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executing PHP within user-supplied content


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i'm creating a small app for someone who wants to control the content of each page from a DB.


effectively it'd be a template file with header, footer, etc all pre-built, and the content area supplied from a TEXT field in a MySQL table - basically the same idea wordpress uses.


this is all fine, but a couple pages would require some php - e.g., a list of events or users or articles, whatever, that are managed in different tables.


i can do this with eval - something like:


function render_content($string) {
eval("?>$string<?php ");
$returns = ob_get_contents();
return $returns;


but i wonder if there's a better way.  i can probably limit whatever code needs to be executed in include files, so i thought maybe include some arbitrary tag and use regexp to parse it out...  maybe modeled after a conditional comment, e.g.,


// or even...


but, again, not thrilled with the approach, and wondered if anyone had a better idea.


i should probably mention that it's not going to be a "content or include" setup - it probably won't be one or the other, exclusively, and is likely to be a mix on those pages that require it - the php might need to appear before, after, or in the middle of whatever arbitrary markup the user happens to supply, e.g.


<h1>This is a list of stuff</h1>
<p>Some explanation lorem ipsum dolor sit ahmet.</p>
<?php include('some-file.inc.php'); ?>
<em>But this caveat applies to the above list.</em>
  Something totally unrelated.
  <img src="pic.jpg" />


not sure I explained that very well, but hopefully the concept comes across.




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