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Cannot redeclare CSQLAdmin


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Hi guys, i have a little problem was wondering if anybody can help me out,..

i cant seem to understand why this keeps popping up


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare CSQLAdmin::$functions in /home/chekweb1/public_html/propretymanagement/lib/sqladmin.php on line 31


class CSQLAdmin extends CLibrary {

* description
* @var type
* @access type
var $form;

* description
* @var type
* @access type
var $functions;

* description functions list which will be executed in variouse points of sqladmin
* @var type
* @access type
var $functions;

function CSQLAdmin($section , $templates , $db , $tables , $extra = "") {
	global $_CONF;

	if (!$_GET["page"])
		$_GET["page"] = 1;		


	//checking if the templates are orblects or path to a template file
	if (!is_array($templates))					
		//if path the load the tempmate form that file
		$this->templates = array("generic_form" => new CTemplate($templates));
		$this->templates = $templates;

	$this->db = $db;
	$this->tables = $tables;
	//extra variables to be passed to cform
	$this->extra = $extra;

	//loading the forms , changed the varialbes locations, but still keeping the compatibility
	$path = ($_CONF["forms"]["adminpath"] ? $_CONF["forms"]["adminpath"] : $_CONF["formspath"] );
	if (dirname($section)) {

		$path .= dirname($section) . "/" ;
		$section = basename($section);

	//debuging part 
	if (defined("PB_DEBUG") && (PB_DEBUG == "1"))
		echo "<br>FILE:SQLADMIN:MAIN:{$path}{$section}.xml";

	$conf = new CConfig( $path . $section . ".xml");

	$this->forms = $conf->vars["form"];

	//loading the edit/add forms
	if (is_array($this->forms["forms"])) {
		foreach ($this->forms["forms"] as $key => $val) {	

			//debuging part 
//				if (defined("PB_DEBUG") && PB_DEBUG == "1")		
//					echo "<br>FILE:SQLADMIN:SECTION:{$path}{$section}.xml";

			$conf = new CConfig($path . $val );
			$this->forms["forms"][$key] = $conf->vars["form"];

			//adding the tables
			$this->forms["forms"][$key]["table"] = $this->forms["table"];
			$this->forms["forms"][$key]["table_uid"] = $this->forms["table_uid"];
			$this->forms["forms"][$key]["xmlfile"] = $path . $val ;

	$this->form = new CForm($this->templates["generic_form"], &$db , &$tables);

* description
* @param
* @return
* @access
function FormList($items = "") {
	global $base;

	//checking if hte values weren't inputed ion the main object
	if (is_array($this->items)) {
		$items = $this->items;

	//crap, preexecute a function, which is suposed in some times to preload the items too

	if (is_array($this->functions["list"]["pre"]))
		call_user_func($this->functions["list"]["pre"], &$items , &$items_count);

	//if i got no elements from preloader functions, then i load it manualy
	if (!is_array($items)) {

		//cheking if is a normal browse or a search method
		if (isset($this->forms["uridata"]["search"]) && ($_GET[$this->forms["uridata"]["action"]] == $this->forms["uridata"]["search"])) {

			$items = $this->db->QuerySelectLimit($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["table"]],"*", "`" . $_GET["what"] . "` " . ( $_GET["type"] == "int" ? "='" . $_GET["search"] . "'" : "LIKE '%" . $_GET["search"] . "%'"),(int) $_GET["page"],$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["items"]);
			$count = $this->db->RowCount($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["table"]] , " WHERE `" . $_GET["what"] . "` " . ( $_GET["type"] == "int" ? "='" . $_GET["search"] . "'" : "LIKE '%" . $_GET["search"] . "%'"));

		} else {

			$items = $this->db->QuerySelectLimit($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["table"]],"*","",(int) $_GET["page"],$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["items"]);
			$count = $this->db->RowCount($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["list"]["table"]]);

	$_GET["page"] = $_GET["page"] ? $_GET["page"] : 1;
	//auto index the element
	$start = $this->forms["forms"]["list"]["items"] * ($_GET["page"] - 1 );

	if (is_array($items)) {
		foreach ($items as $key => $val) {
			$items[$key]["_count"] = ++$start;

	//$data = new CForm($this->templates["generic_form"], &$this->db , &$this->tables);
	return $this->form->SimpleList($this->forms["forms"]["list"] , $items , $count , $this->extra["list"]);

* description
* @param
* @return
* @access
function SetFunction( $form , $event , $function) {
	$this->functions[$form][$event] = $function;

* description
* @param
* @return
* @access
function ListProcess($pre = "" , $after = "" ) {

	$this->functions["list"]["pre"] = $pre;
	$this->functions["list"]["after"] = $after;

* description
* @param
* @return
* @access
function StoreRecord($redirect = true) {
	global $base, $_CONF;

