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Insert labels of checked checkboxes in database


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I use the following code to generate a scrollable checkbox list of options:


<form action="SCRIPT.php">

	$expList = array('Engineering ','Science', 'Art', 'IT', 'Electronics', 'Communications');

                $tmp = array();
	$i = 1;
	$tmp[] = '<ul style="height: 95px; overflow: auto; width: 200px; border: 1px solid #480091; list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;">';
	foreach ($expList as $option) {
     			$tmp[] = '<li id="li'  . $i . 'b"><label for="chk' . $i . 'b"><input name="chk' . $i . 'b" id="chk' . $i . 'b" type="checkbox" onchange="Enable(\'chk' . $i . 'b\',\'li' . $i . 'b\')">' . $option . '</label></li>';
	$tmp[] = '</ul>';
	echo implode("\n",$tmp) . "\n";

<input type="submit">

But there are in fact over 50 options (not just 6) and they are in fact stored in an array $expList in an external php file called LISTS.php.


As you can see, the checkbox list consists of checkboxes chk1b, chk2b, chk3b, etc. with associated labels (Art, Communications, Electronics, etc.).


What I need in SCIPT.php is code that will insert each of the labels where the associated checkbox has been checked in my MySQL database. E.g. in this particular case: if chk1b & chk3b have been checked, 'Art' & 'Electronics' will be inserted. Also, I want the label of the first checked checkbox to be inserted in the (database) table column 'Exp1', the 2nd one in 'Exp2'.........25th one in 'Exp25' (I already have a script that allows a maximum of 25 checkboxes to be checked).


I'm guessing some sort of 'foreach' loop is required, but I can't quite work it out. Pls help!


Many thanks!

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change chkbox name and add value attribute

$tmp[] = '<li id="li'  . $i . 'b"><label for="chk' . $i . 'b"><input name="chk_b[' . $i . ']" id="chk' . $i . 'b" type="checkbox" value ="'.$option.'"onchange="Enable(\'chk' . $i . 'b\',\'li' . $i . 'b\')">' . $option . '</label></li>';

and on submit page do

foreach $_POST['chk_b'] as $index => $option) echo $index, ' -> ', $option, '<br />\n';

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Thanks for your help so far!


I've modified your code slightly to the following:

$i = 1;
foreach ($_POST['chk_b'] as $index => $option) 
echo $option, '<br>';
"$"."EXP".$i = '$option';


Because I want to do the following:

1) print each option on-screen

2) assign $EXP1=first selected option, $EXP2=2nd selected option......... $EXP6=6th selected option, etc. (N.B. not neccesarily $EXP6=option with index 6)


1) is working

2) is not, can you see why? (it's probably a very elementary error, but I'm new to this stuff)


3) Also, the final thing I want to do is, once $EXP1, $EXP2, etc. have been assigned, to then insert $EXP1 in the MySQL table column #n, $EXP2 in column #n+1, $EXP3 in column #n+2, etc.


I'm familiar with how to connect to MySQL and insert data when all the variable names are known, but in this case I don't know how many 'EXP's the user will select and so, again, I'm guessing a foreach loop is required and I'm stuck...


Greatly appreciated if you could help me out!


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$i = 1;
foreach ($_POST['chk_b'] as $index => $option) 
echo $option, '<br>';
        $fields[$i] = "`EXP$i`";
$value[$i] = "'$option'";
$sql = "INSERT INTO table_name (". implode(', ', $fields). ") VALUES (". implode(', ', $value). ")";

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That's great! Thanks a lot!


Final question: 


The part where I connect to database & insert is actually in a different PHP script from the part where I generate $fields and $value, so I've tried to pass on $fields and $value as follows:


first script:

$i = 1;
foreach ($chk_b as $index => $option) 
   echo $option, '<br>';
        $EXPfields[$i] = "`EXP$i`";
   $EXPvalue[$i] = "'$option'";

print "
<html><body><form action='2ndscript.php' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='EXPfields' value='{$EXPfields}'>
<input type='hidden' name='EXPvalue' value='{$EXPvalue}'>


2nd script:

$EXPfields = $_POST['EXPfields'];
$EXPvalue = $_POST['EXPvalue'];

$link = mysql_connect  ('localhost', 'root');
if (!$link) {die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());}

$selectDB = mysql_select_db ('database_name', $link);
if (!$selectDB) {die('Could not select database: ' . mysql_error());}

$insert= mysql_query   ("INSERT INTO table_name (". implode(', ', $EXPfields). ") VALUES (". implode(', ', $EXPvalue). ")"); 
if (!$insert) {die('Could not insert into database: ' . mysql_error());}


However, I get the following error message:

Could not insert into database: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1


If I put the "connect to database & insert" part in the first script it works fine.


