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Comparing two numbers


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Hey I have a quick question.

I am trying to have a part of this PHP script compare two numbers.

There is a randomly generated two-digit number named $random and

There is another two digit number named $number.

I want to make it so the PHP checks to see if $number has any of the same charcters as $random.

I don't know how to do this though. I suspect that somehow both numbers need to be broken apart somehow.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Let me know if I should explain it more clearly :)

Thanks a ton!

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I want to have a user input a two-digit number in a form, then the number is passed onto a php page where another two-digit number is generated.

I have made this all, but I am having trouble with the part where the two numbers are compared.

What I want to have happen is this:


If the two two-digit numbers share any of the same characters, then it will say "shared" (ie 18 & 17...or 45 & 57)

If they share both the same characters, but the characters are in the wrong places (ie 28 & 82), then it will say "shared shared"

If they don't share anything, then it will say "nothing"  (ie 28 & 17)

If they both have the same characters in the same places, then it will say "perfect" (ie 11 & 11)


I really do hope this clears up any confusion.

I hope somebody can help me through with this problem.

Thanks a ton!

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$a = "12"; $b = "92";
if (strlen(count_chars($a . $b, 3)) < 4) {
    // one or more repeated numbers
} else {
    // four unique digits


That won't work if one of the numbers is for example 11, 22, 33, 44 and so on, it will say a number is repeated between the two variables when it isn't.


This will do it, and it will work on  numbers or strings of any length:



$a = 32;
$b = 83;

$found = false;

for($i=0; $i<strlen($a); $i++)
$num = substr($a, $i, 1);

if(strpos($b, $num) !== false)
	$found = true;

echo 'A charcter exists in both variables';
echo 'None of the variables share a character';


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Thanks I read about all of the functions you used and I understand how this works!

That's just what I needed!

But I would like to know still how I would handle the following situation:



$a = 28

$b = 82

How would I make it so it says "shared shared" since there are two shared characters?


Does that question make sense?

Your time is greatly appreciated thank you so much!

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In that case:



$a = 32;
$b = 23;

$found = 0;

for($i=0; $i<strlen($a); $i++)
$num = substr($a, $i, 1);

if(strpos($b, $num) !== false)

if($found > 0)
// $found contains the amount of shared characters, so here just loop that amount and echo 'shared'
for($i=0; $i<$found; $i++)
	echo 'shared ';
echo 'None of the variables share a character';


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