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if statment help


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Hi guys, hopfully you can help me write out an if Statment;


basically i want to make an "IF" statment to check if the user has purchased a "ticket" within the last 24 hours, if so echo YES if not echo NO


the 'ticket' database is setup as follows:








purchaseDate - Example:" 20101228 11:59:25"


it will include the WHERE clause of "username =$username"


can someone help me please, im not good with time based stuff..

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86400 Seconds are in a day, since timestamps are measured in seconds we want to check if the purchase was made in the last 86400 seconds.


As desjardins2010 pointed out, you are missing some information, so this is sort of generic.


$inTheLastDay = (time()-strtotime($purchaseDate)<86400) ? TRUE : FALSE;

echo ($inTheLastDay) ? "Yes" : "No";


The first line checks if the current time is less than one day after the purchase time, if it is (meaning they purchased in the last day), it returns true, otherwise it will return false.


The next outputs Yes if the first line is true, and No if it's false.

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ok here is my ticketpurchase page.



header('Location: index.php');

include "connect.php";

$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
$ticketNumber = $_POST[ticketNumber];
//echo $_POST[ticketNumber];
$today = date("Ymd G:i:s");

$querySold = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE promoID='$_POST[promoID]'&&ticketNumber='$ticketNumber';") or die(mysql_error());
//echo $querySold;
$sold = mysql_fetch_assoc($querySold);
//echo $sold;

//check if ticket is sold

$queryBal = mysql_query("SELECT user_iskbalance FROM users WHERE username = '$user';") or die(mysql_error());
//echo $querySold;
//echo $user;
$balArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryBal);
$bal = $balArray[user_iskbalance];
$newBal = $bal-$_POST[ticketPrice];

//check if user has bought more than 1 ticket

//check if he has the money to buy the ticket
	//remove the money
	$queryBalRemoveal = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `user_iskbalance`='$newBal' WHERE `username`='$user';") or die(mysql_error());

	//buy ticket
	$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tickets(promoID, username, charID, ticketNumber, ticketPrice, purchaseDate) VALUES ('$_POST[promoID]', '$user', '$id', '$_POST[ticketNumber]', '$_POST[ticketPrice]', '$today');") or die(mysql_error());
die("Insufficent balance. Please add more ISK")	;

die("Ticket has been Sold!");	


there is already an if statement to check if user has the credit to purchase i wanted to add a second check to see if any tickets have been purchased in the last 24 hours, so check if user has balance AND bought a ticket within 24 hours.

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ok changed it to date time and the following sql statment works;


SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE username = '$username' AND HOUR(TIMEDIFF(NOW() , purchaseDate)) < 24


so back to original question, how do i add this to the above PHP page code as an if statment.


also wanted to restrict users buying more than 1 ticket per auctionID how can i achieve this?

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And also when user tries to buy tickets you have to check:

SELECT auctionid FROM tickets WHERE user = 'username' AND auctionid = 'auctionid_user_is_buying'


If that returns a row, you'll know the user already has a ticket to that auction

if(mysql_affected_rows($conn) > 0)
    //Already bought a ticket to that auction
    // Not bought

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ok i understand the if statments. im not sure where they all need to sit in the following page code:




header('Location: index.php');

include "connect.php";

$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
$ticketNumber = $_POST[ticketNumber];
//echo $_POST[ticketNumber];
$today = date("Ymd G:i:s");

$querySold = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE auctionID='$_POST[auctionID]'&&ticketNumber='$ticketNumber';") or die(mysql_error());
//echo $querySold;
$sold = mysql_fetch_assoc($querySold);
//echo $sold;

//check if ticket is sold

$queryBal = mysql_query("SELECT user_iskbalance FROM users WHERE username = '$user';") or die(mysql_error());
//echo $querySold;
//echo $user;
$balArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryBal);
$bal = $balArray[user_iskbalance];
$newBal = $bal-$_POST[ticketPrice];

//check if he has the money to buy the ticket
	//remove the money
	$queryBalRemoveal = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `user_iskbalance`='$newBal' WHERE `username`='$user';") or die(mysql_error());

	//buy ticket
	$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tickets(auctionID, username, charID, ticketNumber, ticketPrice, purchaseDate) VALUES ('$_POST[auctionID]', '$user', '$id', '$_POST[ticketNumber]', '$_POST[ticketPrice]', '$today');") or die(mysql_error());
die("Insufficent balance. Please add more ISK")	;

die("Ticket has been Sold!");	

