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Need some help using line breaks.


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I've been making a program for school there is nothing wrong with the program itself except I don't know how to add line breaks inside a fwrite command.


I'll show the code below so I can explain a little easier.


The part in bold is where I need line breaks, any advice would be great.





<form action="IO1.PHP" method="post">



<label for="StrAccount"><b>Account:</b></label>

<input type="text" name="StrAccount" id="StrAccount" />

<input type="submit" name="submit"/>





/* Customers Information */


$Customer[0] = "Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva";

$Customer[1] = "J.T. Wang";

$Customer[2] = "Admiral Mike Mullen";

$Customer[3] = "Barack Obama";

$Customer[4] = "Ron Bloom";


$Phone[0] = "1234 5678";

$Phone[1] = "5678 1234";

$Phone[2] = "0000 1234";

$Phone[3] = "1234 0000";

$Phone[4] = "0000 0000";


$Title[0] = "The Shawshank Redemption";

$Title[1] = "The Godfather";

$Title[2] = "The Godfather: Part II";

$Title[3] = "Inception";

$Title[4] = "Sergio Leone's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly";


$Cost[0] = "$1.00";

$Cost[1] = "$2.00";

$Cost[2] = "$3.00";

$Cost[3] = "$4.00";

$Cost[4] = "$5.00";


$Return[0] = "01/01/2010";

$Return[1] = "01/02/2010";

$Return[2] = "01/03/2010";

$Return[3] = "01/04/2010";

$Return[4] = "01/05/2010";


if (isset($_POST["submit"]))


$Text = fopen ("Customers.txt", 'w');

$StrAccount = $_POST["StrAccount"];


if ($StrAccount == $Customer[0])



echo "<p><b>$Customer[0], $Phone[0], $Title[0], $Cost[0], $Return[0]</b></p>";

fwrite ($Text, $Customer[0]);

fwrite ($Text, $Phone[0]);

fwrite ($Text, $Title[0]);

fwrite ($Text, $Cost[0]);

fwrite ($Text, $Return[0]);



elseif ($StrAccount == $Customer[1])



echo "<p><b>$Customer[1], $Phone[1], $Title[1], $Cost[1], $Return[1]</b></p>";

fwrite ($Text, $Customer[1]);

fwrite ($Text, $Phone[1]);

fwrite ($Text, $Title[1]);

fwrite ($Text, $Cost[1]);

fwrite ($Text, $Return[1]);



elseif ($StrAccount == $Customer[2])



echo "<p><b>$Customer[2], $Phone[2], $Title[2], $Cost[2], $Return[2]</b></p>";

fwrite ($Text, $Customer[2]);

fwrite ($Text, $Phone[2]);

fwrite ($Text, $Title[2]);

fwrite ($Text, $Cost[2]);

fwrite ($Text, $Return[2]);



elseif ($StrAccount == $Customer[3])



echo "<p><b>$Customer[3], $Phone[3], $Title[3], $Cost[3], $Return[3]</b></p>";

fwrite ($Text, $Customer[3]);

fwrite ($Text, $Phone[3]);

fwrite ($Text, $Title[3]);

fwrite ($Text, $Cost[3]);

fwrite ($Text, $Return[3]);



elseif ($StrAccount == $Customer[4])



echo "<p><b>$Customer[4], $Phone[4], $Title[4], $Cost[4], $Return[4]</b></p>";

fwrite ($Text, $Customer[4]);

fwrite ($Text, $Phone[4]);

fwrite ($Text, $Title[4]);

fwrite ($Text, $Cost[4]);

fwrite ($Text, $Return[4]);






echo "<p><b>This Account Does Not Exist.</b></p>";









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"\n" is new line

BTW you could shorten your code by using a variable for the Customer/phone/etc number.




$what_cust_num = 1;
echo "<p><b>$Customer[$what_cust_num], $Phone[$what_cust_num ], $Title[$what_cust_num ], $Cost[$what_cust_num ], $Return[$what_cust_num ]</b></p>";
$save_string = $Customer[$what_cust_num] . "|" . $Phone[$what_cust_num] . "|" . $Title[$what_cust_num] . "|" . $Cost[$what_cust_num] . "|" . $Return[$what_cust_num] . "\n";

fwrite ($Text, $save_string);

would put all the info into one line, with pipe "|" as separator and a new line at the end


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