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check fields in db and overwrite one


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I have a page where a user can change his password


what i want to acheive is a way of checking the database if the text the user has entered in the textboxes already exist in the db, and if it does exist change a certain part.


for example the user goes to the address, types in the email, user name and password twice.  if the username and email match in the db i would like the password to write over the old password that was in the db.


i keep confusing myself when i think i know what im doing but i keep stumbling.


i know this sounds a bit confusing so please ask if you need more understanding.


so far ive got:



if( $_POST['submitted'] == 'yes' ) {
     if( $_POST['pass_1'] != $_POST['pass_2'] ) {
          // fields don't match, so do something to indicate the error . . .
	  echo '<p>Passwords Do Not Match</p>';
 // connect to the db
 $query="select * from user where uname='$n' and email='$e'";

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="uname" id="uname" size="30">
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" size="30">
<input type="password" name="pass_1" />
<input type="password" name="pass_2" />
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value ="yes" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change Password" />


just by looking at my code again i think its not right at all, the first php bit is only checking the password textboxes. i think i need to remove my email and username out of that form and put them in another. am i right?  sorry im not that good at php or mysql


thanks in advance and sorry for such a long read

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I think a different approach my be a little bit easier. Typically, When I have user info that can be updated, I present the user with a form to edit the fields.


The trick is to preload the form with the correct data from the database, so that when the user submit's the update, any field they want to edit is updated with one update query and the data from the form.


Let me know if that makes sense or not.

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Here is a little example. I havent actually ran this, but this is a dry version of what I am talking about...



$id = $_GET['id']; //set the user id from the url

if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST"){ //if the update form has been submitted

//get the form data
$first = $_POST['first'];
$last = $_POST['last'];

//update the database
$update = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `first` = '$first', `last` = '$last' WHERE `id` = '$id'");

//load the form data
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `first`, `last` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$id'"));

//load the form with and update message
echo "Successfully Updated";

<form action="update.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>" method="post">
<input type="text" name="first" value="<?php $user['first'];?>">
<input type="text" name="last" value="<?php $user['last'];?>"


} else { //the update form has not been submitted

//load the form data
$user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `first`, `last` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '$id'"));

//load the form

<form action="update.php?id=<?php echo $id;?>" method="post">
<input type="text" name="first" value="<?php $user['first'];?>">
<input type="text" name="last" value="<?php $user['last'];?>"




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if my users dont have an id but instead check username (uname) would this be it?

$update = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `first` = '$first', `last` = '$last' WHERE `uname` = '$id'");


this has confused me just a bit more when i want to change just there password.  i understand being able to change everything is a good idea whcih i think i might stick with. but if i was to check if uname and email exist (as that is the only way of telling them part... i know not great) how would iupdate the password when i already have two textboxes that need to match first


i think thats a little confusing let me know if you need me to explain it a bit better

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if($_POST['submitted'] == 'yes' ) {
     if( $_POST['pass_1'] != $_POST['pass_2'] ) {
          // fields don't match, so do something to indicate the error . . .		  
	  echo '<p>Passwords Do Not Match</p>';
 // connect to the db
 $query="select * from user where uname='$n' and email='$e' or die(mysql_error());";
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 if($result = 1)
 	//insert values into certain places

	 echo '<p>ERRRRRRROR!</p>';

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="uname" id="uname" size="30">
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" size="30">
<input type="password" name="pass_1" />
<input type="password" name="pass_2" />
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value ="yes" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change Password" />

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I defnintly do not recommend giving your users the ability to update the database this way.. If they can guess a uname and email pair, then can change other peoples passwords... But here is an update just updating the password field.



if($_POST['submitted'] == 'yes' ) {

     if( $_POST['pass_1'] != $_POST['pass_2'] ) {
          // fields don't match, so do something to indicate the error . . .		  
	  echo '<p>Passwords Do Not Match</p>';
     $pass = $_POST['pass_2'];
 // connect to the db
 $query="select * from user where uname='$n' and email='$e' or die(mysql_error());";
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 if($result = 1)
 	//insert values into certain places
 	$update_query = mysql_query("UPDATE `user` SET `pass` = '$pass' WHERE `uname` = '$n' AND `email` = '$e'");




	 echo '<p>ERRRRRRROR!</p>';


<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="uname" id="uname" size="30">
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" size="30">
<input type="password" name="pass_1" />
<input type="password" name="pass_2" />
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value ="yes" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change Password" />

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ill try and break it down for you:


a person has forgotten his or her password

they enter there username and a contact email address

a email is sent to them with a web link to change the password

they enter in there username and there orgiinal email address they registered with and the password they want to change twice for security

if their username and email address match the ones theyve entered and the passwords all okay write the new password into the db.

if username or email dont match show an error,

i know at the top of my code i have that bit of php to check if the password textboxes match thats something i need to keep as they need to match to even continue aswell


i am using sessions on the pages that need you to be logged in. when i log into my blog it has session start() at the top etc.

