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Select drop menu unable to populate


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Hi there,

i am relatively new to php, mysql, css etc but learning fast.

My problem is such;

i have a php file which is doing a SELECT mysql_query, WHILE results to strings, then ECHO the resulting rows to produce a list  formatted using  <table> and finally this <table> is inside a <form> which will POST the  changes back to the specific database.tble.row.


I wish to have a drop down menu within the <form><table> which will be populated from a separate database.table.


I have accomplished the drop down menu outside the <?php ?> tags inside  <form><table> which POSTS to a php file but my problem is to add the populating drop down menu inside <?php ?> an already ECHOing resulting rows from the sql query.


i.e <?php blurb and stuff ?>


<select name etc>


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE string = tble.rw ORDER BY column");


echo "<OPTION VALUE=".$row['column'].">".$row['column']."</OPTION>";



</select> WORKS!!!!


but placing this inside


<?php $x =mysql_query[select] while {strings = conditions; echo ("<form><table><tr><td>

insert populated drop menu here

</td> etc ");



doesnt work and just leaves the select drop menu blank


Hoep you understand my problem.

I do not think i can attached the population WHILE loop to a string and just insert the string to the form but maybe i am wrong.


thanks in advance and if you go tthis far reading you must be on lots and lots of coffee



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this works as a simple insert form


$sid = $member_details_array['id'];


<div id="boxlist">

<form  enctype=multipart/form-data method=post action='upgift.php'>




<p>Please enter the title :<input name='descrip'  size='10px' id='title'></p>

<p>Please enter the price: <input name='price' size='10px' id='price' value='£'></p>

<p>Upload picture:<input type=file name='image' size='10px'></p>

<p> Celebration? <select name='celeb' size='1'>


$evea = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE $sid = events.id ORDER BY event");




echo "<OPTION VALUE=".$row['event'].">".$row['event']."</OPTION>";





<p>Page of item on internet:<input name='blank1' size='10px' maxlength='200' value='http://' >

<p><input type=submit name='upgift' value='upload'></form>



whereas i wish to have the drop down menu as below;


<div id="boxlist">



$sid = $member_details_array['id'];


$list = mysql_query("


flumpurls.descrip, flumpurls.url, flumpurls.price, flumpurls.celeb, flumpurls.blank1, events.event, events.datedue, flumpurls.cal_id


flumpurls, events


flumpurls.id = '$sid'

AND events.id = '$sid'

AND blank2 = 'A'

AND events.event = flumpurls.celeb



events.datedue ASC");


while($giresult = mysql_fetch_array($list))


{$words = $giresult['descrip'];

$cost = $giresult['price'];

$picture = $giresult['url'];

$celeb = $giresult['celeb'];

$thedate = strtotime ($giresult['datedue']);

$date = date("j M Y",$thedate);


$avatar = "$pict2$picture";

$gid = $giresult['cal_id'];


$words_input="<input TYPE=\"text\" SIZE=\"20\" NAME=\"words\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"".$giresult['descrip']."\" >";


$cost_input="<input TYPE=\"text\" SIZE=\"20\" NAME=\"price\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"".$giresult['price']."\" >";


$celeb_input="<select name=\"celeb\" SIZE=\"1\" maxlength=\"15\">

<option value=\"".$giresult['celeb']."\">".$giresult['celeb']."</option>



$gid_input="<input TYPE=\"hidden\" SIZE=\"20\" NAME=\"gid\" maxlength=\"10\"

value=\"$gid\" >";






echo ("<form enctype=multipart/form-data  method=post action='giftupdate.php'><table width='400' height='150' align='center' border='0'  >




    <td width='80' >Event: $celeb_input<div align='right'></div></td>


    <td rowspan='4' width='120'><a ><img src='$avatar' width='110' height='80'/></a></td>


    <td  width='96'></td>






    <td width='80'>Title:$words_input</td>


<td  width='96'>Update this gifts details<p>


      <input type=submit name=update value='update'><input type=hidden name=gid value=$gid></td>






