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Multiple Selection


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When I try to select more than one value for my report, only one value shows.  I tried a few things, but I'm not having any luck.


Here is the form code:

<td style="text-align: right">Job Type:</td>
<select name="job_type" multiple="multiple" size="3">
<option value="0" selected>ALL</option>
{section name=jt loop=$job_type_list}
<option value="{$job_type_list[jt][0]}">{$job_type_list[jt][1]}</option>


Here is the other code:

//All IIS Object Code is to be encapsulated in the execute_object function
function execute_object($tab){
if ((isset($_POST['job']) and
	 isset($_POST['job_type']) and
	 isset($_POST['child_type']) and
	 isset($_POST['job_status']) and
	 isset($_POST['child_status']) and
	 isset($_POST['ou']) and
	 isset($_POST['child_ou']) and
	 isset($_POST['pm']) and
	 isset($_POST['child_pm']) and
	 isset($_POST['dm']) and
	 isset($_POST['child_dm']) and
	 isset($_POST['customer']) and
	 isset($_POST['end_date'])) or
	(isset($_SESSION['report_job']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_job_type']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_child_type']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_job_status']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_child_status']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_ou']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_child_ou']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_pm']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_child_pm']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_dm']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_child_dm']) and
	 isset($_SESSION['report_customer']) and
	 //Include functions
	include $GLOBALS['include_path']."penta.job.functions.php";
	include $GLOBALS['include_path']."display.functions.php";
	include $GLOBALS['include_path']."report.functions.php";

	//Get report parameters
	if (isset($_POST['job'])){
		$job_id = $_POST['job'];
	} else {
		$job_id = $_SESSION['report_job'];
	if (isset($_POST['job_type'])){
		$job_type = $_POST['job_type'];
	} else {
		$job_type= $_SESSION['report_job_type'];
	if (isset($_POST['child_type'])){
		$child_type = $_POST['child_type'];
	} else {
		$child_type= $_SESSION['report_child_type'];
	if (isset($_POST['exclude_type'])){
		$exclude_type = 1;
	} else {
			$exclude_type = $_SESSION['report_exclude_type'];
		} else {
			$exclude_type = 0;
	if (isset($_POST['job_status'])){
		$job_status = $_POST['job_status'];
	} else {
		$job_status= $_SESSION['report_job_status'];
	if (isset($_POST['child_status'])){
		$child_status = $_POST['child_status'];
	} else {
		$child_status= $_SESSION['report_child_status'];
	if (isset($_POST['ou'])){
		$ou_id = $_POST['ou'];
	} else {
		$ou_id = $_SESSION['report_ou'];
	if (isset($_POST['child_ou'])){
		$child_ou_id = $_POST['child_ou'];
	} else {
		$child_ou_id = $_SESSION['report_child_ou'];
	if (isset($_POST['pm'])){
		$pm_id = $_POST['pm'];
	} else {
		$pm_id = $_SESSION['report_pm'];
	if (isset($_POST['child_pm'])){
		$child_pm_id = $_POST['child_pm'];
	} else {
		$child_pm_id = $_SESSION['report_child_pm'];
	if (isset($_POST['dm'])){
		$dm_id = $_POST['dm'];
	} else {
		$dm_id = $_SESSION['report_dm'];
	if (isset($_POST['child_dm'])){
		$child_dm_id = $_POST['child_dm'];
	} else {
		$child_dm_id = $_SESSION['report_child_dm'];
	if (isset($_POST['customer'])){
		$cus_id = $_POST['customer'];
	} else {
		$cus_id = $_SESSION['report_customer'];
	if (isset($_POST['sort_by_cust'])){
		$sort_by_cust = 1;
	} else {
			$sort_by_cust = $_SESSION['report_sort_by_cust'];
		} else {
			$sort_by_cust = 0;
	if (isset($_POST['end_date'])){
		$edate = $_POST['end_date'];
	} else {
		$edate = $_SESSION['report_end_date'];
	$job_type = implode(",",$_POST['job_type']);
	//Prepare to output report
	$filename = "Project Review Report.xls";
	if (isset($_POST['print'])){
		//Prepare the output file
		header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
		header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
		header("Expires: 0");
		header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
		header("Pragma: public");
	} else {
		//Save the report parameters to enable printing from the preview
		$_SESSION['report_job'] = $job_id;
		$_SESSION['report_job_type'] = $job_type;
		$_SESSION['report_child_type'] = $child_type;
		$_SESSION['report_exclude_type'] = $exclude_type;
		$_SESSION['report_job_status'] = $job_status;
		$_SESSION['report_child_status'] = $child_status;
		$_SESSION['report_ou'] = $ou_id;
		$_SESSION['report_child_ou'] = $child_ou_id;
		$_SESSION['report_pm'] = $pm_id;
		$_SESSION['report_child_pm'] = $child_pm_id;
		$_SESSION['report_dm'] = $dm_id;
		$_SESSION['report_child_dm'] = $child_dm_id;
		$_SESSION['report_customer'] = $cus_id;
		$_SESSION['report_sort_by_cust'] = $sort_by_cust;
		$_SESSION['report_end_date'] = $edate;
		//Output a print button at the start of the preview
	//Get the list of jobs based on the given criteria
	$job_list = report_job_list($job_id, $job_type, $child_type, $exclude_type, $job_status, $child_status, $ou_id, $child_ou_id, $pm_id, $child_pm_id, $dm_id, $child_dm_id, $cus_id, $sort_by_cust, $selected_by);
	//Set the max script execution time to ensure it can finish based on the number of jobs
	$num_jobs = $job_list->RecordCount();
	set_time_limit(60 + ($num_jobs * 30));

	//Parse the template
	$template = $GLOBALS['reports_path']."report52.2.htm";
	$default_logo = "report52.2_files/image001.gif";
	$hdr = null; $ftr = null;
	parse_template($template, $default_logo, $hdr, $ftr);


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You must define the select name as an array with []:


<select name="job_type[]" multiple="multiple" size="3">


Then to use it you will have to loop through it:


foreach($_POST['job_type'] as $job_type) {
   echo $job_type;

Or just to get a list you can implode() it:


implode(',', $_POST['job_type']);

Also, you are using alot of isset() on the $_POST variables.  All $_POST variables will be set when the form is submitted even if they are empty (except checkboxes).  Try using !empty() or don't do anything if empty values are OK.

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I'm not the original coder and just making modifications, which makes this a little more difficult.


I now get this error:


Fatal error: Call to a member function RecordCount()


it says that the SQL command is not properly ended...not sure what that is about.

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echo the SQL so you can see it and we can see it. otherwise we're all just guessing.


is job_type a string and not a number? if so, you'll need to quote the strings


$job_types = "'".  implode("','", $_POST['job_type'])."'";
$sql = "SELECT id FROM sometable WHERE job_type IN ($job_types)";

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Yes, $job_type is a string not a number

When I use implode, (SQL command not properly ended)..

$sql = "select job.job_id as ID,
		 job.name as NAME,
		 job.cus_id AS CUS_ID,
		 customer.name AS CUS_NAME,
		 job.par_job_id as PARENT_ID
		from job
		 join customer on job.cus_id = customer.cus_id where job.jt_cd = 1,2 order by job.job_id"



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