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.htaccesss encoding issues


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I haveof issues regarding encoding. in my old hosting server I had none.

To enforce the server to use utf-8. looks like the server use another encoding, so this is my htaccess file:


<FilesMatch "\.(htm|html|css|js)$">

ForceType 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'


<Files "default.php">

ForceType 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'


<Files "emailvalidate.php">

ForceType 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'




When I try to execute emailvalidate.php I get a strange behaviour. here is the output:

connection($host,$user,$pass,$db); if((!isset($B1))and($flag=="0")) { // form auto submitted by List $event = $eventcompo; if($event=="ChooseEvent") { $msg="Please select an Event! "; $_SESSION['BODY']=""; $_SESSION['HEADER']=""; $_SESSION['FOOTER']=""; } $_SESSION['BODY']=""; $_SESSION['HEADER']=""; $_SESSION['FOOTER']=""; $sql="SELECT * FROM partners_adminmail, partners_event WHERE partners_adminmail.adminmail_eventname = partners_event.event_name AND partners_adminmail.adminmail_eventname = '$event' "; $res=mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $from=$row->adminmail_from; $sub=$row->adminmail_subject; $_SESSION['BODY']=$row->adminmail_message; $_SESSION['HEADER']=$row->adminmail_header; $_SESSION['FOOTER']=$row->adminmail_footer; $status=$row->event_status; } $msg=""; header("Location:index.php?Act=email&from=$from&sub=$sub&header=$header&body=$body&footer=$footer&event=$event&status=$status&msg=$msg&to=$to"); exit; } if((isset($B1))or($flag=="1")) { // echo "submitted from button"; $event = $eventcompo; $from =trim($fromtxt); $sub =trim($subjecttxt); $body =trim($bodytxt); $header =trim($headertxt); $footer =trim($footertxt); $getst =$statusradio; $_SESSION['HEADER']=$header; $_SESSION['BODY']=$body; $_SESSION['FOOTER']=$footer; if ($getst=="active") { $status="yes"; } else { $status="no"; } } // validations if(empty($from)) $err = "1"; else $err = "0"; if(empty($sub)) $err .= ".1"; else $err .= ".0"; if(empty($header)) $err .= ".1"; else $err .= ".0"; if(empty($body)) $err .= ".1"; else $err .= ".0"; if(empty($footer)) $err .= ".1"; else $err .= ".0"; if($err!="") { $msg="Invalid Entry...Please do not empty any fields"; $_SESSION['HEADER']=$header; $_SESSION['BODY']=$body; $_SESSION['FOOTER']=$footer; header("Location:index.php?Act=email&from=$from&sub=$sub&event=$event&status=$status&msg=$msg&to=$to"); exit; } if($event=="ChooseEvent") { $msg="Please select an Event! "; header("Location:index.php?Act=email&from=$from&sub=$sub&event=$event&status=$status&msg=$msg&to=$to"); exit; } if($from != '[from]') { if(!$partners->is_email($from)) { $msg="From field should be a valid E-mail Id ! "; header("Location:index.php?Act=email&from=$from&sub=$sub&event=$event&status=$status&msg=$msg&to=$to"); exit; } } ////////////// test sending if ($flag=="1") { if(!$partners->is_email($to)) { $msg="Please Enter a valid E-mail Id on Test Field !!"; header("Location:index.php?Act=email&from=$from&sub=$sub&event=$event&status=$status&msg=$msg&to=$to"); exit; } $sql_admin="select * from partners_admin"; $res_admin=mysql_query($sql_admin); $row_admin =mysql_fetch_object($res_admin); //common header and footer $adminheader=stripslashes($row_admin->admin_mailheader); $adminfooter=stripslashes($row_admin->admin_mailfooter); $admin_email = stripslashes($row_admin->admin_email); $today =date("Y-m-d"); /////////// mail sending $headers = "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n"; $headers .= "From: $from\n"; $headers =str_replace("[from]",$admin_email,$headers); $body1="

"; $body1.="




"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="

"; $body1.="




"; $body1.="




"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="




"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="




"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="


$body"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="




"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="




"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="




"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="

"; $body1.="

"; $body1.="



"; $body1.="

"; //Replace variable in the content with values $body1=str_replace("[aff_firstname]","Affiliate FirstName",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[aff_lastname]","Affiliate LastName",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[aff_company]","Affiliate Company",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[aff_email]","Affiliate Email",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[aff_loginlink]","Affiliate Url",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[aff_password]","Affiliate Password",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[mer_firstname]","Merchant FirstName",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[mer_lastname]","Merchant Lastname",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[mer_company]","Merchant Company",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[mer_email]","Merchant Email",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[mer_loginlink]","Merchant Url",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[mer_password]","Merchnat Password",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[from]",$admin_email,$body1); $body1=str_replace("[commission]","Commission Earned",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[program]","Program Name",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[type]","Transaction type",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[date]","Transaction Date",$body1); $body1=str_replace("[today]",$today,$body1); mail($to,$sub,$body1, $headers); $msg="Mail has been send to ".$to; header("Location:index.php?Act=email&from=$from&sub=$sub&event=$event&status=$status&msg=$msg&to=$to"); exit ; } ////////////// updating table $sql="select * from partners_adminmail WHERE adminmail_eventname='$event'"; $res=mysql_query($sql); if(mysql_num_rows($res)>0) { $sql1="UPDATE partners_adminmail SET adminmail_from ='$from',adminmail_subject='".addslashes($sub)."',adminmail_header='".addslashes($header)."',adminmail_footer='".addslashes($footer)."',adminmail_message='".addslashes($body)."' WHERE adminmail_eventname='$event'"; $sql2="UPDATE partners_event SET event_status ='$status' WHERE event_name='$event'"; $res=mysql_query($sql1) or die ("cant exe"); $res2=mysql_query($sql2) or die ("cant exe 2 nd"); $msg="Message updated "; header("Location:index.php?Act=email&from=$from&sub=$sub&event=$event&status=$status&msg=$msg&to=$to"); } else { $sql1="INSERT INTO partners_adminmail ( adminmail_id , adminmail_eventname , adminmail_from , adminmail_subject , adminmail_message , adminmail_header , adminmail_footer ) VALUES ('', '$event', '$from', '".addslashes($sub)."', '".addslashes($body)."', '".addslashes($header)."', '".addslashes($footer)."')"; $sql2="UPDATE partners_event SET event_status ='$status' WHERE event_name='$event'"; $res=mysql_query($sql1); echo mysql_error(); $res2=mysql_query($sql2) ; echo mysql_error(); $msg="Message updated "; header("Location:index.php?Act=email&from=$from&sub=$sub&event=$event&status=$status&msg=$msg&to=$to"); } ?>






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<Files "emailvalidate.php">

ForceType 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'



So, you are forcing the server to serve the PHP file as a HTML static file.  You are getting the desired results that you asked for.  If you want PHP parsed as PHP, then do not force the type to HTML.

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<Files "emailvalidate.php">

ForceType 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'



So, you are forcing the server to serve the PHP file as a HTML static file.  You are getting the desired results that you asked for.  If you want PHP parsed as PHP, then do not force the type to HTML.

Thanks! but how do I php files on server to use UTF-8?

Why did I change server and the charachters displayed badly?

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you can use the AddCharset directive to set the specified extension to use the specified charset. (e.g)


AddCharset UTF-8 .php


basically, this will cause all the files with the targeted extension to send a Content-Type: header with the charset as whatever you specify.


Note that this will change all of the .php files in all of the subdirectories stemming from the current location.


You can also target one file (e.g.)


<files "example.php">
AddCharset UTF-8 .php

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