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Passing Values to Functions


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hi guys :D

im back for more php questions

hope you dont get annoyed


function getvalue($num)
echo "<input type='text' name='txt1' value='$num'>";
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="txt1" id="txt1" value="0">
<input type="button" name="btn1" id="btn1"  value="1" onclick="getvalue(1);">
<input type="button" name="btn2" id="btn2"  value="2" onclick="getvalue(2);">


here is my code

my question is

  • how can i pass the values at the php function?
  • how can i display the passed value to the textbox txt1? is this code correct? echo "<input type='text' name='txt1' value='$num'>";


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you place a variable in the the piece between ()


your function is:

function getvalue($num)
echo "<input type='text' name='txt1' value='$num'>";


So you would do:

$string = 'mooOOoO';



There is also a way with return() (within the function) which you might want to look in.

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<input type="button" name="btn1" id="btn1"  value="1" onclick="getvalue(1);">

<input type="button" name="btn2" id="btn2"  value="2" onclick="getvalue(2);">[/code]


That is not going to call your PHP function. The web browser is going to assume that getvalue() call is a javascript function and throw an error saying getvalue() is not defined.


To call your PHP function from there you need to enclose the function call inside normal <?php ?> tags. That said, if you used the correct syntax there it would not make sense to be inserting an <input> tag inside an onclick attribute.

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<input type="button" name="btn1" id="btn1"  value="1" onclick="getvalue(1);">

<input type="button" name="btn2" id="btn2"  value="2" onclick="getvalue(2);">[/code]


That is not going to call your PHP function. The web browser is going to assume that getvalue() call is a javascript function and throw an error saying getvalue() is not defined.


To call your PHP function from there you need to enclose the function call inside normal <?php ?> tags. That said, if you used the correct syntax there it would not make sense to be inserting an <input> tag inside an onclick attribute.


is this correct now?

i've tried what you've said

here is the code: its a simple display of 1 and 2

$display = 0;
global $display;
function getvalue($num)
<form action="calcu.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="display" id="display" readonly="readonly" value="<?php echo $display?>">
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="1" onclick="<?php getvalue(1)?>">
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="2" onclick="<?php getvalue(2)?>">


but it doesnt display 1 or 2


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$display = 0;

function getvalue($num)
$display ="1";
$display ="2";
return $display;
<form action="calcu.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="display" id="display" readonly="readonly" value="<?php echo $display; ?>">
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="1" onclick="<?php echo getvalue(1); ?>">
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="2" onclick="<?php echo getvalue(2)?>">

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Hi there,

$display = 0;
global $display;
function getvalue($num){
   return $display.="1";
return $display.="2";


You need to return from a function if the data is held in a var & not echoed


EDIT: Beaten to it!




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tried what you guys said

but it doesnt work


$display = 0;
global $display;
function getvalue($num)
<form action="calcu.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="display" id="display" readonly="readonly" value="<?php echo $display?>">
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="1" onclick="<?php getvalue(1);?>">
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="2" onclick="<?php getvalue(2);?>">

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What you're trying won't work because JavaScript and PHP aren't the same thing.  PHP is finished processing by the time JavaScript enters the scene.  Therefore, you can't plug a PHP function into a JavaScript event (at least, not without doing things that are clearly beyond your present ability).


To further clarify, your PHP function will fire twice.  In both cases, if you're lucky, the proper return value will then be assigned to the JavaScript onclick event (I actually think it will be a null result, since you don't assign your return value to anything in PHP, but it doesn't really matter).  onclick=1 and onclick=2 doesn't mean anything.  It's gibberish, and won't magically set the values you want on the page.


And this isn't even touching on you trying to use 'global' (in short, don't do it.  it's a crutch, and a bad one at that.  learn to write functions properly) or the syntax errors.


What you should do is get a couple of good beginner PHP and JavaScript books, because you have some misunderstandings at the fundamental level which are too broad and deep to properly address on a forum.

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theres a couple of php books here what should i get?


thats the only problem i have passing values to functions  :-[


and displaying it


No offense, but since you clearly don't grasp the difference between PHP and JavaScript, let alone how to use them together, I'd say you have more problems than just writing functions.


As for books, the Visual Quickstart Guide for PHP is pretty good.  In general, books from either O'Reilly Publishing or APress Publishing are good.

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alright i will look for that book

but can you please have a solution for my problem?


It's unclear what the problem is and so not possible to provide a solution. It looks as though you're trying to change the label of the button when it is clicked, is that correct? From the code you're putting numbers or a string into the onclick attribute of a button - this makes no sense and there is no logical reason to do that.

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$display = 0;
global $display;
function getvalue($num)
<form action="calcu.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="display" id="display" readonly="readonly" value="<?php echo $display?>">
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="1">
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="2">

edited it sorry for being so noob -__-

got no reference to study

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      $buttonVal = $_POST['num'];

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">

      <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ?>" method="post">
         1 <input name="num" type="radio" value="1" />
         2 <input name="num" type="radio" value="2" />
         <br /><br />
         Number entered: <input name="display" type="text" value="<?php if(isset($buttonVal)){ echo $buttonVal; } ?>" />
         <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />



Notice that there's:


1. No function.  For something this simple, no function is necessary.

2. No JavaScript, which was one of your main problems from before.

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sorry for the super late reply i became busy so i kinda tryin to edit what NightSlyr posted but again i failed

      $buttonVal = $_POST['btn1'];

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">

      <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ?>" method="post">
         Display: <input name="display" type="text" value="<?php if(isset($buttonVal)){ echo $buttonVal; } ?>" />
         <input type="submit" value="1" name="btn1" id="btn1" />


how can i display the value of the button everytime i clicked it?

