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Help with changing URL's in PHP code.


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Hi guys, i have a system and was asked to develop the site with the current system. These are sometimes a pain but it is an old system and i'm trying to change the url's which is seems to be hard to do with this kind of code.



include 'includes/config.php';
include 'includes/logfile.php';
include 'includes/databasefile.php';
include 'includes/templatefile.php';
$log 	= new cLog;
$db 	= new cDatabase;

//first run ssl check if necessary
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == "80" && $sslredirect == 1) {
header ("Location: https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

//first, determine page requested
list ($junk, $request) 	= split ("\?/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
list ($uri, $data) 		= split ("!", $request);
$uriarray				= split ("/", $uri);

//check for login/logout request
list ($junk, $request) 	= split ("\?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($request == 'login') {
header ("Location: login.php");
} else if ($request == 'logout') {
header ("Location: logout.php");

if ($data != "") {
//parse internal variables
$dataarray = split ("&", $data);
foreach ($dataarray as $line) {
	list ($cmd, $val) = split ("=", $line);
	$arr_cmds[$cmd] = urldecode ($val);

$pagename 				= $db->escape($uriarray[count($uriarray)-2]);
$sectionname			= $db->escape($uriarray[count($uriarray)-3]);

if ($pagename == "") 	{ 	$pagename = "home"; }
if ($sectionname == "") { 	$sectionname = "home"; }

$urlpagename 			= $pagename;
$urlsectionname1 		= $sectionname;
$urlsectionname2 		= $db->escape($uriarray[count($uriarray)-4]);

//handle any commands, then redirect back to page
$cmd = $_REQUEST['cmd'];
if ($cmd == "-displayelement") {
$elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['elementid']);
if ($_REQUEST['surpresshtml'] == "") {
	echo "<html><head><link href='templates/css.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></head>\n";
if ($_REQUEST['global'] == "1") {
	$query = $db->query("select ComponentName, Data from table_globalelements where (ElementID = '$elementid')");
} else {
	$query = $db->query("select ComponentName, Data from table_elements where (ElementID = '$elementid')");
$r = $db->fetch_array($query);
$currentcomponentname = $r['ComponentName'];
$data = stripslashes($r['Data']);

//find matching component and launch display function
$dir_handle = opendir("com/components/");
while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
	$filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file);
	if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) {
		include "com/components/" . $file;
		echo call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'display'), $data);
if ($_REQUEST['surpresshtml'] == "") { echo "</body></html>\n"; }
exit (0);

} else if ($cmd == '-editelement') {
$elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['elementid']);

if (isset($_SESSION['UserID'])) {
	$query = $db->query("select UserID, AdminFlag from table_users where (UserID = '" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "')");
	$r = $db->fetch_array($query);
	$userid = $r['UserID'];
	$adminflag = $r['AdminFlag'];

	if ($adminflag != "1") {
		$query = $db->query ("select ComponentName, Data, PageID from table_elements where (ElementID = '$elementid' and UserID = '$userid')");
	} else {
		$query = $db->query ("select ComponentName, Data, PageID from table_elements where (ElementID = '$elementid')");
	$r = $db->fetch_array($query);
	$currentcomponentname = $r['ComponentName'];
	$data = stripslashes($r['Data']);
	$pageid = $r['PageID'];

	//handle request
	$cmd = $_REQUEST['greyboxcmd'];
	if ($cmd == 'save') {
		$elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['ElementID']);
		$data = $db->escape($_REQUEST['Data']);

		//find matching component and launch save function
		$dir_handle = opendir("com/components/");
		while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
			$filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file);
			if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) {;
				include "com/components/" . $file;
				$data = call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'save'));
				if ($adminflag != "1") {
					$query = $db->query("update table_elements set Data = '$data' where (ElementID = '$elementid' and UserID = '$userid')");
				} else {
					$query = $db->query("update table_elements set Data = '$data' where (ElementID = '$elementid')");
				echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.location.reload(true); parent.GB_hide();</script>\n";
		echo "Error: component not found...";