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I would change this row to return results also when the user has bought a ticket to that auction:

$querySold = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE auctionID='$_POST[auctionID]'&&ticketNumber='$ticketNumber';") or die(mysql_error());



$querySold = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE auctionID='$_POST[auctionID]' AND (ticketNumber='$ticketNumber' OR username = 'username');") or die(mysql_error());


Now the query will look up the tickets for $_POST[auctionID] and check if either of those conditions match in any of those auctions. Now you can just say that 'you have already bought a ticket to this auction or someone bought the ticket already'

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I would change this row to return results also when the user has bought a ticket to that auction:

$querySold = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE auctionID='$_POST[auctionID]'&&ticketNumber='$ticketNumber';") or die(mysql_error());



$querySold = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE auctionID='$_POST[auctionID]' AND (ticketNumber='$ticketNumber' OR username = 'username');") or die(mysql_error());


Now the query will look up the tickets for $_POST[auctionID] and check if either of those conditions match in any of those auctions. Now you can just say that 'you have already bought a ticket to this auction or someone bought the ticket already'


That worked thank you VERY much, now i can only purchase 1 ticket maximum =)


now where do i place the code for checking if user has bought other tickets in last 24 hours and allow them to buy if they have and fail if they havnt.

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its a complicated system.


basically the below code enables players to buy a "promo" ticket and not normal tickets.


I want to restrict these "promo" tickets somewhat with the following 2x rules;


Users must ONLY be able to purchase 1 ticket ONLY (this is now working!!)

User must of bought at least 1 "normal" ticket in the last 24 hours.



This is the process form:

<form action="buy_ticket2.php" method="post">
                                            <input type="hidden" name="ticketNumber" value="<? echo($tt); ?>" />
                                            <input type="hidden" name="promoID" value="<? echo $promoID; ?>" />
                                            <input type="hidden" name="ticketPrice" value="<? echo $ticketPrice[ticketPrice]; ?>" />
                                            <input type="submit" value="Buy Ticket <? echo $tt; ?>" class="btn">


This is buy_ticket2.php



header('Location: index.php');

include "connect.php";

$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
$ticketNumber = $_POST[ticketNumber];
//echo $_POST[ticketNumber];
$today = date("Ymd G:i:s");

$querySold = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE promoID='$_POST[promoID]' AND (ticketNumber='$ticketNumber' OR username = '$user');") or die(mysql_error());

//echo $querySold;
$sold = mysql_fetch_assoc($querySold);
//echo $sold;

//check if ticket is sold

$queryBal = mysql_query("SELECT user_iskbalance FROM users WHERE username = '$user';") or die(mysql_error());
//echo $querySold;
//echo $user;
$balArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryBal);
$bal = $balArray[user_iskbalance];
$newBal = $bal-$_POST[ticketPrice];

//check if he has the money to buy the ticket
	//remove the money
	$queryBalRemoveal = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `user_iskbalance`='$newBal' WHERE `username`='$user';") or die(mysql_error());

	//buy ticket
	$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tickets(promoID, username, charID, ticketNumber, ticketPrice, purchaseDate) VALUES ('$_POST[promoID]', '$user', '$id', '$_POST[ticketNumber]', '$_POST[ticketPrice]', '$today');") or die(mysql_error());
die("Insufficent balance. Please add more ISK")	;

die("Ticket has been Sold!");	



here is the Database Layout:

auctionID - Example "23"

promoID - Example "2"

username - "Username"

charID - "56934958"

ticketNumber "8"

ticketPrice "56000000"

purchaseDate - Example:" 20101228 11:59:25"


i can tell in the database if a user has purchased a ticket to a normal auction as the auctionID colum has data, if a ticket is bought to a promo auction this column stays empty. and vice versa.


Hope that explains it a little more?  :D

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What about this? Change all this to your code. Keep your old commented ;) Haven't tested this one.

$queryBal = mysql_query("SELECT t1.username, t2.user_iskbalance AS balance FROM tickets AS t1 LEFT JOIN users AS t2 ON t1.username = t2.username WHERE t1.username = '$user' AND HOUR(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), t1.purchaseDate)) < 24;") or die(mysql_error());

$balArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryBal);
if(count($balArray) > 0)
     // User has bought a ticket last 24 hour,
     // Get balance
     $bal = $balArray['balance'];
     die("You haven't bought a ticket in the past 24 hours");
//check if he has the money to buy the ticket
    $newBal = $bal-$_POST[ticketPrice];

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