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sql join 2 rows


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"                                                                                        SELECT 	event.*,
													epr1.participantId AS team_1,
													epr1.participantRoleId AS team_1_role,
													epr2.participantId AS team_2,
													epr2.participantRoleId AS team_2_role
										  FROM 		bb_EventParticipantRelation epr1,
										  			bb_EventParticipantRelation epr2,
													bb_Event event
										  			event.parentId='".$leage_type."' AND 
													epr1.id != epr2.id AND
										  			epr1.parentParticipantId = '0' AND
													epr2.parentParticipantId = '0' AND
													epr1.eventId=event.id AND

													ORDER BY epr1.participantRoleId ASC, event.startTime, team_1, team_2 ASC



This sql gets 2 rows and combines them as one, it does work but the issue is it seems to be taking too long in loading the page also I just need some advice on a better version



Thank you

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Hi guys,


I have a table events, this table stores all the games

the 'id' col is the pk for this table

I need to read each row of this table


as I go down the table, I use the event_id, and look in

bb_EventParticipantRelation this table stores all the teams for the game, it can have 2/ 3 teams but I just need two..

This table has a field event_id which is the forigen key for event


what I am trying to do is,

create 1 row of the 2 rows in table bb_EventParticipantRelation so I can echo team one and team two at once


the current sql

joins the event table with bb_EventParticipantRelation, and then joins bb_EventParticipantRelation with bb_EventParticipantRelation


am not sure why it takes soo long to load


thank once again

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I think you JOIN is basically trying to do a massive cross join between bb_EventParticipantRelation and itself, hence slowing to a crawl


You say you have 2~3 teams on bb_EventParticipantRelatio for each event. Do you have a way of identifying them, ie a marker to say the 1st or 2nd team for the event?


All the best



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yes the way I know which teams I want is by

in the bb_EventParticipantRelation table (the table with 2 rows) I have a field parentParticipantId, the teams I want have the value '0'

I do have this in my sql parentParticipantId = '0'


only 2 teams should be 0 each event

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Try something like this (not tested so please excuse any typos)


FROM bb_Event a
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation b ON a.eventId = b.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MAX(participantId) AS maxParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) c ON b.eventId = c.eventId AND b.participantId = c.maxParticipantId
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation d ON a.eventId = d.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MIN(participantId) AS minParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) e ON d.eventId = e.eventId AND d.participantId = e.minParticipantId


All the best



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-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 3.2.4
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Aug 20, 2010 at 02:07 PM
-- Server version: 5.0.91
-- PHP Version: 5.2.6


-- Database: `games`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `bb_EventParticipantRelation`

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bb_EventParticipantRelation` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `eventId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `eventPartId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `participantId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `participantRoleId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `parentParticipantId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `participantId` (`participantId`)

