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Couting how many records have the same id.


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A tables id is usually its primary key and should be unique across that entire table. Some tables may contain an id as a reference back to a "foreign" table, these are foreign keys. So in your case you would have something kinda of like this:


table: groups
id | group
0  | root
1  | wheel
2  | nobody

table: users
id | username | group_id
0  | root     | 0
1  | admin    | 1
2  | michael  | 1
3  | gob      | 1
4  | buster   | 2


So as you can see in users table, group_id can be repeated (and thats fine). To query the DB and return username and groupname of the user, you would do:

SELECT group.groups, username.users FROM groups, users WHERE group_id.users = id.groups

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this is helpful fo course but it's not what am trying to do. I dont want to show the relation between two tables even though they are. All i want to do if to be able to count how many records have the same content.


for example if you have category_id which can have more then one record with the same id in. I want to be able to say how many records in the table have the same category id. Hope this makes sence

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SELECT COUNT(*) FROM yourTable WHERE category_id = 4;

Unless of course you mean something else, the sentence you said has four possible interpretations, I chose the easiest one because I'm not done with my coffee yet.  Show data, and show the kind of result you're looking for.

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We can't help you because we're guessing about what you want based on your complete lack of detail and poorly explained problem.  So, again:




And tell us explicitly how you want to use the data from which column(s).

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Okay, now we're getting somewhere.


You need to fetch the results after you run the query, just like normal:


$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE category_id = $catID";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

echo "Number of entries: " . $row[0];

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