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Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted??


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I tried to add some more if statements to check for validation and I'm now getting this error.  The "on line ###" changes depending how many fields are FALSE.



Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in /home/content/f/u/s/fusionfashion/html/registration.php on line 133


I think it has to do with the php.ini file.  So I added the memory_limit in the php.ini file.


register_globals = off
allow_url_fopen = off

expose_php = Off
max_input_time = 60
variables_order = "EGPCS"
extension_dir = ./
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
precision = 12
memory_limit = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
SMTP = relay-hosting.secureserver.net
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset="



But I'm still getting the error.  How to I check my php version and this value within a browser? 

<?php phpinfo() ?>

  Found this. 


Its showing 64M in LOCAL and MASTER.  But I just updated the local?

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What is wrong with my code?  (The memory errors started happening when I added more IF statements inside the WHILE loop)


My Code:

$submit = $_POST['submit'];
// Form Data
$firstname = strip_tags($_POST['firstname']);
$lastname = strip_tags($_POST['lastname']);
$address = strip_tags($_POST['address']);
$email = strip_tags($_POST['email']);
$repeatemail = strip_tags($_POST['repeatemail']);
$phone = strip_tags($_POST['phone']);
$salonname = strip_tags($_POST['salonname']);
$salonaddress = strip_tags($_POST['salonaddress']);
$salonprov = strip_tags($_POST['salonprov']);
$salonpostal = strip_tags($_POST['salonpostal']);
$salonconfirm = strip_tags($_POST['salonconfirm']);
$enewsletter = strip_tags($_POST['enewsletter']);
$saloncountry = strip_tags($_POST['saloncountry']);
$password = strip_tags($_POST['password']);
$repeatpassword = strip_tags($_POST['repeatpassword']);
$username = strip_tags($_POST['username']);
$date = date("Y-m-d");
// Set e-mail recipient
$myemail = "info@fusionfashionhair.com";

$errormsg['MissAll'] = "Please Enter in ALL Fields!";
$errormsg['ErrFirstName'] = "Please Enter Valid First Name";
$errormsg['ErrLastName'] = "Please Enter Valid Last Name";
$errormsg['ErrAdd'] = "Please Enter Valid Address";
$errormsg['ErrEmail'] = "Please Enter Valid Email";
$errormsg['ErrEmailMatch'] = "Your Email address do not match!";
$errormsg['ErrPhone'] = "Please Enter Valid Phone Number";
$errormsg['ErrPassLngt'] = "Password must be between 6 and 32 characters";
$errormsg['ErrPassMatch'] = "Password do not match!";
$errormsg['ErrSalNam'] = "Please Enter Valid Salon Name";
$errormsg['ErrSalAdd'] = "Please Enter Valid Salon Address";
$errormsg['ErrProv'] = "Please Select Province/State";
$errormsg['ErrPstl'] = "Please Enter Valid Postal/Zip Code";
$errormsg['ErrCntry'] = "Please Select Country";
$errormsg['ErrSalPro'] = "Please Confirm Salon Professional";
$errormsg['ErrSecCode'] = "Please Enter Security Code";
$errormsg['ErrEmailUsed'] = "Email Address already being used. Please us an alternate Email";
$errormsg['PlaceHold'] = "";
$errortrack[] = $errormsg['PlaceHold'];

//echo $_SESSION[key].' - '.$_POST[user_code].'<br>';
if ($_POST[submit]){
if ($errorstop = "go") {
	// loop through if statements until forms completed
	while ($errorstop<>"stop")

		if ($_SESSION[key]==$_POST[user_code]){
		} else {
			//echo "False - Stop 0";
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrSecCode'];

		if (strlen($firstname)>1||strlen($firstname)<26) { 
			//echo "TRUE";
		} else {
			//echo "False - Stop 0";
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrFirstName'];

		if (strlen($lastname)>1||strlen($lastname)<26) { 
			//echo "TRUE";
		} else {
			//echo "False - Stop 0";
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrLastName'];

		if (strlen($address)>1||strlen($address)<26) { 
			//echo "TRUE";
		} else {
			//echo "False - Stop 0";
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrAdd'];

		// Call it with the code below
		$email = trim($_POST['email']);
		if(!checkEmail($email)) {
			// echo 'Invalid email address!';
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrEmail'];
		} else {
			// echo "Email is Valid";
			$errorstop="stop"; //Get out of while loop

		// checks email input match
		if ($email<>$repeatemail) { 
			// echo "<p>Emails do not match!</p>";
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrEmailMatch'];
		} else {

		// check phone input match
		if ($phone) { 
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrPhone'];
		} else {

		//check password length
		if (strlen($password)>32||strlen($password)<6) {
			// echo '<p class="formecho">Password must be between 6 and 32 characters</p>';
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrPassLngt'];
		} else {
		} //end of password length check	