-- Dumping data for table `bb_EventParticipantRelation`

INSERT INTO `bb_EventParticipantRelation` (`id`, `eventId`, `eventPartId`, `participantId`, `participantRoleId`, `parentParticipantId`) VALUES
(2034921, 186722046, 2, 1457, 2, 0),
(2034922, 186722046, 2, 1415, 1, 0),
(2034923, 186722047, 2, 516, 1, 0),
(2034924, 186722047, 2, 3954, 2, 0),
(2034928, 186722048, 2, 1621, 2, 0),
(2034929, 186722048, 2, 459, 1, 0),
(2034932, 186722049, 2, 1492, 2, 0),
(2034933, 186722049, 2, 451, 1, 0),
(2035473, 186559094, 1, 56387, 3, 38),
(2035474, 186661528, 2, 56387, 3, 38),
(2035475, 186559094, 1, 370535, 3, 23),
(2035476, 186661528, 2, 370535, 3, 23),
(2035477, 186559094, 1, 66192, 3, 210),
(2035500, 186715666, 2, 57165, 3, 158),
(2035501, 186715666, 2, 63920, 3, 158),
(2035505, 186715666, 2, 1800, 3, 158),
(2035506, 178705395, 1, 294816, 3, 158),
(2035507, 186715666, 2, 294816, 3, 158),
(2035508, 186715666, 2, 57201, 3, 158),
(2035510, 178705395, 1, 57193, 3, 168),
(2035511, 186715666, 2, 57193, 3, 168),
(2035512, 178705395, 1, 63892, 3, 1047),
(2035514, 178705395, 1, 53799, 3, 1047),
(2035516, 186715666, 2, 54568, 3, 158),
(2035518, 178705395, 1, 53803, 3, 168),
(2035519, 186715666, 2, 53803, 3, 168),
(2035520, 186715666, 2, 7893, 3, 158),
(2035521, 186715666, 2, 63902, 3, 158),
(2035522, 178705395, 1, 53571, 3, 168),
(2035523, 186715666, 2, 53571, 3, 168),
(2035525, 178705395, 1, 66727, 3, 168),
(2035526, 186715666, 2, 66727, 3, 168),
(2035527, 178705395, 1, 66140, 3, 168),
(2035528, 186715666, 2, 66140, 3, 168),
(2035529, 178705395, 1, 87930, 3, 168),
(2035530, 186715666, 2, 87930, 3, 168),
(2035531, 178705395, 1, 57316, 3, 1047),
(2035533, 186715666, 2, 45443, 3, 158),
(2035534, 186715666, 2, 88694, 3, 158),
(2035535, 186715666, 2, 66861, 3, 158),
(2035536, 178705395, 1, 56263, 3, 168),
(2035537, 186715666, 2, 56263, 3, 168),
(2035539, 178705395, 1, 82530, 3, 168),
(2035540, 186715666, 2, 82530, 3, 168),
(2035541, 186715666, 2, 57169, 3, 158),
(2035542, 178705395, 1, 63899, 3, 1047),
(2035544, 178705395, 1, 81501, 3, 168),
(2035545, 186715666, 2, 81501, 3, 168),
(2035546, 178705395, 1, 82506, 3, 1047),
(2035548, 186715666, 2, 57166, 3, 158),
(2035549, 178705395, 1, 55295, 3, 168),
(2035550, 186715666, 2, 55295, 3, 168),
(2035553, 186722111, 2, 289, 1, 0),
(2035554, 186722111, 2, 3639, 2, 0),
(2035555, 186715645, 2, 82365, 3, 255),
(2035556, 186715645, 2, 82368, 3, 255),
(2035557, 186715645, 2, 56246, 3, 255),
(2035558, 186715645, 2, 56502, 3, 255),
(2035559, 186715645, 2, 295963, 3, 255),
(2035560, 186715645, 2, 295964, 3, 255),
(2035561, 186715645, 2, 295962, 3, 255),
(2035562, 186715645, 2, 295965, 3, 255),
(2035563, 186715645, 2, 82376, 3, 255),
(2035564, 186715645, 2, 82364, 3, 255),
(2035565, 186715645, 2, 295969, 3, 255),
(2035566, 186715645, 2, 295959, 3, 255),
(2035567, 186715645, 2, 55376, 3, 255),
