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reply to message


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i am making a message system which users can message each other. sending message works fine but having trouble with the reply message cant seem to get to_user value code so far


require "database.php";

$messageid = $_GET['messageid'];
$message = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE message_id = '$messageid' AND to_user = '$myusername'");

// problem is here atm getuname returns Resource id  instead of the username iam trying to reply to //
$getuname= mysql_query("SELECT from_user FROM messages Where message_id='$message_id' AND to_user ='$myusername'");

echo "<h1>Title: ".$message['message_title']."</h1><br><br>";
echo "<h3>From: ".$message['from_user']."<br><br></h3>";
echo "<h3>Message: <br>".$message['message_contents']."<br></h3>";

echo '<form name="backfrm" method="post" action="inbox.php">';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Back to Inbox">';
// this where i need to the to user to carry over to the next page//
echo '<a href="reply.php?username=' . "$getuname" . '">reply</a>'."<br/>";
echo '</form>';

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mysql_query() returns a resource identifier, not an actual value. As you've done in the first query, you need to convert that resource into an array with mysql_fetch_assoc().


$getuname = mysql_query("SELECT from_user FROM messages Where message_id='$message_id' AND to_user ='$myusername'");
$uname_values = mysql_fetch_assoc($getuname);
$uname = $uname_values['from_user'];


Fixed that problem, your system doesn't seem to look right. If you have a message_id, there's no need to query for the username also. The query with a message ID should return the sender (to_user), receiver (actual user) and message. After that, you just swap places (to_user=>original sender, from_user=>original receiver) and quote the original message.

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do u mean


$getuname[0]= mysql_query("SELECT from_user FROM messages Where message_id='$message_id' AND to_user ='$myusername'");




echo '<a href="reply.php?username=' . "$getuname[0]" . '">reply</a>'."<br/>";


or just set a variable called $getuname[0]

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I mean this:


require "database.php";

$messageid = $_GET['messageid'];
$message = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE message_id = '$messageid' AND to_user = '$myusername'");

// problem is here atm getuname returns Resource id  instead of the username iam trying to reply to //
$getuname= mysql_query("SELECT from_user FROM messages Where message_id='$message_id' AND to_user ='$myusername'");

$uname = mysql_fetch_row($getuname);

echo "<h1>Title: ".$message['message_title']."</h1><br><br>";
echo "<h3>From: ".$message['from_user']."<br><br></h3>";
echo "<h3>Message: <br>".$message['message_contents']."<br></h3>";

echo '<form name="backfrm" method="post" action="inbox.php">';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Back to Inbox">';
// this where i need to the to user to carry over to the next page//
echo '<a href="reply.php?username='". $uname[0] ."'">reply</a><br />';
echo '</form>';

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mysql_query() returns a resource identifier, not an actual value. As you've done in the first query, you need to convert that resource into an array with mysql_fetch_assoc().


$getuname = mysql_query("SELECT from_user FROM messages Where message_id='$message_id' AND to_user ='$myusername'");
$uname_values = mysql_fetch_assoc($getuname);
$uname = $uname_values['from_user'];


Fixed that problem, your system doesn't seem to look right. If you have a message_id, there's no need to query for the username also. The query with a message ID should return the sender (to_user), receiver (actual user) and message. After that, you just swap places (to_user=>original sender, from_user=>original receiver) and quote the original message.


$getuname = mysql_query("SELECT from_user FROM messages Where message_id='$message_id' AND to_user ='$myusername'");
$uname_values = mysql_fetch_assoc($getuname);
$uname = $uname_values['from_user'];


just tryed that still returning resource  #18

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require "database.php";

$messageid = $_GET['messageid'];
$message = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE message_id = '$messageid' AND to_user = '$myusername'");

$getuname = mysql_query("SELECT from_user FROM messages Where message_id='$message_id' AND to_user ='$myusername'");
$uname_values = mysql_fetch_assoc($getuname);
$uname = $uname_values['from_user'];

echo "<h1>Title: ".$message['message_title']."</h1><br><br>";
echo "<h3>From: ".$message['from_user']."<br><br></h3>";
echo "<h3>Message: <br>".$message['message_contents']."<br></h3>";

echo '<form name="backfrm" method="post" action="inbox.php">';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Back to Inbox">';
echo '<a href="reply.php?username=' . "$getuname" . '">reply</a>'."<br/>";
echo '</form>';

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Why do you even have that second query in your code? The first query is already getting everything about the message from the database.


Your second query is also using a $message_id variable that doesn't exist in the posted code and will never match anything in your database.

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conan318, you should really read what others have written first. Beginner or not, one should have the patience to read!


The show and reply functionality should work like this:



$myusername = $_SESSION['myusername'];
require 'database.php';

$message_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['messageid']); //or (int) $_GET['messageid']; if messageid is supposed to be an integer
$results = mysql_query("SELECT message_title, from_user, to_user, message_contents FROM messages WHERE message_id='$message_id'");
$values = mysql_fetch_assoc($results);

$message_title = stripslashes($values['message_title']);
$message_contents = stripslashes($values['message_contents']);
$from_user = $values['from_user'];
$to_user = $values['to_user']; //this should be equal to $myusername, or it's ID if it is an ID

echo "<h1>Title: $message_title</h1><br><br>";
echo "<h3>From: $from_user<br><br></h3>";
echo "<h3>Message: <br />$message_contents</h3>";

echo '<a href="inbox.php">Back to Inbox</a>';
echo '<a href="reply.php?messageid=' . $message_id . '">Reply</a>;


In the same fashion, you make reply.php

$myusername = $_SESSION['myusername'];
require 'database.php';

$message_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['messageid']); //or (int) $_GET['messageid']; if messageid is supposed to be an integer
$results = mysql_query("SELECT message_title, from_user, to_user, message_contents FROM messages WHERE message_id='$message_id'");
$values = mysql_fetch_assoc($results);

$message_title = stripslashes($values['message_title']);
$message_contents = stripslashes($values['message_contents']);
$to_user = $values['from_user']; //this has become the TO:
$from_user = $values['to_user']; //this has become the FROM:

$message_contents = "\nOriginal Message:\n" . $message_contents;

echo '<form method="post" action="">';
echo '<input type="text" name="title" value="RE: ' . $message_title . '" />';
echo '<textarea name="contents">' . $message_contents . '</textarea>';
echo '</form>';

echo '<a href="inbox.php">Back to Inbox</a>';

if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
     $title = htmlentities($_POST['title'], ENT_QUOTES);
     $contents = htmlentities($_POST['contents'], ENT_QUOTES);
     $results = mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (message_title, message_contents, from_user, to_user) VALUES ('$title', '$contents', '$from_user', '$to_user')");
     echo 'Message reply was sent successfuly!';


It may not be a copy/paste solution, but that's the basic idea.

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