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Checking Input


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So basically I have a site, and on that site, I have a page that submits a form and updates a database. I have it set up so that someone can enter in Multiple values into a textarea, one on each line, and it will submit each of those values as a new row in the database, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to check those values against the actual users.


It is basically a point system, where the staff can award points users of the site. But at the moment, a Staff member could enter in Jibberish, and it would insert that into the database, but I want it to check my users table to make sure the user exists before it inserts it into the database.


here is my code:

include 'global.php';

echo $headersidebar;

if ($_COOKIE['access'] == $accessstaff)


$array = preg_split('/(\r?\n)+/', $_POST['studentname']);
foreach($array as $students)
   $statusmsg = '<center><span style="background: #A6FF9E;">You have successfully submitted points to the database.</span></center>';
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO points (giver, receiver, points, category, reason, date, status) VALUES ('{$_COOKIE['username']}', '{$students}', '{$_POST['pointamt']}', '{$_POST['pointcat']}', '{$_POST['pointreason']}', '{$date}', 'Validating')");

$addpointspage = $statusmsg . '

<form action="submit_points.php" method="post">

<table class="table" >


<td colspan="10">

<h1><strong><center>Submit Points</center></strong></h1>




<td colspan="10" rowspan="100">

<center>Please remember to follow the house point limits when submitting house points.</center>




<table class="table">


<td style="width: 15%;" valign="top">

Student Name:<br> <span style="font-size: 60%;">(List as many as you want; One per Line)</span>


<td colspan="10">

<center><textarea name="studentname" cols="60" rows="10"></textarea></center>




<td style="width: 15%;" valign="top">

Amount of Points:



<input style="position: relative; left: 16px;" type="text" size="15" name="pointamt" />



Do not put anything that is not a number into this box.




<td style="width: 15%;" valign="top">

Point Category:


<td colspan="10">

<select name="pointcat" style="position: relative; left: 16px;">

<option SELECTED value="">-------</option>

<option>Class Work</option>

<option>Class Exam</option>

<option>Extra Work</option>


<option>Teacher\'s Assistant</option>

<option>Negative Points</option>





<td style="width: 15%;" valign="top">



<td colspan="10">

<input style="position: relative; left: 16px;" name="pointreason" type="text" size="80" />






<td colspan="10">

<input style="position: relative; left: 16px;" type="submit" value="Submit Points" />







elseif (1==1)
$addpointspage = $accessdenied;



<!-- start content -->

<div id="content">

<div class="post">

<div class="entry">

<p><strong>' . $addpointspage . '</p>

<p class="links">' . $addpointslink . '</p>




<!-- end content -->

<div style="clear: both;"> </div>


<!-- end page -->

echo $footer;




I am fairly new to PHP, so I would appreciate any help someone could give me; I am not too good with arrays and such, so this one has got me stumped.

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I tried run a SELECT query to return the row of my users from my database, and then if something like if ($row['username'] != $array['inputtedusername']) but it didn't do anything, I guess I did something wrong with the array. Someone Please help.

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