(2035568, 186715645, 2, 295966, 3, 255),
(2035572, 186715644, 2, 45516, 3, 257),
(2035573, 186715644, 2, 289360, 3, 257),
(2035574, 186715644, 2, 68006, 3, 257),
(2035575, 186658883, 1, 289357, 3, 257),
(2035576, 186715644, 2, 289357, 3, 257),
(2035577, 186715644, 2, 289359, 3, 257),
(2035578, 186715644, 2, 82359, 3, 257),
(2035579, 186715644, 2, 289358, 3, 257),
(2035580, 186715644, 2, 68008, 3, 257),
(2035581, 186715644, 2, 89044, 3, 257),
(2035582, 186715644, 2, 67976, 3, 257),
(2035583, 186715644, 2, 89282, 3, 257),
(2035584, 186715644, 2, 67997, 3, 257),
(2035585, 186715644, 2, 45529, 3, 257),
(2035593, 186719144, 2, 73793, 3, 254),
(2035594, 186719144, 2, 73791, 3, 254),
(2035595, 186719144, 2, 289990, 3, 254),
(2035596, 186719144, 2, 55835, 3, 254),
(2035597, 186719144, 2, 73780, 3, 254),
(2035598, 186719144, 2, 53934, 3, 254),
(2035599, 186658883, 1, 82387, 3, 254),
(2035600, 186719144, 2, 82387, 3, 254),
(2035601, 186719144, 2, 73792, 3, 254),
(2035602, 186719144, 2, 289992, 3, 254),
(2035603, 186719144, 2, 73779, 3, 254),
(2035604, 186719144, 2, 73783, 3, 254),
(2035615, 186708404, 2, 292873, 3, 222),
(2035616, 186708404, 2, 292872, 3, 222),
(2035617, 186708404, 2, 147689, 3, 222),
(2035618, 186708404, 2, 57368, 3, 222),
(2035619, 186708404, 2, 63930, 3, 222),
(2035620, 186708404, 2, 88886, 3, 222),
(2035621, 186708404, 2, 67608, 3, 222),
(2035622, 186708404, 2, 105687, 3, 222),
(2035623, 186708404, 2, 67510, 3, 222),
(2035624, 186708404, 2, 102850, 3, 222),
(2035625, 186708404, 2, 67376, 3, 222),
(2035626, 186708404, 2, 147699, 3, 222),
(2035627, 186708404, 2, 102852, 3, 222),
(2035628, 186708404, 2, 125804, 3, 222),
(2035629, 186708404, 2, 373063, 3, 222),
(2035630, 186708410, 2, 71092, 3, 232),
(2035631, 186708410, 2, 126197, 3, 232),
(2035632, 186708410, 2, 87698, 3, 232),
(2035633, 186708410, 2, 71109, 3, 232),
(2035634, 186708410, 2, 126186, 3, 232),
(2035635, 186708410, 2, 126191, 3, 232),
(2035636, 186708410, 2, 71108, 3, 232),
(2035637, 186708410, 2, 126194, 3, 232),
(2035643, 186714415, 2, 293416, 3, 68),
(2035644, 186714415, 2, 102907, 3, 68),
(2035724, 186714427, 2, 7568, 3, 54),
(2035731, 186722124, 2, 412056, 2, 0),
(2035732, 186722124, 2, 1029, 1, 0),
(2035733, 186722125, 2, 118060, 1, 0),
(2035734, 186722125, 2, 1573, 2, 0),
(2035791, 186722126, 2, 1576, 1, 0),
(2035792, 186722126, 2, 118065, 2, 0),
(2035801, 186714431, 2, 87310, 3, 66),
(2035802, 186714411, 2, 89439, 3, 45),
(2035809, 186714432, 2, 70714, 3, 55),
(2035813, 186708406, 2, 82013, 3, 217),
(2035814, 186708406, 2, 72202, 3, 217),
(2035815, 186708406, 2, 57147, 3, 217),
(2035816, 186708406, 2, 68726, 3, 217),
(2035817, 186708406, 2, 297533, 3, 217),
(2035818, 186708406, 2, 297541, 3, 217),
(2035819, 186708406, 2, 63712, 3, 217),
(2035820, 186708406, 2, 45468, 3, 217),
