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Array keys and values, extracting and forming a string.


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What I'm trying to do is take two arrays and combine them using array_combine. After they are combined I want to take each key and value pair and use them in a string to build a MySQL query. See below for some pseudo-code  =D


$fields = array('first_name', 'last_name'); //the fields that will be set with an UPDATE query.
$newvals = array('Joe', 'Blow');//The values that will go into $fields

$arr = array_combine($fields, $newvals);//Each value now has a key of the field it will update.

This is where I want to return my SET string with something like 'SET ' . $arr['first_name']  ' = ' . $arr['first_name_value'] ', etc etc.


There it is, I suppose. Are there any easier ways of doing what I'm trying to accomplish, that is, am I on the right track or just making things harder for myself?

Both arrays will have dynamic values throughout my application, so I need to be able to get both each field and value for each query. Any links to some constructs, etc, etc? That's all I really need and I can post the solution when I've figured it out. :)

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Got it.

I've used a combination of substr, key, current, and next.

See how I implemented it below:

function set($fields, $newvals) {

	if ( is_array($fields) && is_array($newvals) ) {

		if ( count(array_diff_key($fields, $newvals)) !== 0 ) {
			Error::toss('query', 1, 'Array lengths must match in ' . __METHOD__); //Method in some other class I've written to toss an error if arrays aren't same length.
		else {
			$arr = array_combine($fields, $newvals); //combine the two arrays
			$q = ''; //So there isn't a warning about an undeclared variable.
				while ( $field = current($arr) ) {
						$q .= key($arr) . ' = \'' . current($arr) . '\', '; //Prints out $field = '$value', 
						next($arr); //Move to next element in array.

			$q = substr($q, 0, -2); //After the string is completed, remove 2 chars from the end (extra ", ")

//going to throw in what to do if neither are arrays.

	$this->qbuild .=  'SET ' . $q; //Return my SET query with the values I need,


Hope that helps someone.

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