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Function not being called


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I have 2 forms on a page, 1 with a selection of newly registered accounts and another that displays the information on the user. What I need to happen is when a user is selected from the first form, the second form is populated with the data. I'm trying to do this with a combination of php and javascript, however whenever a user is selected the function isn't being called at all as far as I can tell. Can anyone help me get this working please?


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Fearless Bandits :: Admin Control Panel</title>

//Check for config file and initiate session.

//Connect to DB
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("$dbname") or die("Cannot select DB");

//Check user authorisation
if(!isset($_COOKIE['user'])) {
echo "Error: Cookies must be enabled. Please enable cookies in your browser and try again.<br>";
else {
$sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$user' and access='2'";
if($count == 0) {
	echo "Error: Unauthorised access detected.";

echo "Admin Control Panel<br>";
//Check for mode, if no mode set to 0

//Display information based on mode
//Check for new applications
case 1:
	echo "<a href=\"admin.php?mode=0\">Back</a><br>";
	$sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE newreg='1'";
	$newuser = NULL;
	$newuid = NULL;
	$newapi = NULL;
	$newmember = 0;
	//If there is more than one load results into an array
	if($count > 0) {
		echo "There is at least 1 new user:<br>";
		$i = 0;
		while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			$newaccounts[$i] = $row['username'];
		for($i=0; $i < $count; $i++) {
			echo "User " . $i . ": " . $newaccounts[$i] . "<br>";
		//Select user
		echo "<form name=\"selectuser\" action=\"\">";
		echo "<select name=\"username\" onChange=\"newaccntsUpdate(this);\">";
		echo "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\"></option>";
			for($i=0; $i < $count; $i++) {
				echo "<option value=\"" . $newaccounts[$i] . "\">" . $newaccounts[$i] . "</option>";
		echo "</select><br>";
		echo "</form>";

		//Output array into form.
		echo "<form name=\"newaccnts\" method =\"post\" action=\"verify_admin.php?form=1\">";
		echo "Username: <input name=\"newuser\" type=\"text\" id=\"newuser\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['newuser'] . "\">";
		echo "UID: <input name=\"newuid\" type=\"text\" id=\"newuid\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['newuid'] . "\">";
		echo "API: <input name=\"newapi\" type=\"text\" id=\"newapi\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['newapi'] . "\">";
		if($newmember == 0)
			echo "Member: <input name=\"newmember\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"newmember\" value=\"1\"><br>";
			echo "Member: <input name=\"newmember\" type=\"checkbox\" checked= \"checked\" id=\"newmember\" value=\"1\"><br>";
		echo "<input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">";
		echo "</form>";
//Select a mode
	echo "Please select a function below:<br>";
	echo "<ul>";
		echo "<li><a href=\"admin.php?mode=1\">Check for new applications</a></li>";
		echo "<li><a href=\"admin.php?mode=2\">Modify an existing account</a></li>";
		echo "<li><a href=\"admin.php?mode=3\">Reset a password</a></li>";
		echo "<li><a href=\"admin.php?mode=4\">Delete an account</a></li>";
	echo "<ul>";

//Update newaccnts function. Pull user info from databse and then run javascript
function newaccntsUpdate() {
echo "newaccntsUpdate executed<br>"; //Error checking
//Identify username
//If username is NULL or blank return
if($newuser == NULL || $newuser == "")
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$newuser'");
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$_SESSION['newuser'] = $newuser;
$_SESSION['newuid'] = $row['uid'];
$_SESSION['newapi'] = $row['api'];
$_SESSION['newmember'] = $row['member'];
//Update form with details

<script language = "Javascript">
//Identify which user has been selected
function identifyUser() {
$newuser = document.selectuser.username.value;
alert('identifyUser executed'); //Error checking

//Update form
function updateForm() {
document.newaccnts.newuser.value = $newuser;
document.newaccnts.newuid.value = $_SESSION['newuid'];
document.newaccnts.newapi.value = $_SESSION['newapi'];
alert('updateForm executed'); //Error checking


I apologise if I've butchered the code, I'm still learning.

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That won't work. PHP is executed server-side and JavaScript is executed client-side. Once the page is delivered to the user (i.e. is displayed in their browser) you can't dynamically execute more code in that same PHP file. You have to do a new request to the server.


So, you can "submit" the page when the user changes the selection so you can recreate the form with the appropriate data populated in the 2nd form OR you can use AJAX to dynamically do a server call to get the data and populate the data with JavaScript. Take a look at some tutorials to get started.

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