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Total time users spent on page?


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I have a Yahtzee system


$_SESSION['Yahtzee']['totaltime'] =time();
echo $_SESSION['Yahtzee']['totaltime'];


Now, Long STORY Short when somone finishes playing the Yahtzee, I update there username with the score they had, and I want to update how long they have been playing, and it will be for "Total Time Playing globally" no matter how many games.


If I do this session and echo it out, it echo's out the time, but I need it to echo out seconds instead so I can just add that to my totaltime field in my database each time they finished a game.



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Yeah... Because you're overwriting the previous value. Right there on the first line.


$_SESSION['Yahtzee']['time'] = time();

if (isset($_GET['ez'])){
echo "hey";
$time2 = $_SESSION['Yahtzee']['time2']=time();

$totalTime = $_SESSION['Yahtzee']['time'] - $time2;
echo $totalTime;



This doesn't work? Any idea  :shrug:

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When a user first starts the game, set the start time like so

$_SESSION['Yahtzee']['start_time'] = time();


Then when the user finishes the game, calculate the total time like so

$total_time = time() - $_SESSION['Yahtzee']['start_time'] = time();


Then do whatever you want with that value

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Session star is my code where that users starts the game.



$_SESSION['Yahtzee']['start_time'] = time();

if (isset($_GET['ez'])){
$total_time = time() - $_SESSION['Yahtzee']['start_time'] = time();

echo $total_time;



So he starts the game, then I will be using $_GET or $_POST to update there value,


I wait 5seconds on main page, go to ?ez=1 on URL to activate my $_GET['ez'] to show the time spent and it still shows 0?


I am obviously doing something wrong because your code usually never fails


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