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Undefined Index but page still works?!


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Please can soemone help me here? I am getting Undefined Index but my page still works?!


here is the line it is erroring on:


$page = mysql_escape_string($_GET['page']);
	$start = ($page - 1) * $limit; 
	$start = 0;	

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mysql_escape_string can't be used outside of a mysql query string as its a function specific to mySQL and not php, as most mysql_<whatever> are.


If your worried about someone injecting something via the $_GET variable you will need to filter it through other means.


Heres a quick dirty function I made sometime back that usually does the job for me, though I'm sure there's either ways to improve this function, or just a better way all around to handle this.



function cleaner4inputs($theInput){
$theOutput = stripslashes($theInput);
$theOutput = htmlspecialchars($theOutput, ENT_QUOTES);
$theOutput = str_replace("'", "\\'", $theInput);
//$theOutput = htmlentities($theOutput);
return $theOutput;

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mysql_escape_string can't be used outside of a mysql query string as its a function specific to mySQL and not php, as most mysql_<whatever> are.


If your worried about someone injecting something via the $_GET variable you will need to filter it through other means.


Heres a quick dirty function I made sometime back that usually does the job for me, though I'm sure there's either ways to improve this function, or just a better way all around to handle this.



function cleaner4inputs($theInput){
$theOutput = stripslashes($theInput);
$theOutput = htmlspecialchars($theOutput, ENT_QUOTES);
$theOutput = str_replace("'", "\\'", $theInput);
//$theOutput = htmlentities($theOutput);
return $theOutput;


That is not correct. As long as a connection to the database has been made, mysql_real_escape_string() is fine to use. It does not have to be used only within the query string.


As for your function, stripslashes is unnecessary unless magic_quotes_gpc = On, htmlspecialchars() is unnecessary to insert data into a database, and the str_replace() you've set up doesn't escape control characters.


In the case of the OP, since it appears that the incoming GET var is expected to be numeric, it would be appropriate to validate it as such, and cast it as an integer.


if( isset($_GET['page']) && ctype_digit($_GET['page']) ) {
      $page = (int) $_GET['page'];
      $start = ($page - 1) * $limit;
      $start = 0;   

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here is my page code

// Check user logged in already:
<!doctype html>
<title>Retro and Vintage</title>
<meta name="description" content="xxx" />
<meta name="keywords" content="xxx" />
<meta name="Content-Language" content="en-gb" />
<meta name="robots" content="FOLLOW,INDEX" />
<meta name="revisit-after" content="2 days" />
<meta name="copyright" content="jbiddulph.com" />
<meta name="author" content="John Biddulph - Professional web site design and development in the south of england mainly worthing and brighton" />
<meta name="distribution" content="Global" />
<meta name="resource-type" content="document" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/reset.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" title="default" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style1.css" title="1" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style2.css" title="2" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/stylechanger.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.2.1.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function lookup(inputString) {
	if(inputString.length == 0) {
		// Hide the suggestion box.
	} else {
		$.post("rpc.php", {queryString: ""+inputString+""}, function(data){
			if(data.length >0) {
} // lookup

function fill(thisValue) {
	setTimeout("$('#suggestions').hide();", 200);
<?php if($messages) { displayErrors($messages); }?>
<div id="title">
	<h1>My Pub Space
	 <a href="#" onClick="setActiveStyleSheet('default'); return false;"><img src="images/0.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="css style" /></a> <a href="#" onClick="setActiveStyleSheet('1'); return false;"><img src="images/1.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="css style" /></a> <a href="#" onClick="setActiveStyleSheet('2'); return false;"><img src="images/2.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="css style" /></a>
		 <form method="post" class="textbox" action="search1.php">
				City/Town: <input type="text" size="26" class="searchbox" value="" id="inputString" onKeyUp="lookup(this.value);" onBlur="fill();" />

			<div class="suggestionsBox" id="suggestions" style="display: none;">
				<img src="images/upArrow.png" style="position: relative; top: -36px; left: 105px; z-index:1;" alt="upArrow" />
				<div class="suggestionList" id="autoSuggestionsList">
			<input type="image" src="images/go.png" height="30" with="30" value="GO" />
	</span>		</h1>
	<li class="selected"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
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<section id="intro">
	<h2>Your social guide to going down the pub, online!</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut.</p>
<img src="images/pub.jpg" alt="pub" /> </section>
<div id="content">
<div id="mainContent">
		<article class="blogPost">
				<h2>This is the title of a blog post</h2>
				<p>Posted on
					<time datetime="2009-06-29T23:31+01:00">June 29th 2009</time>
					by <a href="#">Mads Kjaer</a> - <a href="#comments">3 comments</a></p>

