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Fckeditor empty non-editable textarea when on Wampserver


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I have encountered a problem and I am not even sure it's stricty PHP-related. The problem is with website I want to migrate to a better hosting provider and I also have to edit the code to make it PHP 5 compatible.


I have a news editing panel that uses FCKEditor. There are 3 fields: date, news title, and news text. The first two are OK, but the textarea is empty and non-editable, i.e. I cannot click in it to put the cursor inside.


The problem only exists on my local Wampserver (PHP 5.3.0). When I upload all the files to the old hosting server (PHP 5.2.5) the textarea is editable.


Here is the code that loads the news editing page:


class page extends admin{

function page(){

	if(isset($_GET['do'])) {
			mysql_query("DELETE FROM news WHERE id = '$_GET[id]'");
			mysql_query("DELETE FROM news_text WHERE parent = '$_GET[id]'");

			$sql="UPDATE news SET ".$this->post_insert(array("date"))." WHERE id = '$_GET[id]'";
			echo $sql;

			//insert lang values

// Sub menu Buttos
var $sub_menus=array(
	array("Списък новини","news"),
	array("Добави новина","add_news")

//Sub menu generation
function sub_menu(){
		echo "<li><a href=\"?nav=".$this->sub_menus[$i][1]."\">".$this->sub_menus[$i][0]."</a></li>";

// Language form template
function lang_form($name,$id){
	echo '
			<div class="line"><label>Име: </label> 
			<input name="name_'.$id.'" class="text" style="width:450px;" 
					value="'.$this->get_sql_value("SELECT * FROM news_text WHERE parent='$_GET[id]' AND lang='$id'","name").'" type="text" />
			<div class="line"><label>Съдържание: </label></div>';
			$oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('content_'.$id);
			$oFCKeditor->BasePath = 'includes/fckeditor/';
			$oFCKeditor->Height= '500px';
			$oFCKeditor->Value= $this->get_sql_value("SELECT * FROM news_text WHERE parent = '$_GET[id]' AND lang='$id'","content");


$p=new page();

<div id="left">
	<?php echo $p->sub_menu(); ?>

<div id="center">
<h1>Amalipe.com / Администрация / Новини / Редакция на новина</h1>
<form name="add" id="add" action="" method="post">	
		<legend>Основна информация</legend>
		<div class="line"><label>Дата: </label> 
		<input name="date" class="text" type="text" value="<?php echo $p->get_value("news","date"); ?>" /></div>
	<?php $p->lang_forms(); ?>
	<input value="Промени" class="btn" type="submit" />


The encoded characters you see in the code are Cyrillic names.


At first I thought this had something to do with the FCKEditor version so I upgraded it to the last one (FCKeditor_2.6.6) but nothing changed.


On my local Wampserver I have two PHP versions - 5.2.9-2 and 5.3.0 - neither works. I have also added 5.2.5 to see if this changes anything but no, it doesn't - the textarea is still empty and non-editable.


I hope I can get some help!



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Problem solved. I don't know how.


I switched to PHP 5.2.5 a couple of times. Clicked through the different menu items for editing, e.g. News, Programs, Projects, and when I returned to News, the textarea suddenly became editable.


I then switched back to PHP 5.3.0 and it was still editable.


I will not close the topic as Solved yet, because the problem is unknown and will appreciate any comments that may help me, or other users who happen to encounter this problem.

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