	//validating the input data

		//doing a autodetect for storing type , edit or add
		//if $_GET["type"]	is set is simple, else detecting after the id form
		if (!isset($_GET["type"])) {
			if ($_POST[$this->forms["table_uid"]])
				$_GET["type"] = "edit";
				$_GET["type"] = "add";

		//if validation succeeds then i move the files from /tmp to their directory, else i will proceed to add
		//precheck for uploaded files, like temporary images, etc.
		$form = $this->forms["forms"][$_GET["type"]];

		if (is_array($form["fields"])) {
			foreach ($form["fields"] as $key => $val) {

				switch ($val["type"]) {

					case "date":
						$_POST[$key] = mktime ( $_POST[$key . "_hour"] , $_POST[$key . "_minute"] , $_POST[$key . "_second"] , $_POST[$key. "_month"] , $_POST[$key. "_day"] , $_POST[$key. "_year"]);

					case "droplist":
						if ($val["subtype"] == "multiple") {

							//detect the fields which should be available for this field
							if (is_array($_POST)) {

								foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
									if (strstr($k , $key . "_option_")) {
										$option[] = $v;
								//ok, now build the result
								if (is_array($option)) {
									$_POST[$key] = implode($val["tree"]["db_separator"],$option);
								} else {
									$_POST[$key] = "";
							} else {



					case "upload":
						$file = true;
					case "image":

						//checking how choosed the client to set the image
						switch ($_POST[$key . "_radio_type"]) {
							case 0:
								//checking if the client specified any image type
								if (is_array($_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"]) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"]["tmp_name"])) {									
									$img = &$_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"];
									//temporary upload the file in images/upload/tmp/
									$name = $_POST[$key . "_temp"] != "" ? $_POST[$key . "_temp"] : $val["file"]["default"] . time() . $val["file"]["ext"];	

									@move_uploaded_file($img["tmp_name"] , $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name );

									// generate the tn image
									if ($val["tn"]["generate"] == "true") {
																$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name ,
																$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $name ,
										$_POST["tn_" . $key] = "1";

									//setting read/delete/save permission for all users, usefull if the httpd is working as normal user ( most cases )
									chmod ($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name , 0777);
//										die;
									//setting the temp variable
									$_fields["values"][$key . "_temp"] = $name;
									$_POST[$key . "_temp"] = $name;
									$_POST[$key . "_file"] = $_FILES[$key . "_upload_client"]["name"];
									$_POST[$key] = "1";


							case "1":
								//, the guy wants to download a ing image

								if ($_POST[$key . "_upload_web"] != "http://") {										
									//i have to be very carefully here, if the image is not a valid link, then 
									//everithing get messed.
									$image = @GetFileContents($_POST[$key . "_upload_web"]);

									$name = $_POST[$key . "_temp"] != "" ? $_POST[$key . "_temp"] : $val["file"]["default"] . time() . $val["file"]["ext"];

									SaveFileContents( $_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name , $image);
									chmod ($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name , 0777);

									// generate the tn image
									if ($val["tn"]["generate"] == "true") {
																$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $name ,
																$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $name ,

										$_POST["tn_" . $key] = "1";

									//setting the temp variable
									$_fields["values"][$key . "_temp"] = $name;
									$_POST[$key . "_temp"] = $name;
									$_POST[$key . "_file"] = basename($_POST[$key . "_upload_web"]);
									$_POST[$key] = "1";


							case "-1":
//									echo "<pre style=\"background-color:white\">";
//									print_r($_POST);
//									die;
								//trying to remove the tmp image is exists
								if (file_exists($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"]) && is_file($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"]))
									@unlink($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"]);										
								//removing the original image too if exists
									@unlink($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"]);

								$_fields["values"][$key . "_radio_type"] = 0;

								$_POST[$key] = 0;
								$_fields["values"][$key . "_temp"] = "";
								$_POST[$key . "_temp"] = "";
								$_POST[$key . "_file"] = "";

						//hm ... checking if that IS A REAL IMAGE
						if ($_POST[$key . "_temp"] && !$file) {

							$img = @GetImageSize($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"]);

							if (!is_array($img)) {

								//removing the image, maybe in future return the er a proper answer
								//echo "MOHHHHH";
								@unlink($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"]);
								$_POST[$key . "_temp"] = "";
								$_POST[$key] = 0;


		//force for no validation sometimes
		if ($_GET["FORMvalidate"] == "false")
			$fields = "";
			$fields = $this->form->Validate($this->forms["forms"][$_GET["type"]] , $_POST);

		if (!is_array($fields)) {
			//adding to database

			if (!$_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["add"]["table_uid"]]) {

				$id = $this->db->QueryInsert($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["add"]["table"]] , $_POST);
				$_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["add"]["table_uid"]] = $id;

			} else {
				$this->db->QueryUpdate($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] , $_POST , "`" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" );

				$id = $_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]];

			//data stored, taking care of uploade files/images, etc
			if (is_array($form["fields"])) {
				foreach ($form["fields"] as $key => $val) {

					switch ($val["type"]) {
						case "upload":
						case "image":

