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How to delete a specific entry


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Hey guys


I have trouble picking the specific id of an entry i want to delete


so please take a look at the codes first


Here's the function for making the form:


function am_query_display_quick($page,$order ='DATE DESC'){
global $email;
$conn = db_connect_2();
$color1 = "tableRowOdd";
$color2 = "tableRowEven";
$RowCount = 0;

$result = $conn->query("SELECT pro,pro_update,ana,ana_update,cell,cell_update,cellother,cellother_update,gen,gen_update,genother,genother_update,author,author_update,other,other_update,id
FROM mailing_list
WHERE email = '$email'
ORDER BY $order LIMIT $start_row, $max_per_page;");

echo "<form method = \"post\" action=\".{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}.\">";
echo "<table class=\"sortable\" id=\"query_quick2\" width=\"100%\" >\r\n";
echo "\t<tr><th></th><th>Promoter
Locus</th><th>Update?</th><th>Anatomical Area</th><th>Update?</th><th>Cell
Type</th><th>Update?</th><th>Other Cell Type</th><th>Update?</th><th>Genetic
Background</th><th>Update?</th><th>Other Gen.

while ($row = $result->fetch_array()){
$RowCount ++;
$row_color = ($RowCount % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;

echo "\t<tr class=\"$row_color\" ><td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"edit_mail\" value = \"Edit\"/></td>
<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete_mail\" value =\"Delete\"/></td>
<td><input type =\"hidden\" name = \"id\" value=\"{$row['id']}\"/></td>


echo "</table>";
echo "</form>"; 


And this is where the delete command comes into place (excerpt):



} elseif(isset($_SESSION['user_id']) AND isset($_POST['delete_mail'])){
//user is deleting existing queries
$id = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['id']);
echo $id;

$sql2 = "DELETE FROM mailing_list WHERE id='$id'";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql2) or mysqli_error($conn);

$msgs[] = "Query deleted successfully.";
$body = "account.php";




yes it can delete entries all right


but it doesn't delete a specific entry when i click the "delete" button near it


somehow, it ALWAYS deletes the last row of entry at the table


as you can see, i echoed out $id as it's referring to the LAST entry as well


So my question is, how to delete a particular entry when i click the corresponding "delete" button??



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Your form is set up wrong. With it set up as it is, the only id that will be present in the $_POST array is the last one in the form. You either need to break each record retrieved from the database into its own form, with its own submit button, or add a checkbox to each record's display to indicate it should be deleted, and use one submit button to delete all selected records. Option 2 is probably the most user-friendly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You either need to break each record retrieved from the database into its own form, with its own submit button


Could you please elaborate on this point?


Because I want to be able to edit individual entry, so i think it's a better idea to have edit buttons right next to the entries


by the way just a quick update, the codes have been fixed as follow:


$result = $conn->query("SELECT query, link, pro,pro_update,ana,ana_update,cell,cell_update,cellother,cellother_update,gen,gen_update,genother,genother_update,author,author_update,other,other_update,date,id
FROM mailing_list
WHERE email = '$email'
ORDER BY $order LIMIT $start_row, $max_per_page;");

echo "<table class=\"sortable\" id=\"query_quick2\" width=\"100%\" >\r\n";
echo "\t<tr><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Updated Query</th><th width=\"10\" class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Link</th>
<th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Promoter Locus</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th>
<th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Anatomical Area</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th>
<th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Cell Type</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th>
<th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Other Cell Type</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th>
<th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Genetic Background</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th>
<th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Other Gen. Back.</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th>
<th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Author</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th>
<th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Other</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th>
<th class=\"sorttable_mmdd\" >Date</th><th class=\"sorttable_nosort\" ></th><th class=\"sorttable_nosort\" ></th>\r\n";

while ($row = $result->fetch_array()){
$RowCount ++;
$row_color = ($RowCount % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;
echo "<form method = \"post\" action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\">";
echo "\t<tr id=\"{$row['id']}\" class=\"$row_color\" >
<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"edit_mail\" value = \"Edit\"/></td>
<td><input type =\"hidden\" name = \"id\" value=\"{$row['id']}\"/></td>
<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete_mail\" value =\"Delete\"/></td>
echo "</form>";


echo "</table>"; 



now a specific entry could be deleted


but another problem arises



Right AFTER i sort the table by clicking a column heading, say, promoter locus, (using sortable.js)


and then when i try to delete a specific entry, problem arises.


Instead of deleting the entry i want, it always deletes the LAST entry.


Now as you can see, i select a specific value for $id, using post method from a form


But shouldn't the value of $id point to the entry i want to delete when i click the "delete" button near it? (i mean it works fine before i sort the table)


Any help would be greatly appreciated



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