(2035821, 186708406, 2, 89510, 3, 217),
(2035822, 186708406, 2, 82017, 3, 217),
(2035823, 186708406, 2, 297542, 3, 217),
(2035824, 186708406, 2, 82034, 3, 217),
(2035825, 186708406, 2, 72205, 3, 217),
(2035826, 186708411, 2, 293247, 3, 539),
(2035827, 186708411, 2, 87746, 3, 539),
(2035828, 186708411, 2, 293231, 3, 539),
(2035829, 186708411, 2, 67961, 3, 539),
(2035830, 186708411, 2, 293253, 3, 539),
(2035831, 186708411, 2, 293236, 3, 539),
(2035832, 186708411, 2, 293235, 3, 539),
(2035833, 186708411, 2, 293246, 3, 539),
(2035834, 186708411, 2, 293239, 3, 539),
(2035835, 186708411, 2, 293245, 3, 539),
(2035836, 186708411, 2, 293242, 3, 539),
(2035837, 186708411, 2, 293234, 3, 539),
(2035838, 186708411, 2, 293254, 3, 539),
(2035839, 186708411, 2, 293233, 3, 539),
(2035840, 186708411, 2, 293232, 3, 539),
(2035841, 186708411, 2, 293248, 3, 539),
(2035842, 186708411, 2, 293238, 3, 539),
(2035843, 186708412, 2, 150128, 3, 229),
(2035844, 186708412, 2, 125879, 3, 229),
(2035845, 186708412, 2, 125887, 3, 229),
(2035846, 186708412, 2, 72270, 3, 229),
(2035847, 186708412, 2, 125894, 3, 229),
(2035848, 186708412, 2, 125877, 3, 229),
(2035849, 186708412, 2, 125874, 3, 229),
(2035850, 186708412, 2, 150317, 3, 229),
(2035851, 186708412, 2, 125878, 3, 229),
(2035852, 186708412, 2, 125886, 3, 229),
(2035853, 186708409, 2, 88933, 3, 536),
(2035854, 186708409, 2, 72250, 3, 536),
(2035855, 186708409, 2, 125888, 3, 536),
(2035856, 186708409, 2, 290825, 3, 536),
(2035857, 186708409, 2, 290822, 3, 536),
(2035858, 186708409, 2, 87635, 3, 536),
(2035859, 186708409, 2, 290807, 3, 536),
(2035860, 186708409, 2, 290814, 3, 536),
(2035861, 186708409, 2, 290820, 3, 536),
(2035862, 186708409, 2, 290815, 3, 536),
(2035863, 186708409, 2, 290816, 3, 536),
(2035864, 186708409, 2, 290823, 3, 536),
(2035865, 186708409, 2, 56505, 3, 536),
(2035866, 186708409, 2, 290808, 3, 536),
(2035887, 186708408, 2, 125851, 3, 215),
(2035888, 186708408, 2, 150397, 3, 219),
(2035889, 186708408, 2, 72220, 3, 219),
(2035890, 186708408, 2, 88820, 3, 219),
(2035891, 186708408, 2, 147694, 3, 215),
(2035892, 186708408, 2, 67875, 3, 219),
(2035893, 186708408, 2, 67874, 3, 219),
(2035894, 186708408, 2, 90200, 3, 219),
(2035895, 186708408, 2, 291472, 3, 219),
(2035896, 186708408, 2, 67959, 3, 219),
(2035897, 186708408, 2, 88816, 3, 219),
(2035898, 186708408, 2, 45424, 3, 215),
(2035899, 186708408, 2, 87883, 3, 215),
(2035900, 186708408, 2, 125836, 3, 215),
(2035901, 186708408, 2, 125852, 3, 215),
(2035902, 186708408, 2, 67962, 3, 219),
(2035903, 186708408, 2, 125857, 3, 215),
(2035904, 186708408, 2, 291474, 3, 219),
(2035905, 186708408, 2, 66860, 3, 219),
(2035906, 186708408, 2, 63503, 3, 219),
(2035907, 186708408, 2, 67418, 3, 219),
(2035908, 186708408, 2, 125839, 3, 215),
(2035909, 186580366, 1, 291512, 3, 321),
(2035910, 186703507, 2, 291512, 3, 321);