    <td width='80'>Price:$cost_input</td>

<td  width='96'><?php

$evea = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE $sid = events.id ORDER BY event");




echo "<OPTION VALUE=".$row['event'].">".$row['event']."</OPTION>";








    <td colspan='2' >Date:<p>$date</td>

<td  width='96'></td>





echo "";






p.s i am getting round to the \' s 


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It's your query that's causing the issue.  Should be:

SELECT * FROM events WHERE events.id = $sid ORDER BY event


SELECT * FROM events WHERE $sid = events.id ORDER BY event


and if events.id is not an integer you will need single quotes around $sid.

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Looks like you're missing the terminating '}' for this while loop:

while($giresult = mysql_fetch_array($list))



Missing the terminating ')' for this line:

echo ("</pre>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data " method="post" action="'giftupdate.php'"><


Also the terminating ?> for the previous <?php tag.


To view all the errors add these 2 lines in directly after your opening <?php tag:

ini_set ("display_errors", "1");

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ah, hang on, to be clear.

i want the populated drop down menu inside the form so it will be another element i can manipulate in giftupdate.php.


once i have the menu working in the echo i can then use the selected function to display the associated value with the specific row from the array with the option of the menu choice to alter the associated value.



$giresult row 1 + 

<select >

<option selected="selected" value="1">row 1s associated value</option>

<option value="2">choice 2</option>

<option value="3">choice 3 </option>

<option value="4">choice 4 </option>



$giresult row 2 +

<select >

<option selected="selected" value="2">row 2s associated value</option>

<option value="2">choice 1</option>

<option value="3">choice 3 </option>

<option value="4">choice 4 </option>



etc throughout the Echoed array $giresult

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I've tried sleeping on it but still no clue how to accomplish this;


tried creating a separate php page with the while loop and tried including page inside form but still nothing.,


Problem as far as i can work out is that the FORM is inside an ECHO of a WHILE loop {} which is producing a list.


writing <?php ?> inside this FORM being echoed is being rejected.


Am i failing on the syntax or the methodology?


Page producing rows to populate the dropdown menu named "page.php"



$sid = $member_details_array['id'];

$event = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE events.id = '$sid' ORDER BY cal_id ASC");


echo "

<OPTION VALUE=".$row['event'].">".$row['event']."</OPTION>";





the above produces the list i want and can be produced outside the echo"<form><table>

see here



page displaying information named "display.php"

$sid = $member_details_array['id'];


$list = mysql_query("









column5  ASC");


while($giresult = mysql_fetch_array($list))



$words = $giresult['a'];

$cost = $giresult['b'];

$picture = $giresult['c'];


echo ("<form enctype=multipart/form-data  method=post action='giftupdate.php'><table width='400' height='150' align='center' border='0'  >




    <td width='80' >Event: <select name='celeb' size='1'></select></td>




echo "";





once the include is attempted to be placed within the FORM it produces an empty dropdown menu

<div id="boxlist">



$sid = $member_details_array['id'];


$list = mysql_query("









column5  ASC");


while($giresult = mysql_fetch_array($list))



$words = $giresult['a'];

$cost = $giresult['b'];

$picture = $giresult['c'];



echo ("<form enctype=multipart/form-data  method=post action='giftupdate.php'><table width='400' height='150' align='center' border='0'  >




    <td width='80' >Event: <select name='celeb' size='1'><?php include("page.php"); ?></select></td>




echo "";






help? Is it the php inside a form inside php tags? or syntax?




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yeah i am pretty sure an include in an echo statement wont work.


try creating a string with the options in, rather than echoing them directly, and then include that string into the echo statement instead of the include so something like

$options = '';
$sid = $member_details_array['id'];
$event = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE events.id = '$sid' ORDER BY cal_id ASC");
echo "
$options .= <OPTION VALUE=".$row['event'].">".$row['event']."</OPTION>";




then echo out that $options string along with the rest of the form.

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