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2 different array variables in one json_encode


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I have a function where I am returning a few different arrays into one return json_encode(); but how would I do this?

I'm bulling an array from 2 different database tables, and I can't join or union these, because I am actually going to have quite a few different calls that needs to call into other areas. Anyway, My 2 variables are,'




If I put one of these in the return json_encode($posts); like that, then the $posts show up fine while the names of course display Undefined, and if I put in return json_encode($names); then my code works for the names to be displayed but anything in the posts of course is undefined, how do I put these two together?


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OK Update I just tried


so I have something like

$json = array_merge($names, $posts);
return json_encode($json);

which works, BUT, now my display looks like



So that's not really my fix either, maybe this is a javascript question tho, because I am using jguery to postsJSON and get the variables and display them from the Json, but I'm not too good with Javascript. ugh.

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would implode or explode help put these arrays together? I've tried everything I can think of including array_merge(implode($names, $posts)); nothing works and I SUCK with arrays. Anyone need more info? Here is the javascript I am trying to pull this into.

		//settings on top
		var domain = 'http://test.com/';
		var initialPosts = <?php echo get_posts(0,$_SESSION['posts_start']); ?>;
		//function that creates posts
		var postHandler = function(postsJSON) {
			$.each(postsJSON,function(i,post) {
				//post url
				var postURL = '' + domain + post.PostID;
				var id = 'post-' + post.PostID;

				//create the HTML
				//generate the HTML
				.html('<tr><td>' + post.Post + '' + post.Name+'</td></tr>')

				.click(function() {
					window.location = postURL;
				//inject into the container
				.slideDown(250,function() {
					if(i == 0) {
						$.scrollTo($('div#' + id));

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Sounds like you need to do one of two things


1) Merge the names into the posts array, putting the names into their associated posts.  You can do this with a couple foreach loops probably.


2) Change your JS code to work with two separate arrays instead of of a single array.  Then just encode them both, a la json_encode(array($names, $posts));



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Thanks Kicken, but any ideas on how I could do the 2nd one? I'm fairly new to Ajax and Jquery and learning it as I go, I've always been pretty much straight php and have this piece settup exactly the way I want it with straight PHP, but want to integrate AJAX to only load so many Posts (my problem is, those posts then have comments and like features, I can get just the comments to display this way but the important stuff is missing), then a user can click see more to have more then displayed down the page.

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So I have a script I'm working on that pulls multiple comments from a database, then puts it in a jquery piece that pulls the data from the arrays I created in my MYSQL Select.

Below is the results I get, and I want to combine the 2 queries because the information that I get is correct, however they are basically seperate arrays, hence the Undefined.

I have something like that to get the arrays,


$json = array_merge($names, $posts);
return json_encode($json);


and this is the result by using array_merge





Below if the javascript piece that I am using for this, can I split out the .html()? Because I have also done a bunch of unions and LEFT JOINS to my sql and can get most of the information I want into one array, but when I do this and try to echo the Posts, then it will echo the post 3 times instead of once if I have 3 comments, so I can't strip out the comments this way. Or is there a better way of doing this? Below is my javascript.


		//settings on top
		var domain = 'http://test.com/';
		var initialPosts = <?php echo get_posts(0,$_SESSION['posts_start']); ?>;
		//function that creates posts
		var postHandler = function(postsJSON) {
			$.each(postsJSON,function(i,post) {
				//post url
				var postURL = '' + domain + post.PostID;
				var id = 'post-' + post.PostID;

				//create the HTML
				//generate the HTML
				.html('<tr><td>' + post.Name+ '' + post.Post+'</td></tr>')

				.click(function() {
					window.location = postURL;
				//inject into the container
				.slideDown(250,function() {
					if(i == 0) {
						$.scrollTo($('div#' + id));



My biggest problem is only getting one post, but getting all the comments that were posted to this array doing it this way. What I really want to do is integrate multiple arrays, so I don't have to just use +post.Name+ but I can also use +name.Name+ and this will pull from a different json_encode so I could have json_encode($name); and json_encode(post); and work with them this way.

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Anyone know about this? I mean I understand, post.PostID pulls the PostID from the arrays, but where does the above script create post.? so I can create like a name.Username then post.PostID to loop thru both of these? And bigger yet, how do I create a loop in javascript to grab post.PostID then name.Username and display thos, and then inside that I'd have comment.Comments loop thru? Anyone?


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