	//find matching component and launch edit function
	echo "<html><head><link href='templates/css.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><script type='text/javascript' src='templates/openwysiwyg/wysiwyg.js'></script></head>\n";
	echo "<body style='text-align: center;'><form name='Form0' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post' action='" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "'>\n";
	$dir_handle = opendir("com/components/");
	while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
		$filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file);
		if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) {;
			include "com/components/" . $file;
			echo call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'edit'), $data);
	echo "<input type='hidden' name='ElementID' value='$elementid'><input type='submit' name='Save' value='Save' class='smallbutton'>\n";
	echo "<input type='button' name='Cancel' value='Cancel' onclick='parent.GB_hide();' class='smallbutton'>\n";
	echo "<input type='hidden' name='greyboxcmd' value='save'></form></body></html>\n";
	exit (0);
} else {
	echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.GB_hide();</script>\n";
	exit (0);

} else if ($cmd == '-editglobalelement') {
$elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['elementid']);

if (isset($_SESSION['UserID'])) {
	$query = $db->query("select UserID, AdminFlag from table_users where (UserID = '" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "')");
	$r = $db->fetch_array($query);
	$userid = $r['UserID'];
	$adminflag = $r['AdminFlag'];

	if ($adminflag != "1") {
		echo "Security - Out of bounds";
	$query = $db->query ("select ComponentName, Data from table_globalelements where (ElementID = '$elementid')");
	$r = $db->fetch_array($query);
	$currentcomponentname = $r['ComponentName'];
	$data = stripslashes($r['Data']);

	//handle request
	$cmd = $_REQUEST['greyboxcmd'];
	if ($cmd == 'save') {
		$elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['ElementID']);
		$data = $db->escape($_REQUEST['Data']);

		//find matching component and launch save function
		$dir_handle = opendir("com/components/");
		while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
			$filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file);
			if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) {;
				include "com/components/" . $file;
				$data = call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'save'));
				$query = $db->query("update table_globalelements set Data = '$data' where (ElementID = '$elementid')");
				echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.location.reload(true); parent.GB_hide();</script>\n";
		echo "Error: component not found...";

	//find matching component and launch edit function
	echo "<html><head><link href='templates/css.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><script type='text/javascript' src='templates/openwysiwyg/wysiwyg.js'></script></head>\n";
	echo "<body style='text-align: center;'><form name='Form0' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post' action='" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "'>\n";
	$dir_handle = opendir("com/components/");
	while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
		$filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file);
		if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) {;
			include "com/components/" . $file;
			echo call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'edit'), $data);
	echo "<input type='hidden' name='ElementID' value='$elementid'><input type='submit' name='Save' value='Save' class='smallbutton'>\n";
	echo "<input type='button' name='Cancel' value='Cancel' onclick='parent.GB_hide();' class='smallbutton'>\n";
	echo "<input type='hidden' name='greyboxcmd' value='save'></form></body></html>\n";
	exit (0);
} else {
	echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.GB_hide();</script>\n";
	exit (0);

//lookup page details
$query = $db->query("select p.PageID, p.PageTitle, p.SectionID, p.TemplateID, p.UserID, p.LastUpdate, p.SectionName, s.SectionTitle, s.GroupID, s.Protected, p.Keywords, p.PageName from table_pages as p left join table_sections as s on s.SectionName = p.SectionName where (p.PageName = '$pagename' and s.SectionName = '$sectionname') limit 1");
if (!$pagedetails = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
echo "404";

//check for privileges section
if ($pagedetails[8] != "" && $pagedetails[8] != "0") {
$sectionname = stripslashes($pagedetails[6]);
if (!isset($_SESSION['Username']) && !isset($_REQUEST['Username'])) {
	echo "This is a restricted area. Please login.<br/><br/>";
	echo "<form action='index.php' method='get'>Username: <input type='text' name='Username'><br/>\n";
	echo "Password: <input type='password' name='Password'><br/>\n";
	echo "<input type='submit' name='Login' value='Login'></form><br/>\n";
} else {
	$username = $db->escape ($_REQUEST['Username']);
	$password = $db->escape ($_REQUEST['Password']);
	if ($username == "") { $username = $db->escape ($_SESSION['Username']); }
	if ($password == "") { $password = $db->escape ($_SESSION['Password']); }

