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XML from CSV with recurring, unsorted values


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Hi guys,


long-time reader here and finally have my own question.

I have a MySql db from which I get a CSV file that I need in XML.


The problem is, the parent nodes appear multiple times in the CSV and so do other values.


Let me give you a quick overview of what the data I have looks like, and the XML of what I need to achieve as output.











<country code="FR" name="FRANCE">

<city name="A" code="CITY002">

<hotel name="NAME1" code="CODE1" />

<hotel name="NAME3" code="CODE3"/>


<city name="B" code="CITY000">

<hotel name="NAME1" code="CODE1" />

<hotel name="NAME3" code="CODE3"/>


<city name="C" code="CITY001">

<hotel name="NAME1" code="CODE1" />


<city name="E" code="CITY003">

<hotel name="NAME3" code="CODE3"/>



<country code="DE" name="GERMANY">

<city name="E" code="CITY003">

<hotel name="NAME2" code="CODE2" />





Now I know it looks kinda complicated because the context isn't immediately obvious, but if it wasn't, I wouldn't be posting here  ;)


I started using file() to get each line into an array and then used explode() in a loop to generate new arrays.

The only thing where I am struggling is going back and adding cities to countries but not duplicating them. If a city (or country) already exists, then I should just add to the parent node.


Not sure if anyone even understands this as, reading over it again, not even I do but if you have any questions that may clarify the issue, let me know. I'm probably just looking for a way to create a multidimensional arrays, using the parent node as an index or something like that.





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