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Using Javascript and the POST array???


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I am wanting to send a field that has been updated to a check.php.  check.php should then generate an updated image of a check.  I would like the image when it is updated to be in an iframe on the same page.  My thoughts are to pass this to the via the $_POST array.  Can this be done without ajax? 


I have looked for a couple hours trying to find a possible solution, but none seem to fit the bill.  Any help is greatly appreciated.


<script src='myjs.js' type="text/JavaScript">

<form id="updateCheck" method="post" action="check.php">
	Sponsor: <input name="sponsor" onChange="updateSponsor(this.value)"><br />
	Date: <input name="date" onChange="updateDate(this.value)"><br />
	Payee: <input name="payee" onChange="updatePayee(this.value)"><br />

<iframe src="check.php" id="newcheck" height="460px" width="910" frameborder="1"> 






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well I figured it out a bit finally.


<script type="text/JavaScript">
function submitform()
<form id="updateCheck" method="post" action="check.php">
Sponsor: <input name="sponsor" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Date: <input name="date" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Payee: <input name="payee" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Amount:<input name="numamount" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Memo:<input name="memo" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Signature:<input name="signature" onChange="submitform()"><br />

<iframe src="check.php" id="newcheck" height="460px" width="910" frameborder="1"> 




I can see the post array now holding the values that have been submitted. 

Any thoughts on getting the values to now be placed in the iframe element ?





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finished code.

<script type="text/JavaScript">

function submitform(){

<form id="updateCheck" method="post" action="check.php" target="newcheck">
Sponsor: <input name="sponsor" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Date: <input name="date" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Payee: <input name="payee" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Amount:<input name="numamount" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Memo:<input name="memo" onChange="submitform()"><br />
Signature:<input name="signature" onChange="submitform()"><br />

<iframe src="check.php"name ="newcheck"id="newcheck" height="460px" width="910" frameborder="0">
<script type="text/JavaScript">





require_once ('class.number2word.php');

// array from posted input
$newimage = imagecreatefrompng("dream_scenes_check.png");
imagealphablending($newimage, true); // setting alpha blending on
imagesavealpha($newimage, true); // save alphablending setting 
$color = imagecolorallocate($newimage, 0, 0, 0);
$font = 'arial.ttf';
$datefontSize = "14";
$payeeFontSize = "18";
$NumamountFontSize = "24";
$sigFontSize = "15";
$fontRotation = "0";

if (isset($_POST['sponsor']) || isset($_POST['date']) || isset($_POST['payee']) || isset($_POST['numamount']) || isset($_POST['memo']) || isset($_POST['signature'])){
/* Check Text To be written */
if ($_POST['sponsor'] > ''){
	ImageTTFText($newimage, $payeeFontSize, $fontRotation, 45, 105, $color, $font, $_POST['sponsor']);
if ($_POST['date'] > ''){
	ImageTTFText($newimage, $datefontSize, $fontRotation, 625, 105, $color, $font, $_POST['date']);
if ($_POST['payee'] > ''){	
	ImageTTFText($newimage, $payeeFontSize, $fontRotation, 180, 210, $color, $font, $_POST['payee']);
if ($_POST['numamount'] > ''){
	ImageTTFText($newimage, $NumamountFontSize, $fontRotation, 715, 210, $color, $font, $_POST['numamount']);
	// need to creat class & make the $_POST['textamount']
	$instance = new number_word();
	$words = $instance->number_word($_POST['numamount'],0,0);
	//ImageTTFText($newimage, $datefontSize, $fontRotation, 55, 270, $color, $font, $words);//$_POST['textamount']);
	//ImageTTFText($newimage, $datefontSize, $fontRotation, 55, 270, $color, $font, $_POST['textamount']);
if ($_POST['memo'] > ''){
	ImageTTFText($newimage, $datefontSize, $fontRotation, 110, 360, $color, $font, $_POST['memo']);
if ($_POST['signature'] > ''){
	ImageTTFText($newimage, $sigFontSize, $fontRotation, 560, 360, $color, $font, $_POST['signature']);

// Output the image to the browser
header("Content-Type: image/PNG");
ImagePng ($newimage);
// if no $_POST values, write the blank image
header("Content-Type: image/PNG");
ImagePng ($newimage);


require_once ('class.number2word.php');

// array from posted input
$newimage = imagecreatefrompng("dream_scenes_check.png");
imagealphablending($newimage, true); // setting alpha blending on
imagesavealpha($newimage, true); // save alphablending setting 
$color = imagecolorallocate($newimage, 0, 0, 0);
$font = 'arial.ttf';
$datefontSize = "14";
$payeeFontSize = "18";
$NumamountFontSize = "24";
$sigFontSize = "15";
$fontRotation = "0";

/* Check Text To be written */
if ($_POST['sponsor'] > ''){
ImageTTFText($newimage, $payeeFontSize, $fontRotation, 75, 105, $color, $font, $_POST['sponsor']);
if ($_POST['date'] > ''){
ImageTTFText($newimage, $datefontSize, $fontRotation, 625, 105, $color, $font, $_POST['date']);
if ($_POST['payee'] > ''){	
ImageTTFText($newimage, $payeeFontSize, $fontRotation, 180, 210, $color, $font, $_POST['payee']);
if ($_POST['numamount'] > ''){
ImageTTFText($newimage, $NumamountFontSize, $fontRotation, 715, 210, $color, $font, $_POST['numamount']);
// need to creat class & make the $_POST['textamount']
$instance = new number_word();
$words = $instance->number_word($_POST['numamount']);
//ImageTTFText($newimage, $datefontSize, $fontRotation, 55, 270, $color, $font, $words);//$_POST['textamount']);
//ImageTTFText($newimage, $datefontSize, $fontRotation, 55, 270, $color, $font, $_POST['textamount']);
if ($_POST['memo'] > ''){
ImageTTFText($newimage, $datefontSize, $fontRotation, 110, 360, $color, $font, $_POST['memo']);
if ($_POST['signature'] > ''){
ImageTTFText($newimage, $sigFontSize, $fontRotation, 560, 360, $color, $font, $_POST['signature']);

// Output the image to the browser
header("Content-Type: image/PNG");
ImagePng ($newimage);




Big thanks to Crayon Violet for his image tutorial on this site.


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