$targetpage = "default.php"; 	
$limit = 20; 

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM $tableName";
$total_pages = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
$total_pages = $total_pages['num'];

$stages = 3;
$page = mysql_escape_string($_REQUEST['page']);
if( isset($_REQUEST['page']) && ctype_digit($_REQUEST['page']) ) {
      $page = (int) $_GET['page'];
      $start = ($page - 1) * $limit;
      $start = 0;   

    // Get page data
$query1 = "SELECT * FROM $tableName LIMIT $start, $limit";
$result = mysql_query($query1);

// Initial page num setup
if ($page == 0){$page = 1;}
$prev = $page - 1;	
$next = $page + 1;							
$lastpage = ceil($total_pages/$limit);		
$LastPagem1 = $lastpage - 1;					

$paginate = '';
if($lastpage > 1)

	$paginate .= "<div class='paginate'>";
	// Previous
	if ($page > 1){
		$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$prev'>previous</a>";
		$paginate.= "<span class='disabled'>previous</span>";	}

	// Pages	
	if ($lastpage < 7 + ($stages * 2))	// Not enough pages to breaking it up
		for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
			if ($counter == $page){
				$paginate.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
				$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$counter'>$counter</a>";}					
	elseif($lastpage > 5 + ($stages * 2))	// Enough pages to hide a few?
		// Beginning only hide later pages
		if($page < 1 + ($stages * 2))		
			for ($counter = 1; $counter < 4 + ($stages * 2); $counter++)
				if ($counter == $page){
					$paginate.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
					$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$counter'>$counter</a>";}					
			$paginate.= "...";
			$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$LastPagem1'>$LastPagem1</a>";
			$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$lastpage'>$lastpage</a>";		
		// Middle hide some front and some back
		elseif($lastpage - ($stages * 2) > $page && $page > ($stages * 2))
			$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=1'>1</a>";
			$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=2'>2</a>";
			$paginate.= "...";
			for ($counter = $page - $stages; $counter <= $page + $stages; $counter++)
				if ($counter == $page){
					$paginate.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
					$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$counter'>$counter</a>";}					
			$paginate.= "...";
			$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$LastPagem1'>$LastPagem1</a>";
			$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$lastpage'>$lastpage</a>";		
		// End only hide early pages
			$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=1'>1</a>";
			$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=2'>2</a>";
			$paginate.= "...";
			for ($counter = $lastpage - (2 + ($stages * 2)); $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
				if ($counter == $page){
					$paginate.= "<span class='current'>$counter</span>";
					$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$counter'>$counter</a>";}					

			// Next
	if ($page < $counter - 1){ 
		$paginate.= "<a href='$targetpage?page=$next'>next</a>";
		$paginate.= "<span class='disabled'>next</span>";

	$paginate.= "</div>";		

echo $total_pages.' Results';
// pagination
echo $paginate;



	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

	echo '<li>'.$row['rsPubName'].', '.$row['rsTown'].', '.$row['rsCounty'].'</li>';
	if	($_SESSION["rsUser"] == "admin")
	echo "<a href=\"edit.php?PUBID=".$row['PubID']."\" class=\"small\">edit this pub</a>";


	<section id="comments">
			<header> <a href="#">George Washington</a> on
				<time datetime="2009-06-29T23:35:20+01:00">June 29th 2009 at 23:35</time>
			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut.</p>
			<header> <a href="#">Benjamin Franklin</a> on
				<time datetime="2009-06-29T23:40:09+01:00">June 29th 2009 at 23:40</time>
			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut.</p>
			<header> <a href="#">Barack Obama</a> on
				<time datetime="2009-06-29T23:59:00+01:00">June 29th 2009 at 23:59</time>
			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut.</p>
	<form action="#" method="POST" method="post">
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	<section id="about">
		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco <a href="#">laboris nisi ut aliquip</a> ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>
	<section id="blogroll">
			<li><a href="#">NETTUTS+</a></li>
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	<section id="popular">
			<li><a href="#">This is the title of a blog post</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Duis aute irure dolor</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Reprehenderit in voluptate velit</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a></li>

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