-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 3.2.4
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Aug 20, 2010 at 02:03 PM
-- Server version: 5.0.91
-- PHP Version: 5.2.6


-- Database: `games`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `bb_Event`

  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `typeId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `isComplete` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `sportId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `startTime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `endTime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `deleteTimeOffset` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `venueId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `statusId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `rootPartId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `note` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `parentId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `parentPartId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `popularity` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `promotionId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `currentPartId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `typeId` (`typeId`)

-- Dumping data for table `bb_Event`

INSERT INTO `bb_Event` (`id`, `typeId`, `isComplete`, `sportId`, `name`, `startTime`, `endTime`, `deleteTimeOffset`, `venueId`, `statusId`, `rootPartId`, `url`, `note`, `parentId`, `parentPartId`, `popularity`, `promotionId`, `currentPartId`) VALUES
(186722046, 1, 1, 1, '', 1282410900, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, '', '', 152261683, 1, 0, 0, 0),
(186722047, 1, 1, 1, '', 1282497300, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, '', '', 152261683, 1, 0, 0, 0),
(186722048, 1, 1, 1, '', 1282410000, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, '', '', 152261683, 1, 0, 0, 0),
(186722049, 1, 1, 1, '', 1282492800, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, '', '', 152261683, 1, 0, 0, 0);



thats the tables dump file


btw I have another table called bb_Participant

this table stored the name of each team, the participantRoleId in the table 'bb_EventParticipantRelation', id the 'id' for that table,

I guess thats a diffrent matter for now


Thank you

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Just created those tables with that data and (other than me looking for eventId on the events table, now changed to Id) it appears to work fine:-


FROM bb_Event a
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation b ON a.eventId = b.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MAX(participantId) AS maxParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) c ON b.eventId = c.eventId AND b.participantId = c.maxParticipantId
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation d ON a.eventId = d.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MIN(participantId) AS minParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) e ON d.eventId = e.eventId AND d.participantId = e.minParticipantId


You might want to narrow down the data returned to something like this:-


b.participantId AS team_1,
b.participantRoleId AS team_1_role,
d.participantId AS team_2,
d.participantRoleId AS team_2_role
FROM bb_Event a
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation b ON a.Id= b.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MAX(participantId) AS maxParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) c ON b.eventId = c.eventId AND b.participantId = c.maxParticipantId
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation d ON a.Id= d.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MIN(participantId) AS minParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) e ON d.eventId = e.eventId AND d.participantId = e.minParticipantId


All the best



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That should work as well


b.participantId AS team_1,
b.participantRoleId AS team_1_role,
d.participantId AS team_2,
d.participantRoleId AS team_2_role
FROM bb_Event a
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation b ON a.Id= b.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MAX(participantId) AS maxParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) c ON b.eventId = c.eventId AND b.participantId = c.maxParticipantId
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation d ON a.Id= d.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MIN(participantId) AS minParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) e ON d.eventId = e.eventId AND d.participantId = e.minParticipantId
WHERE a.parentId = 152261683


ParentId is an integer field so no need for the quotes around the value (although that doesn't affect it working or not).


It doesn't put out max or min participant directly, it is just using that to make sure that the 2 different participants are brought back for one event. Would be easier if (say) the team role was always 1 and 2 (hence asking earlier if "Do you have a way of identifying them, ie a marker to say the 1st or 2nd team for the event?").


Where are the team names stored? If on another table then it should be easy enough to JOIN to that table and save the function call.


All the best



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Hi mate


Really appreseate your help with this


I have attached 2 screen shots, one shws the results when I run my script, you will notic the fixture diffrent in the send image which is the new script,


I have to admin your script is very very fast, but the fixtures are wring



Thank you


[attachment deleted by admin]

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Bit stumped, and think I would need all the data to create the 2 pages to work it out.


Only thing that springs to mind would be the ORDER BY clause. I never put one in the SQL I wrote, but that could give you the issue you are having if you haven't added one.


b.participantId AS team_1,
b.participantRoleId AS team_1_role,
d.participantId AS team_2,
d.participantRoleId AS team_2_role
FROM bb_Event a
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation b ON a.Id= b.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MAX(participantId) AS maxParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) c ON b.eventId = c.eventId AND b.participantId = c.maxParticipantId
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation d ON a.Id= d.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MIN(participantId) AS minParticipantId FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId) e ON d.eventId = e.eventId AND d.participantId = e.minParticipantId
WHERE a.parentId = 152261683
ORDER BY team_1_role ASC, a.startTime, team_1, team_2 ASC


All the best



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Hi mate


have attached the sql for 3 tables containing fill data


the 3rd table is the bb_Participant


the participantId in the bb_events table is the id in bb_Participant to get the team name


this table has all the team names


Thank you


[attachment deleted by admin]

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Spotted the problem.