						//checking if is really e file, else if no tmp is set then it can be the folder where are stored the values
							if (is_file($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"])) {

								//moving the image stored in temp variable
								//check if the file already exists
								if (is_file($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"])) {
									@unlink($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"]);

									$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $_POST[$key . "_temp"] ,
									$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"]

									// generate the tn image
									if ($val["tn"]["generate"] == "true") {
											$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . "tmp/" . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $_POST[$key . "_temp"] ,
											$_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["path"] . $val["tn"]["preffix"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"]


								//setting the image as true
								$_POST[$key] = 1;
								//updateing the database
								$this->db->QueryUpdate($this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] , $_POST , "`" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" );

							if (is_array($val["file"]))
								SaveFileContents($_CONF["path"] . $_CONF["upload"] . $val["file"]["path"] . $val["file"]["default"] . $_POST[$val["file"]["field"]] . $val["file"]["ext"] , $_POST[$key] );


			if (!$_GET["type"]) {
				$_GET["type"] = $_POST[$this->forms["forms"]["table_uid"]] ? "edit" : "add";

			$this->templates["generic_form"]->blocks["Temp"]->input = $this->forms["forms"][$_GET["type"]]["redirect"];
			//replacing the values

			if ($_GET["returnURL"]) {
				header("Location:" . urldecode($_GET["returnURL"]));

			if ($redirect == true) {
				header("Location: " . CryptLink($this->templates["generic_form"]->blocks["Temp"]->Replace(array_merge($_GET,$_POST))));
			} else {
				return true;

	} else {
		//redirecting to list page
		header("Location:" . str_replace("&action=store" , "" , $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]));

	if (is_array($_fields["values"]))
		$fields["values"] = array_merge($fields["values"], $_fields["values"]);

	return $this->form->Show($this->forms["forms"][$_GET["type"]] , $fields);				

* description
* @param
* @return
* @access
function RestoreURI($section) {
	if (is_array($_GET)) {
		foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) {
			$out[$key] = $key . "=" . $val;

		$out[$this->forms["uridata"]["action"]] = $this->forms["uridata"]["action"] . "=" . $this->forms["uridata"][$section];

		return CryptLink($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . "?" . implode("&" , $out));

		//return $_

* description
* @param
* @return
* @access
function DoEvents($section = ""  , $extra = "" , $values = "") {
	global $base , $_CONF;

	if (is_array($extra)) {
		$this->extra = array_merge($this->extra , $extra);

	switch ($_GET[$this->forms["uridata"]["action"]]) {

		case $this->forms["uridata"]["delete"]:

			if (($_GET["rconfirm"] == "true")&&($_GET["confirmed"] != "true")) {
				return $this->templates["generic_form"]->blocks["DeleteItem"]->Replace(array(
								"title" => $_GET["title"] ? urldecode($_GET["title"]) : "Delete Item",
								"description" => $_GET["description"] ? urldecode($_GET["description"]) : "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
								"return" => urldecode($_GET["returnURL"]),
								"cancel_location" => urldecode($_GET["returnURL"]),
								"delete_location" => $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&confirmed=true"

			//searching for element
			$data = $this->db->QFetchArray("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] . "` WHERE `" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_GET[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" );

			//checking if this is a valid data
			if (is_array($data)) {
				$this->db->Query("DELETE FROM `" . $this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] . "` WHERE `" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_GET[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" );

			if ($_GET["returnURL"]) {
				header("Location: " . CryptLink(urldecode($_GET["returnURL"])));
			} else {
				header("Location:" . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]/*$this->RestoreURI("list")*/);


		case $this->forms["uridata"]["store"]:
			return $this->StoreRecord();

		case $this->forms["uridata"]["add"]:
			$fields["values"] = $values;
			return $this->form->Show($this->forms["forms"]["add"] , $fields , $this->extra["add"]);

		case $this->forms["uridata"]["edit"]:
			//searching for element
			$data = $values["edit"] ? $values["edit"] : $this->db->QFetchArray("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] . "` WHERE `" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_GET[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" );

			//checking if this is a valid data
			if (is_array($data)) {
				$fields["values"] = $data;
				return $this->form->Show($this->forms["forms"]["edit"] , $fields , $this->extra["edit"]);

			header("Location:" . $this->RestoreURI("list"));


		case $this->forms["uridata"]["details"]:
			//searching for element
			$data = $this->db->QFetchArray("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->tables[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table"]] . "` WHERE `" . $this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"] . "`='" . $_GET[$this->forms["forms"]["edit"]["table_uid"]] . "'" );

			//checking if this is a valid data
			if (is_array($data)) {
				$fields["values"] = $data;
				return $this->form->Show($this->forms["forms"]["details"] , $fields, $this->extra["details"]);

			header("Location:" . $this->RestoreURI("list"));


		case $this->forms["uridata"]["search"]:
		case $this->forms["uridata"]["list"]:

			return $this->FormList($values["list"]);



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