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So this script is essentially open to anyone who can guess a username and password match. I wouldn't, recommend doing it this way, but here is a way to semi-secure the script and update the password.


Again, I havent tested this, so it might have a error or two..



$p1 = $_POST['pass1'];
$p2 = $_POST['pass2'];	
$referrer = $_SERVER['REFERRER'];	

//if form submitted

//check to see if passwords match
if($p1 == $p2){

	//db config stuff

	//check to see if username and email exists
	$user_exists = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uname` = '$n' AND `email` = '$e'"));

	if($user_exists == 1){ //if there is one username and email pair

		//update the password
		$update_pass = mysql_query("UPDATE `user` SET `password` = '$p2' WHERE `uname` = '$n' AND `email` = '$e'");

		echo "Successfully Updated";

	} else { //cannot find 1 username and email pair

		echo 'Username and Email Pair does not exist. Go back and try again <a href="'.$referrer.'">here</a>';


} else { //passwords do not match

	echo "Passwords Do Not Match";
	echo 'Username and Email Pair does not exist. Go back and try again <a href="'.$referrer.'">here</a>';




<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="uname" id="uname" size="30">
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" size="30">
<input type="password" name="pass_1" />
<input type="password" name="pass_2" />
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value ="yes" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change Password" />

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it kinda works. but i cant log in. it changes my password but if the fist textbox doesnt match the second it still changes it.  the only problem is i cant log in any more


update_pass = mysql_query("UPDATE `user` SET pw=md5('$p2') WHERE `uname` = '$n' AND `email` = '$e'");

all ive changed is putting the password into the db using md5.


ill attach my login page (please bare in mind its not the best log in page but i now cant log in at all when i update the password


[attachment deleted by admin]

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it kinda works. but i cant log in. it changes my password but if the fist textbox doesnt match the second it still changes it.  the only problem is i cant log in any more


update_pass = mysql_query("UPDATE `user` SET pw=md5('$p2') WHERE `uname` = '$n' AND `email` = '$e'");

all ive changed is putting the password into the db using md5.


ill attach my login page (please bare in mind its not the best log in page but i now cant log in at all when i update the password




i now cant get it to write to my database at all. when the passwords dont match it still says sucsefully updated and i cant work out why

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this is my final code. i found out why it wasnt writing to the db because the $_POST['pass1'] which it should have been pass_1



$p1 = $_POST['pass_1'];
$p2 = $_POST['pass_2'];
$referrer = $_SERVER['REFERRER'];

//if form submitted

//check to see if passwords match
if($p1 == $p2){

	//db config stuff

	//check to see if username and email exists
	$user_exists = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uname` = '$n' AND `email` = '$e'"));

	if($user_exists == 1){ //if there is one username and email pair

		//update the password

		$update_pass = mysql_query("UPDATE `user` SET `pw` = md5('$p2') WHERE `uname` = '$n' AND `email` = '$e'");

		echo "Successfully Updated";

	} else { //cannot find 1 username and email pair	

			echo 'Username and Email Pair does not exist. Go back and try again <a href="'.$referrer.'">here</a>';


} else { //passwords do not match

		echo 'Passwords Do Not Match Go back and try again <a href="'.$referrer.'">here</a>';

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="uname" id="uname" size="30">
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" size="30">
<input type="password" name="pass_1" />
<input type="password" name="pass_2" />
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value ="yes" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change Password" />


what do you suggest to make it more secure? as i should learn to make it better

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I setup a little test.. its working for me. Is it working for you? You could add some security questions for starters.


Then if you wanted to add more, you could also create a temporary password that is sent to the email, and force the user to type that one in and change it on their next login...

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Captcha would not be a security question.. A security question would be similar to "Your Pets First Name." Basically, its a question that only the user would know the answer to.


You wouldnt need to create a function for the new password. You could just do something like this. then update the database with it and email it to the user.


$time = time();
$random_number = rand(2,10);
$temp_password = substr(md5($time * $random_number), 0, -25);

echo $temp_password;


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ahhh i kinda understand the temp password bit, so when they create a user you create a question and the answer goes into a field in the db and witth the change password bit it doesnt only check the email and username but it checks the security password aswell.


the login bit still confuses me how would they know which user to redirect when youve given them a temp password?

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This would take a few steps..


First, add three fields to your DB.. Question, Answer and temp.


To support the security question add the question and answer input to your password reset script..


Next, for the temporary password, add some value to the temp field on `user` when the password is reset.. maybe "true". Tell the login script to check if the `temp` field is true or not.. if it is, send the user to a page where they have to reset their password. Understand?

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to make life simple could i have a simple question like name of first school and then everyone types in the answer for first school?


Next, for the temporary password, add some value to the temp field on `user` when the password is reset.. maybe "true". Tell the login script to check if the `temp` field is true or not.. if it is, send the user to a page where they have to reset their password. Understand?


if i understand correctly i would do an if statement like


if (temp_pw == true)
{ header(www..........)
{header (home.php)


is that right?

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