The problem is due to the ordering, and then I think how your script processes it. The ones that appear are the ones where the home team is team 1 and the away team is team 2. When returned the other way round I think your script drops them.


I have a feeling your current script might be returning every line twice, once with the teams one way round and again with the teams the other way round (probably why epr1.participantRoleId ASC is in the sort clause, to push the duplicates to the end).


This should give you what you want, but you will have to add an index on participantRoleId on the bb_EventParticipantRelation table (otherwise it will run like a dog). Also an index on eventId  on the bb_EventParticipantRelation table.


SELECT a . * ,  b.participantId AS team_1, b.participantRoleId AS team_1_role, f.name, d.participantId AS team_2, d.participantRoleId AS team_2_role, g.name
FROM bb_Event a
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation b ON a.Id = b.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MIN( participantRoleId ) AS minParticipantRoleId 
FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId )c ON b.eventId = c.eventId
AND b.participantRoleId = c.minParticipantRoleId
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation d ON a.Id = d.eventId
INNER JOIN (SELECT eventId, MAX( participantRoleId ) AS maxParticipantRoleId
FROM bb_EventParticipantRelation WHERE parentParticipantId = '0' GROUP BY eventId )e ON d.eventId = e.eventId
AND d.participantRoleId = e.maxParticipantRoleId
INNER JOIN bb_participant f ON b.participantId = f.Id
INNER JOIN bb_participant g ON d.participantId = g.Id
WHERE a.parentId =186563308
ORDER BY team_1_role ASC , a.startTime, team_1, team_2 ASC


If participantRoleId is always 1 or 2 for a team then you could simplify it to


SELECT a . * ,  b.participantId AS team_1, b.participantRoleId AS team_1_role, f.name, d.participantId AS team_2, d.participantRoleId AS team_2_role, g.name
FROM bb_Event a
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation b ON a.Id = b.eventId AND participantRoleId = 1
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation d ON a.Id = d.eventId AND participantRoleId = 2
INNER JOIN bb_participant f ON b.participantId = f.Id
INNER JOIN bb_participant g ON d.participantId = g.Id
WHERE a.parentId =186563308
ORDER BY team_1_role ASC , a.startTime, team_1, team_2 ASC


All the best



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Hi mate

the 1st sql showed loding after case sensitive issue


SELECT a . * ,  b.participantId AS team_1, b.participantRoleId AS team_1_role, f.name, d.participantId AS team_2, d.participantRoleId AS team_2_role, g.name
FROM bb_Event a
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation b ON a.Id = b.eventId AND participantRoleId = 1
INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation d ON a.Id = d.eventId AND participantRoleId = 2
INNER JOIN bb_participant f ON b.participantId = f.Id
INNER JOIN bb_participant g ON d.participantId = g.Id
WHERE a.parentId =186563308
ORDER BY team_1_role ASC , a.startTime, team_1, team_2 ASC


trying this geting

Column 'participantRoleId' in on clause is ambiguous




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Doh, my fault. Copied the wrong version from where I typed it and missed the bits to specify the tables.


SELECT a . * ,  b.participantId AS team_1, b.participantRoleId AS team_1_role, f.name, d.participantId AS team_2, d.participantRoleId AS team_2_role, g.name

FROM bb_Event a

INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation b ON a.Id = b.eventId AND b.participantRoleId = 1

INNER JOIN bb_EventParticipantRelation d ON a.Id = d.eventId AND d.participantRoleId = 2

INNER JOIN bb_participant f ON b.participantId = f.Id

INNER JOIN bb_participant g ON d.participantId = g.Id

WHERE a.parentId =186563308

ORDER BY team_1_role ASC , a.startTime, team_1, team_2 ASC


All the best



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this script is super fast :)


thank you, I will do more testing to make sure all games are right

I think u was right about my script, it was returnign dupes


btw it is very important for me to have the team_1 as home team

is this happening in this case?

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