr = array();
$i = 0;
$start = memory_get_usage();
$arr[] = array_pad(array(), 4, "A");
$end = memory_get_usage();
printf("%d iterations, %d bytes in array\n", $max, $end-$start);

$arr2 = array();
$i = 0;
$start2 = memory_get_usage();
$arr2[] = array("A", "A", "A", "A");
$end2 = memory_get_usage();
printf("%d iterations, %d bytes in array (%.2f%%)\n", $max, $end2-$start2, ($end2-$start2)/($end-$start)*100);


Output on my system:

10000 iterations, 4145696 bytes in array
10000 iterations, 5585744 bytes in array (134.74%)


A 35% memory gain for two of the same exact arrays seems really weird. Any information as to why, or perhaps any useful functions or resources would be appreciated.

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As expected, nothing changes. Even if I free up the memory from the first cycle, I'm taking the measurements both before and after, so the value is always relative. It should be noted that if I switch the two tests entirely, the second one comes in at ~75% memory usage of the first (expected, as 1/1.3474 ~= .75). So, I'm fairly sure that I'm benchmarking correctly.

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Even if you separate the code into two files, you will get similar results.


If you use array_fill() you will get a similar value to the array_pad().


Best guess is that explicitly listing entries in an array results in a data structure that consumes more memory. Which gave me the following idea -


Php could be using some short-circuit optimization where it is using a reference to the result of the array_pad() output (which is a constant/fixed value), which I just confirmed with the following code (the memory usage goes way down by defining the $ar filled array outside the loop and assigning it inside the loop) -


$string_parts = 4;
$max = 10000;
$arr = array();
$i = 0;
$start = memory_get_usage();
$ar =  array_pad(array(), 4, "A");
//$arr[] = array_pad(array(), 4, "A");
$arr[] = $ar;
$end = memory_get_usage();
printf("%d iterations, %d bytes in array\n", $max, $end-$start);

$arr2 = array();
$i = 0;
$start2 = memory_get_usage();
$arr2[] = array("A", "A", "A", "A");
//$arr2[] = array('A', 'A', 'A', 'A');
//$arr2[] = array_fill(0,4,'A');
$end2 = memory_get_usage();
printf("%d iterations, %d bytes in array (%.2f%%)\n", $max, $end2-$start2, ($end2-$start2)/($end-$start)*100);

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That certainly makes sense. To further experiment, I discarded the second test and replaced it with this:

foreach($arr as $i=>$a){
foreach($a as $j=>$b){
	$arr[$i][$j] = "B";

So basically, writing over every "A" with a "B". After this, I saw an increase of 34.75%, which is exactly the same increase I saw when I had the original second test.


So I guess the bottom line is don't use array_pad() when doing memory benchmarks. Thanks for your help.

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LOL, values in variables/arrays aren't what you think they are unless you explicitly assign them...


I suspected that if you altered the values that the memory would go up as expected because the reference to the common static/fixed value would get replaced with the actual unique data.

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Okay, hold on. I unmarked it solved, since I realized I jumped to a conclusion in my last post.


Yes, changing all the strings from "A" to "B" did cause it to go up 35% to be in line with the second test, but changing all the variables from "A" to "B" in the second test causes that to go up a further 35%, which still puts it 35% when the data is the exact same. The numbers were coincidental (or not) and I didn't think to keep testing.


The part I don't understand about your original post is:

Php could be using some short-circuit optimization where it is using a reference to the result of the array_pad() output (which is a constant/fixed value), which I just confirmed with the following code (the memory usage goes way down by defining the $ar filled array outside the loop and assigning it inside the loop) -


I'm not seeing how you confirmed your suspicion that it was storing references, since in your test case, it was actually storing references, and the memory usage dropped to almost 1/10th of the original.

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$string_parts = 4;
$max = 10000;
$arr = array();
$i = 0;
$start = memory_get_usage();
$ar =  array_pad(array(), 4, "A");
//$arr[] = array_pad(array(), 4, "A");
$arr[] = $ar;
$end = memory_get_usage();
printf("%d iterations, %d bytes in array\n", $max, $end-$start);

$arr2 = array();
$i = 0;
$ar = array("A", "A", "A", "A");
$start2 = memory_get_usage();
$arr2[] = $ar;
//$arr2[] = array('A', 'A', 'A', 'A');
//$arr2[] = array_fill(0,4,'A');
$end2 = memory_get_usage();
printf("%d iterations, %d bytes in array (%.2f%%)\n", $max, $end2-$start2, ($end2-$start2)/($end-$start)*100);
?> f/code]

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I moved both $ar's outside of the memory testing range and changed the second one to $ar2 (so that it wouldn't cause a drop in memory from that being overwritten), and this is what I got as output:

10000 iterations, 545608 bytes in array
10000 iterations, 545608 bytes in array (100.00%)


This makes sense, since in both cases it's just storing it as a simple reference until it gets modified. But, this gave me the idea of taking the loop out and just trying $ar and $ar2, and I finally got it, I think.


$start = memory_get_usage();
$ar =  array_pad(array(), 4, "A");
$end = memory_get_usage();
printf("%d bytes in array\n", $end-$start);

$start2 = memory_get_usage();
$ar2 = array("A");
$ar2[] = $ar2[0];
$ar2[] = $ar2[0];
$ar2[] = $ar2[0];
$end2 = memory_get_usage();
printf("%d bytes in array (%.2f%%)\n", $end2-$start2, ($end2-$start2)/($end-$start)*100);



496 bytes in array
496 bytes in array (100.00%)


I tried re-implementing this into the loop, and it came out to within 40 bytes of each other, which I will accept as close enough. So, what this means is, when you call array_pad(), it makes the first element unique, and then all the other elements in the padding are just references to that first unique element.

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