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Call Public Function in Another Public Function


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How can I call a public function inside of another public function?  The get_primary_edge() says it's undefined, but it's just another public function in the class so shouldn't this work?


public function get_dynamic_edge($uid)
	$uid = (int)$uid;

	$sql = "(	
				FROM partners
				INNER JOIN `users`
				ON `partners`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
				WHERE partners.friend_id = '${uid}'
				AND `approved` = 1
				FROM `partners`
				INNER JOIN `users`
				ON `partners`.`friend_id` = `users`.`id`
				WHERE `partners`.`user_id` = '${uid}'
				AND `approved` = 1

	$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

	$i = 0;

	while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) !== false)
		$dynamic[$i] = array(
			'uid' 	=> $row['id'],
			'score' => get_primary_edge($row['id']),



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It's the critical variable in object oriented programming.  It defines the current class scope and allows you access to the current class's methods and variables (and any inherited ones).  I recommend reading that entire manual chapter that's linked above.

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It's the critical variable in object oriented programming.  It defines the current class scope and allows you access to the current class's methods and variables (and any inherited ones).  I recommend reading that entire manual chapter that's linked above.


I will. I just made my first OOP class and I would really like to learn more about it, because I feel that it is the next step for me as a coder.

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It's the critical variable in object oriented programming.  It defines the current class scope and allows you access to the current class's methods and variables (and any inherited ones).  I recommend reading that entire manual chapter that's linked above.


I will. I just made my first OOP class and I would really like to learn more about it, because I feel that it is the next step for me as a coder.


Just because your using classes does not mean your coding in OOP. It's a first step, but it's not the entire picture.

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It's the critical variable in object oriented programming.  It defines the current class scope and allows you access to the current class's methods and variables (and any inherited ones).  I recommend reading that entire manual chapter that's linked above.


I will. I just made my first OOP class and I would really like to learn more about it, because I feel that it is the next step for me as a coder.


Just because your using classes does not mean your coding in OOP. It's a first step, but it's not the entire picture.


Hmm Interesting.  Care to explain?

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It's the critical variable in object oriented programming.  It defines the current class scope and allows you access to the current class's methods and variables (and any inherited ones).  I recommend reading that entire manual chapter that's linked above.


I will. I just made my first OOP class and I would really like to learn more about it, because I feel that it is the next step for me as a coder.


Just because your using classes does not mean your coding in OOP. It's a first step, but it's not the entire picture.


Hmm Interesting.  Care to explain?

Well, mon frere, I wouldn't say this post was in French, n'est pas?
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It's the critical variable in object oriented programming.  It defines the current class scope and allows you access to the current class's methods and variables (and any inherited ones).  I recommend reading that entire manual chapter that's linked above.


I will. I just made my first OOP class and I would really like to learn more about it, because I feel that it is the next step for me as a coder.


Just because your using classes does not mean your coding in OOP. It's a first step, but it's not the entire picture.


Hmm Interesting.  Care to explain?


Stuffing a bunch of thematically similar functions in a class isn't OOP.  If it were that simple, then why would dozens of thick books exist on the subject?


OOP is a completely different design methodology than procedural programming.  It revolves around encapsulating both structures and behaviors, and dynamically using them/plugging them in/swapping them at run time.

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Sounds a lot more complicated than I realized.  It's not just grouping functions and calling them in a specified group?

No.  That's the first step.  That's what makes some people make the jump from "include files" to "a math library," but a math library is not OOP.  Changing pi() to math::pi() doesn't give you any benefit other than namespacing.  Being able to say $user->save() and have it dynamically decide which database to save in and recursively save its child objects is a better example.
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