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Mysql_Fetch_Array Problem


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I am having a problem with my script not returning anything! I echo the variable usually it will say ARRAY and it has something in it.. Nothing at all it coming up no errors I have put or die in it, nothing. I tried error_reporting(E_ALL); , still nothing.


If someone can help me with this, I will greatly appreciate it.


~AJ :)


//Get Catagorys and echo
$getCatagorys = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `catagory`") or die("Query failed with error: ".mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($getCatagorys, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
echo '	<tr>
        		<td class="catagoryTD" width="550">'.$row['catagoryTitle'].'</td>
        		<td class="catagoryTD" width="75"><center>Threads</center></td>
        		<td class="catagoryTD" width="75"><center>Posts</center></td>
        		<td class="catagoryTD" width="170"><center>Last Post</center></td>

//Get SubCatagorys and echo			
$catagoryID = $row['catagoryID'];
$getSubCatagory = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `subcatagory` where catagoryID = '$catagoryID'");
while($subrow = mysql_fetch_array($getSubCatagory, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
	$subCatagory = $subrow['subcatagoryID'];	

	//Get Stats for number of threads
	$threads = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM entry WHERE subcatagoryID = '$subCatagory'") or die(mysql_error());
	$num_threads = mysql_num_rows($threads);

	//Get Stats for number of entrys(posts)		
	$posts = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE subcatagoryID = '$subCatagory'") or die(mysql_error());
	$num_posts = mysql_num_rows($posts);

	//Find newest post and find what thread it is from
	$lastPost = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `posts` ORDER BY `posts`.`postCreated` DESC") or die(mysql_error());
	while($lastPostReturn = mysql_fetch_array($getSubCatagory, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
		echo $lastPostReturn;	

	//Grab User and thread number and date
	$lastPostUser = $lastPostReturn['postUser'];
	$lastPostCreated = $lastPostReturn['postCreated'];
	$lastPostEntry = $lastPostReturn['entryID'];

	//Find the title of the thread and generate URL\
	$lastPostThread = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `entry` WHERE entryID = '$lastPostEntry'");
	while($lastPostThreadReturn = mysql_fetch_array($lastPostThread, MYSQL_ASSOC)){


			echo '	<tr>
        				<td><a href="catagory.php?id='.$subrow['subcatagoryID'].'">'.$subrow['subcatagoryTitle'].'</a></td>


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This may sound stupid, but above this code you need a connection.(en close it in the end)

Are you sure you are connected to the database, because everything on this page depends on that.

And if you do have a connection, maybe try to split all the while loops up for testing. Do they work separate?

are you using <?  ?> or  <?php ?>


I didn't count the brackets, but if I had this long code i would have separated each pieces to have it work and after that put it together. ::)


So not a solution, but hopefully still something useful.

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this part of your code doesn't make too much sense.... ;


		//Find newest post and find what thread it is from
	$lastPost = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `posts` ORDER BY `posts`.`postCreated` DESC") or die(mysql_error());
	while($lastPostReturn = mysql_fetch_array($getSubCatagory, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
		echo $lastPostReturn;	

	//Grab User and thread number and date
	$lastPostUser = $lastPostReturn['postUser'];
	$lastPostCreated = $lastPostReturn['postCreated'];
	$lastPostEntry = $lastPostReturn['entryID'];


seems that you want just the latest post, therefore your select should use the LIMIT 1 at the end... and also your WHILE is using the $getSubCategory instead of $lastPost... on top of that is you are retrieving only one $lastPost you don't need a WHILE loop at all... you can use just a $lastPostReturn = mysql_fetch_assoc($lastPost) for a final code like this:


//Find newest post and find what thread it is from
	$lastPost = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `posts` ORDER BY `posts`.`postCreated` DESC LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());

	$lastPostReturn = mysql_fetch_assoc($lastPost);

	//Grab User and thread number and date
	$lastPostUser = $lastPostReturn['postUser'];
	$lastPostCreated = $lastPostReturn['postCreated'];
	$lastPostEntry = $lastPostReturn['entryID'];


after that part... your next  WHILE

		//Find the title of the thread and generate URL\
	$lastPostThread = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `entry` WHERE entryID = '$lastPostEntry'");
	while($lastPostThreadReturn = mysql_fetch_array($lastPostThread, MYSQL_ASSOC)){



is also wrong... nothing inside of the WHILE loop, therefore why use it ?... the solution is the same as before if you are recovering just 1 record....


hope this help


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