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Website and Lack of skills


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Hello Php Freaks!


I have decided to create a website and got exactly how i want it in my head, but the problem is.... i can't really program any php, so i've been reading different tutorials for every bit of those things i need for my site.... Still its very hard.... So i were wondering if anyone could give me some help? A tutorial, or help me with the errors i encounter and so on.


Here is what i plan on getting:

(The site will be for a guild in a game)


1. Login

2. News

3. Some sort of photo/video archieve

4. Rankings

5. Profile pages (With name, age, character name and so on).

6. Medals (Hooked up with Rankings mostly).

7. Private messages

8. Application site

9. calender


And thats it, its quite alot of work... But i believe that if i read though alot of tutorials i miiight get it all done one day... But first i guess i gotta learn how to set up a site so it looks good xD!...


- Seems like im a lost cause, anyways... anybody who got any kind of help ?... Would be soo appriciated.


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Sadly, I think that lot will take a little longer than a day. Especially if you haven't got any skills, but I hope you prove me wrong! Do you know any html or CSS?

I recommend the following tutorials:


general stuff knowledge.




specific stuff

this has a login, register, members area, and log out script tutorial



opensource calender



I'd really just google what tutorials you need and buy a good book on php. You might be able to get some open source scripts and sew them together(like php-calender), that'll speed things up. Good luck!


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My advice is to buy the book "core web application development with PHP andh Mysql". Prior to reading this one I was at a complete loss with all the tutorials out there. Also I had tried many other books (not all of them were bad but I liked this one better for some reason).


Tutorials will teach you how to do basic stuff fast but I don't think you will learn to code effectively without a good grasp of what is going one with PHP and Mysql. More like they will teach you how to implement (not in the bast ways always) some basic stuff and make things "kinda" work. This book is excellent for a novice and although it is written in 2005 you can still benefit a lot.


Btw something that it does not cover is ORM systems like doctrine (after all I think they became big later than 2005) and although they might be advanced for someone just starting to code I would definitely recommend learning one of them as it will BOOST your productivity and quality of code as well as it will help you do more advanced stuff later on. (http://www.doctrine-project.org/)


For the time being however don't bother with ORM. Just buy the book (or find it from a friend or whatever) and read it. You don't need to learn it by heart just study through the OOP and MySQL part and try to grasp how PHP works and what you should do in certain occasions (many of them are just what you asked for).


As already was said certainly you will not be done in a day. Aim for 3 months (if you have other work to do except for reading and writing code). If you focus you can do it in 1 month, maybe :).

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install xammp if your using windows, then start playing with some code, i was where you are 8 months ago and my knowledge and help from my colegues/friends has helped no end.


if you need any help let PM me and i will do all i can, if you a need a basis to start i have some scripts for logins etc that i used when learning PHP (when i jumped in the deep end) and these are well commented and simple to grasp!


i'm not an expert but i will help if possiable!


Have fun and welcome

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Create a new table in phpMyAdmin called "news" and create two fields: newsitem, and id.

Set the index for ID to "unique" and the extra option to "auto increment".


$admin = 'your ip'; //Change this to your IP
$visitor_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (visitor_ip == $admin) { //checks for admin IP
$host="localhost"; // Host name
$username="username"; // Mysql username
$password="password"; // Mysql password
$db_name="database"; // Database name
mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect to server");
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); 
$newsitem = $_POST["newsbody"]; //you will need a form on a .php or .html page named 'newsbody' followed by a submit button, etc etc.
$newsitem = mysql_real_escape_string($body); 

$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (newsitem) VALUES ('$newsitem')"); //you can change news, newsitem to the name of the table/field in your db
} else {
die("You are not an admin!");

Then on a page where you want your news to appear you would put


<div id="html1" style="font-family:arial; font-size: 12px"> //change this if you want, was just using on my site so it looks right
mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or
    die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());

$result = mysql_query("SELECT newsitem FROM news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); 
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
    printf("%s", $row[0]); //to add more just do $row[1], $row[2].. etc etc and %s you can do something like "News: %s" or whatever



if you need anymore help just send a pm or sumthin  :)

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