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Echo Day in dropdown


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I cannot get this to echo out the day from mysql.  Basically I need it to say if the field is empty show Day as selected=selected with the list of days, but if it isn't empty, make the day in mysql set to selected=selected.


I have also check the query in mysql so I know the query is correct.


				if (empty($r['dayofbirth']))
					$isset = isset($_POST['date_of_birth']);

					for ($day = 1; $day <= 31; ++$day)
						echo '<option';

						if ($isset && $_POST['date_of_birth'] === $day)
							echo 'selected="selected"';

						echo ">${day}</option>";
					echo "${r['dayofbirth']}";


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I believe ++$day should be $day++

also to set something as selected you only need to do this


echo " selected";


also is $_POST['date_of_birth'] an actual number from 1-31 or is it the date of birth dd/mm/yyyy in which case it will never be true


and also

$isset = isset($_POST['date_of_birth']);

should be

if (isset($_POST['date_of_birth'])) { $isset=$_POST['date_of_birth']; }

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You're going to need to post more of the code for this. The database query you use to compare it against, and the rest of the date section of the form to start with. Also, what do you intend for this to do: $isset = isset($_POST['date_of_birth']); ?


I don't know. Maybe I'm being crazy.  All I want to do is to display the date they have previously "saved" in the dropdown.  I'm building a settings page and I need the date to be display and I also need the user to have the option to change this.  This is my current code without the db even being fetched.


	$firstname = 			mres(strip_tags($_POST["firstname"]));
	$lastname =				mres(strip_tags($_POST["lastname"]));
	$dateofbirth = 			mres(strip_tags("${_POST['yearofbirth']}-${_POST['monthofbirth']}-${_POST['date_of_birth']}"));
	$city = 				mres(strip_tags($_POST["city"]));
	$state = 				mres(strip_tags($_POST["state"]));
	$country = 				mres(strip_tags($_POST["country"]));
	$personalweb = 			mres(strip_tags($_POST["personalweb"]));
	$credentials = 			mres(strip_tags($_POST["credentials"]));
	$specialties = 			mres(strip_tags($_POST["specialties"]));

	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET firstname='$firstname', lastname='$lastname', city='$city', state='$state', country='$country', personalweb='$personalweb', credentials='$credentials', specialties='$specialties' WHERE username = '${username}'") or die(mysql_error());
	echo "Update succesful!";

$q = "SELECT 
		DATE_FORMAT(`signupdate`,'%D %M %Y') AS `signupdate`,
		DAY(`dateofbirth`) AS `dayofbirth`, 
		MONTH(`dateofbirth`) AS `monthofbirth`, 
		YEAR(`dateofbirth`) AS `yearofbirth` 
	FROM `users` 
	WHERE `username` = '${username}'";

$res = mysql_query($q);
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);

<div class="formElement">
		<div class="formFieldLabel">
			<label for="date_of_birth" >Date of birth</label>
		<div class="formField center">
			<select name="date_of_birth" id="date_of_birth">
				<option value="">Day</option>

				$isset = isset($_POST['date_of_birth']);

				for ($day = 1; $day <= 31; ++$day)
					echo '<option';

					if ($isset && $_POST['date_of_birth'] === $day)
						echo "selected";

					echo ">${day}</option>";

			<select name="monthofbirth">
				<option value="">Month</option>

				$isset = isset($_POST['monthofbirth']);

				for($i = 1; $i < 13; ++$i)
					if ($isset && $_POST['date_of_birth'] === $i)
						echo "<option value=\"${i}\" selected=\"selected\">${months[$i]}</option>";
						echo "<option value=\"${i}\">${months[$i]}</option>";

			<select name="yearofbirth">
				<option value="">Year</option>

				$isset = isset($_POST['yearofbirth']);

				$start = $currentyear - 13;
				$end = $currentyear - 80;

				for($year = $start; $year >= $end; --$year)
					if ($isset && $r['date_of_birth'] === $year)
						echo "<option value=\"${year}\" selected=\"selected\">${year}</option>";
						echo "<option value=\"${year}\">${year}</option>";


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There's no need to enclose a simple variable in curly braces to echo it. striptags() is unnecessary when inserting into a database, it should be used when you retrieve and display the data. This should work, as long as the data from the database query is present and in the anticipated format.


if(isset($_POST['update'])) {
$firstname = mres(strip_tags($_POST["firstname"]));
$lastname = mres(strip_tags($_POST["lastname"]));
$dateofbirth = mres(strip_tags("{$_POST['yearofbirth']}-{$_POST['monthofbirth']}-{$_POST['date_of_birth']}"));
$city =	mres(strip_tags($_POST["city"]));
$state = mres(strip_tags($_POST["state"]));
$country = mres(strip_tags($_POST["country"]));
$personalweb = mres(strip_tags($_POST["personalweb"]));
$credentials = mres(strip_tags($_POST["credentials"]));
$specialties = mres(strip_tags($_POST["specialties"]));
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET firstname='$firstname', lastname='$lastname', city='$city', state='$state', country='$country', personalweb='$personalweb', credentials='$credentials', specialties='$specialties' WHERE username = '$username'") or die(mysql_error());
echo "Update succesful!";
$q = "SELECT
DATE_FORMAT(`signupdate`,'%D %M %Y') AS `signupdate`,
DAY(`dateofbirth`) AS `dayofbirth`,
MONTH(`dateofbirth`) AS `monthofbirth`,
YEAR(`dateofbirth`) AS `yearofbirth`
FROM `users`
WHERE `username` = '$username'";
$res = mysql_query($q);
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);

<div class="formElement">
<div class="formFieldLabel">
<label for="date_of_birth" >Date of birth</label>
<div class="formField center">
<select name="date_of_birth" id="date_of_birth">
<option value="">Day</option>
$day = range(1, 31);
foreach( $day as $v ) {
echo "<option value=\"$v\"";
echo $r['dayofbirth'] == $v ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
echo ">$v</option>\n";
<select name="monthofbirth">
<option value="">Month</option>
$months = array( 1 => 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
foreach( $months as $k => $v ) {
echo "<option value=\"$k\"";
echo $r['monthofbirth'] == $k ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
echo ">$v</option>\n";
<select name="yearofbirth">
<option value="">Year</option>
$start = date('Y', time() ) - 13;
$end = date('Y', time() ) - 80;
$year = range($start, $end);
foreach( $year as $v ) {
echo "<option value=\"$v\"";
echo $r['yearofbirth'] == $v ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
echo ">$v</option>\n";

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