		// check password input match
		if ($password<>$repeatpassword) { 
			// echo "<p>Passwords do not match!</p>";
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrPassMatch'];
		} else {
		// checks email input match

		if (strlen($salonname)>1||strlen($salonname)<26) { 
			//echo "TRUE";
		} else {
			//echo "False - Stop 0";
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrSalNam'];

		if (strlen($salonaddress)>1||strlen($salonaddress)<26) { 
			//echo "TRUE";
		} else {
			//echo "False - Stop 0";
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrSalAdd'];

		// Checks Proper input of Province/State
		if ($salonprov=="Please Select" || $salonprov=="------------") {
			// echo '<p class="formecho">Please Select a Valid Province/State!</p>';
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrProv'];
		} else {

		if ($salonpostal) { 
			//echo "TRUE";
		} else {
			//echo "False - Stop 0";
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrPstl'];

		// Checks Proper input of Country
		if ($saloncountry=="Please Select") {
			// echo '<p class="formecho">Please Select a Valid Country!</p>';
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrCntry'];
		} else { 
		}// End checks Country input

		// Checks Proper input Salon Confirmation
		if (isset($_POST['$salonconfirm'])=="1") {
			// echo '<p class="formecho">Please Confirm You are your Salon</p>';
			$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrSalPro'];
		} else {
		} // End checks Salon Confirm input

	}//End While Loop

	include "dbConfig.php";
	// table is mysql table, WHERE FIELD_NAME ='text'" OR =>='10'"; or VAR = '.$variable.')

	// SQL grabs records
	// * means "ALL RECORDS" or use FIELD_NAME, FIELD_NAME2 instead of *
	// $usertable = user where user is the TABLE 
	// use WHERE FIELD_NAME = '$email'  variable
	$SQL = "SELECT email FROM {$usertable} WHERE email = '{$email}' ";

	// mysql_query() is used to send a SQL query to database and returns TRUE or FALSE, or FILE HANDLE if using SELECT
	// $result = mysql_query($SQL); only POINTS to results
	$result = mysql_query($SQL);

	// mysql_fetch_assoc($result) GETS RESULTS from $result
	// assoc or associative array brings keys as text Array['One'] =, Array['Two']= and NOT Array[1]=
	// Place results into $db_field Array		
	$db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

	if ($result) {
		$db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
		//echo $db_field['email'] .' '.'has already been used!';
		$errortrack[] = $errormsg['ErrEmailUsed'];
	} else {
		// Thank you Page
		$insertGoTo = "thankyou.php";
		header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));

		// encrypt password
		$temppass = $password;
		$password = md5($password);
		$repeatpassword = md5($repeatpassword);

		// dBase file
		include "dbConfig.php";
		//open database
		//generate random number for activation process
		$random = md5(rand(23456789,987654321));

		// register the user!
		// Set default username
		$username = $email;

		// INSERT INTO user...  replace user with table name
		// make sure you have the same number and order of values as the database has
		$queryreg = mysql_query("

		INSERT INTO user VALUES ('','$firstname','$lastname','$username','$password','$date','$email','$phone','$address','$salonname','$salonaddress','$salonprov','$salonpostal','$saloncountry','$salonconfirm','$enewsletter','$random','0')");

		//Insert ID based on last ID in database
		$lastid = mysql_insert_id();

		//send activation email
		$to = $email;  //Change to $myemail to send activation to webmaster
		$subject = "Activate Salon Member Acctount at Fusion Fashion Hair";
		$headers = "From:  webmaster@fusionfashionhair.com";
		$server = "mail.fusionfashionhair.com";

		//change php.ini and set SMTP to $server

		$body = "

		$firstname $lastname from $salonname is wanting a membership, \n\n

		Please click on the link provided below to activate the account with Fusion Fashion Hair
		http://www.fusionfashionhair.com/activate.php?id=$lastid&code=$random \n\n

		Username = $username \n

		Thank you,

		Customer Service

		//function to send email
		mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);

	} //End if Result

 // End check for existance
} else {
// echo '<p class="formecho">Please fill in <b>ALL</b> fields!</p>';
$errortrack[] = $errormsg['MissAll'];
} //End if GO check

}// End if Sumbit


// checkEmail function checks standard email format same as preg_match()
// checkEmail function checks DSN records using checkdnsrr  Use list() to seperate name and domain using split function
// Check to see if domain and username is active
// uses fsockopen() to check if its in use using port 25
function checkEmail($email) {
// checks proper syntax
if(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)+$/" , $email)) {

	// gets domain name
	// checks for if MX records in the DNS
	if(!checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX')) {
		return false;
	return true;
return false;

function checkStringText($str) {
// checks proper syntax
//if(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)+$/" , $firstname)) {

//Removes white space, null, tabs, new lines from both sides
// Strips HTML Tags
if(preg_match('^[0-9]+:/[\s|\n|\t|*|@|&|/',$str)) {
	echo "special char found!";

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