	$query = $db->query("select UserID, Password, RealName, Email, GroupID, AdminFlag from table_users where (Username = '$username')");
	$r = $db->fetch_array($query);
	$dbpassword = $r['Password'];
	if ($password == $dbpassword) {
		$_SESSION['Username'] 	= $username;
		$_SESSION['UserID'] 	= $r['UserID'];
		$_SESSION['RealName'] 	= $r['RealName'];
		$_SESSION['Email'] 		= $r['Email'];
		$_SESSION['GroupID'] 	= $r['GroupID'];

if ($_SESSION['GroupID'] != $pagedetails[8]) {
	echo "This is a restricted area. Please login.<br/><br/>";
	echo "<form action='index.php' method='get'>Username: <input type='text' name='Username'><br/>\n";
	echo "Password: <input type='password' name='Password'><br/>\n";
	echo "<input type='submit' name='Login' value='Login'></form><br/>\n";
} else {
//check login details if user appears to be already logged in
if (isset($_SESSION['Username'])) {
	$username = $db->escape ($_SESSION['Username']);
	$password = $db->escape ($_SESSION['Password']);

	$query = $db->query("select UserID, Password, RealName, Email, GroupID, AdminFlag from table_users where (Username = '$username')");
	$r = $db->fetch_array($query);
	$dbpassword = $r['Password'];
	if ($password == $dbpassword) {
		$_SESSION['Username'] = $username;
		$_SESSION['UserID'] = $r['UserID'];
		$_SESSION['RealName'] = $r['RealName'];
		$_SESSION['Email'] = $r['Email'];
		$_SESSION['GroupID'] = $r['GroupID'];

//load template
$tplate = new cTemplate($pagedetails['TemplateID'], $pagedetails['PageID']);

//add logout button
if (isset($_SESSION['UserID'])) {
echo "<div align='center'><small><a href='index.php?logout'>logout</a></small></div>\n";

//log request
if (getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) {
    $ip = getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR);
} else {
    $ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
$log->writelog("/$sectionname/$pagename", "Access");


In the includes/templatefile.php file the code is like:

function parsetemplate($templatefile) {
	global $db, $pageid, $pagedetails, $fullbaseurl, $adminemail;

	//first, find internal metacodes
	$pagetitle 		= stripslashes($pagedetails[1]);
	$lastupdate		= date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A', $pagedetails[5]);
	$sectiontitle 	= stripslashes($pagedetails[7]);
	$sectionname	= stripslashes($pagedetails[6]);
	$templatefile 	= str_replace ("!PAGETITLE!", $pagetitle, $templatefile);
	$templatefile 	= str_replace ("!ADMINEMAIL!", $adminemail, $templatefile);
	$templatefile	= str_replace ("!REQUEST_DOCUMENTID!", $_REQUEST['DocumentID'], $templatefile);
	$templatefile 	= str_replace ("!SECTIONTITLE!", $sectiontitle, $templatefile);
	$templatefile 	= str_replace ("!LASTUPDATE!", $lastupdate, $templatefile);
	$templatefile	= str_replace ("!URL!", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $templatefile);
	$templatefile   = str_replace ("!FULLBASEURL!", $fullbaseurl, $templatefile);
	$templatefile   = str_replace ("!KEYWORDS!", $pagedetails[10], $templatefile);
	if ($_SESSION['UserID'] != "") {
		$templatefile	= str_replace ("!LOGINDETAILS!", "- You are logged in as " . $_SESSION['Username'], $templatefile);
	} else {
		$templatefile	= str_replace ("!LOGINDETAILS!", "", $templatefile);
	$templatefile 	= str_replace ("!SECTIONLINK!", $fullbaseurl . "?/" . $sectionname . "/Home/", $templatefile);


What i am getting via the links are:



How do i get rid of the "?" mark and the "/Home/". The /Home/ is also stored in the Database. I have tried a number of solutions by getting rid of the "?" and "/Home/" but i get the 404 error as the code shows.

Can you please help with this?

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