What have I done wrong? Is it not possible to pass on arrays like this? (So far I've only passed on single variables in this manner).


Thanks again.

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Do you mean a way that does not require you to click a button to POST the values to the next page? If that's what you mean, I guess you could use header("location: nextpage.php?"); and append all values on the end of nextpage.php? thereby passing the values in the URL which is obviously undesirable.


FYI: POSTed information can be easily spoofed, much more easily than sessions. One of the first things I learned in PHP was to pass variables behind-the-scenes via sessions. Passing values via sessions takes fewer lines of code than what you've already got.


If you don't want to learn about sessions, then I would put all logic in the one file and then use header() to redirect to whatever page you need to go to after the logic is complete.

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OK, so to clarify:


I now use the following code to generate a scrollable list of options: (call this SCRIPT1.php)


<form action="SCRIPT2.php" method=POST>

	$expList = array('Engineering','Science', 'Art', 'IT', 'Electronics', 'Communications');

                $tmp = array();
	$i = 1;
	$tmp[] = '<ul style="height: 95px; overflow: auto; width: 200px; border: 1px solid #480091; background-color:#E7E7E7; list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;">';
	foreach ($expList as $option) 
     			$tmp[] = '<li id="li'  . $i . 'b"><label for="chk' . $i . 'b"><input name="chk_b[' . $i . ']" id="chk' . $i . 'b" type="checkbox" value ="'.$option.'">' . $option . '</label></li>';
	$tmp[] = '</ul>';
	echo implode("\n",$tmp) . "\n";

<input type="submit">


SCRIPT2.php then retrieves the selected options as follows:


$chk_b = $_POST['chk_b'];
$i = 1;
foreach ($chk_b as $index => $option) 
   echo $option, '<br>';
        $fields[$i] = "`EXP$i`";
   $value[$i] = "'$option'";
$EXPfields = implode(', ', $fields);
$EXPvalues = implode(', ', $value);
//echo $EXPfields;
//echo $EXPvalues;

print "
<html><body><form action='SCRIPT3.php' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='EXPfields' value='{$EXPfields}'>
<input type='hidden' name='EXPvalues' value='{$EXPvalues}'>
<input type='submit''>



SCRIPT3.php then retrieves $EXPfields and $EXPvalues as follows:


$EXPfields = $_POST['EXPfields']; 
$EXPvalues = $_POST['EXPvalues'];

//echo $EXPfields;
//echo $EXPvalues;



So as you can see, SCRIPT1.php creates a scrollable list of options. SCRIPT2.php creates an array from all selected options ($value) and an array of column names where the selected options should eventually be inserted in the database ($fields).


Then SCRIPT2 creates a variable $EXPfields which is an implosion of $fields and a variable $EXPvalues which is an implosion of $value.


These 2 variables are then passed on to SCRIPT3.php via hidden form elements.


If I 'un-comment-out' "echo $EXPfields;" and "echo $EXPvalues;" in SCRIPT2.php the 2 imploded arrays are printed on-screen as expected. But if I do the same in SCRIPT3.php, only $EXPfields; is printed: it seems like $EXPvalues; isn't passed through properly.


So, hopefully that is slightly clearer now. Any ideas? Thanks!


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I think I understand now. This is still far more trouble than sessions, especially if the user clicks the back button. but anyway...


You can't pass an array in a form field, per se. You will need to loop over the array values, setting each value in a hidden field.


$EXPfields = $_POST['EXPfields'];

foreach ($EXPfields AS $field_value) {
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='$EXPfields[]' value='$field_value'>";


... and then grab the array on the next page.


You should really just do


$_SESSION['EXPfields'] = $_POST['EXPfields'];


and be done with it.

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