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sorry for the super late reply i became busy so i kinda tryin to edit what NightSlyr posted but again i failed

      $buttonVal = $_POST['btn1'];

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">

      <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ?>" method="post">
         Display: <input name="display" type="text" value="<?php if(isset($buttonVal)){ echo $buttonVal; } ?>" />
         <input type="submit" value="1" name="btn1" id="btn1" />


how can i display the value of the button everytime i clicked it?




You don't have a button named submit in your form now.  That means your PHP code at the top will never work.


The superglobal $_POST array works by using the names of your HTML form inputs.  $_POST['submit'] maps to <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />, just as $_POST['username'] would map to something like <input type="text" name="username" />.  Take note of the parts that are bold.


Have you bought that book yet?  You'll learn a lot more with a good book than reading free tutorials of questionable quality and throwing a bunch of code at the wall to see what actually sticks.

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sorry for the super late reply i became busy so i kinda tryin to edit what NightSlyr posted but again i failed

      $buttonVal = $_POST['btn1'];

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">

      <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ?>" method="post">
         Display: <input name="display" type="text" value="<?php if(isset($buttonVal)){ echo $buttonVal; } ?>" />
         <input type="submit" value="1" name="btn1" id="btn1" />


how can i display the value of the button everytime i clicked it?




You don't have a button named submit in your form now.  That means your PHP code at the top will never work.


The superglobal $_POST array works by using the names of your HTML form inputs.  $_POST['submit'] maps to <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />, just as $_POST['username'] would map to something like <input type="text" name="username" />.  Take note of the parts that are bold.


Have you bought that book yet?  You'll learn a lot more with a good book than reading free tutorials of questionable quality and throwing a bunch of code at the wall to see what actually sticks.


i cant find the book you were saying here  :shrug:


i got your point so if i renamed if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to if(isset($_POST['btn1'])) will it display the value of btn1?

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i cant find the book you were saying here  :shrug:


Book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321245652/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d5_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0HH9YVTWDYSW8PDR0NB9&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846


That's about as good a primer on beginning PHP you can find.


i got your point so if i renamed if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to if(isset($_POST['btn1'])) will it display the value of btn1?


Yes, that's right.

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last 1 and it will be marked as solved!! :D

i will buy the book as soon as possible

$buttonVal = 0;
$compute = 0;
$newnum = 0;
$display =0;
$text = 0;
global $buttonVal, $compute, $newnum, $display, $text;

function setNum($text)
		$buttonVal = $text;
		$buttonVal = $buttonVal . $text;

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">

      <form action="omg.php" method="post">
         Display: <input name="display" type="text" readonly="readonly" value="<?php echo $buttonVal; ?>" /><br>
         <input type="submit" value="1" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="2" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	<input type="submit" value="3" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="4" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="5" name="btn1" id="btn1" /><br>
	 <input type="submit" value="6" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="7" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="8" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="9" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="0" name="btn1" id="btn1" /><br>
	 <input type="submit" value="+" name="btn2" id="btn2" />
	 <input type="submit" value="-" name="btn2" id="btn2" />
	 <input type="submit" value="*" name="btn2" id="btn2" />
	 <input type="submit" value="/" name="btn2" id="btn2" />
	 <input type="submit" value="=" name="btn2" id="btn2" />




im done with the displayin, but whats the prob here nao? it doesnt display the $buttonVal but when you echo it, it echoes the right value

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last 1 and it will be marked as solved!! :D

i will buy the book as soon as possible

$buttonVal = 0;
$compute = 0;
$newnum = 0;
$display =0;
$text = 0;
global $buttonVal, $compute, $newnum, $display, $text;

function setNum($text)
		$buttonVal = $text;
		$buttonVal = $buttonVal . $text;

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">

      <form action="omg.php" method="post">
         Display: <input name="display" type="text" readonly="readonly" value="<?php echo $buttonVal; ?>" /><br>
         <input type="submit" value="1" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="2" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	<input type="submit" value="3" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="4" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="5" name="btn1" id="btn1" /><br>
	 <input type="submit" value="6" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="7" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="8" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="9" name="btn1" id="btn1" />
	 <input type="submit" value="0" name="btn1" id="btn1" /><br>
	 <input type="submit" value="+" name="btn2" id="btn2" />
	 <input type="submit" value="-" name="btn2" id="btn2" />
	 <input type="submit" value="*" name="btn2" id="btn2" />
	 <input type="submit" value="/" name="btn2" id="btn2" />
	 <input type="submit" value="=" name="btn2" id="btn2" />




im done with the displayin, but whats the prob here nao? it doesnt display the $buttonVal but when you echo it, it echoes the right value


1. Never, ever, ever use 'global' to pass data into a function.  It's bad programming, pure and simple.  Use the function's argument list.  That's why it's there.


2. You don't use most of the variables you declare.


3. HTML elements cannot share names or ids.  Think about it - a name or an id is supposed to be a unique identifier, right?  Unique means one and only one.


4. Have you tried executing your code more than once?  From what I can see, the display will only ever show 1 because you never assign the old values to anything.  $text, in particular, is never initialized or assigned to.


Like Thorpe said, re-read our earlier replies.  I gave you a solution that works and can be easily modified to suit your needs.  We're not going to spoon-feed you the answer, especially since this appears to be a homework problem.


Instead of panicking, take a breath and truly look at the code I gave you.  You have everything except the final solution.  Try to see how it all connects.

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i got your point so if i renamed if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to if(isset($_POST['btn1'])) will it display the value of btn1?


If you're just checking if a form has been posted use


   // it's submitted


This is better than if(isset($_POST['submit'])) or if(isset($_POST['btn1'])) because it's not reliant on a single form field.

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