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Variable in Query works, but PHP does not


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I have a template page that opens with a GO click from a drop-down in a different page. The variable is being passed through to the URL and in the GET statement. However, my PHP code is producing the following error:

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /data/23/2/100/53/2263053/user/2487001/htdocs/myalaskacenter/events/venues/test_venues-results.php on line 52

Here is my code:

//Assigns the venueCode tothe variable with a more convenient name
$venueURL = $_GET['VenueCode'];
@$DB = mysqli_connect('server','username','password','database');
if (mysqli_connect_errno()){
echo '</blockquote><br/><br />       Sorry, this webpage is temporarily unavailable.<br />       <a href="http://alaskapac.centertix.net/">Click here to search for events.</a>';
} else {
   $Query = "SELECT Events.EventTitle, DATE_FORMAT(Performance.startDateTime, '%W, %M %e, %Y') AS startDate, DATE_FORMAT(Performance.startDateTime, '%h:%i %p') AS startTime, Events.EventID, Events.thumb, Events.ShoWareEventLink, Events.tagline, Performance.category_id, Promoters.Presenter, Promoters.website, Events.startDATE, Events.endDATE, Events.EventOnSaleDate, venues.VenueName FROM ((Events LEFT JOIN Performance ON Events.EventID = Performance.EventID) LEFT JOIN Promoters ON Events.PromoterCode = Promoters.PromoterCode) LEFT JOIN venues ON Performance.VenueCode = venues.VenueCode WHERE venues.VenueCode=".$venueURL." AND Events.group_id=1 AND Performance.category_id!=2 AND Performance.category_id!=5 AND Performance.category_id!=7 AND Performance.category_id!=8 AND Events.EventOnSaleDate IS NOT NULL AND (Performance.PerfType='Public Event' OR Events.EventID='79') AND Performance.endDateTime >= now()-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND Events.PublishDate <= now() AND Events.startDATE IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Performance.startDateTime";
   $Result = mysqli_query($DB,$Query);
   $NumResults = mysqli_num_rows($Result);
    echo "<p class='submenu'>$NumResults Performances</p>";

while ($Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Result)){
$eventtitle = $Row['EventTitle'];
$eventDate = $Row['startDate'];
echo '<p><a href="' . $Row['ShoWareEventLink'] . '"><img src="https://alaskapac.centertix.net/UPLImage/' . $Row['thumb'] . '" alt="' . $Row['EventTitle'] . '" title="' . $Row['EventTitle'] . '" align="left" border="0"><span class="Heading3_blue">' . $Row['EventTitle'] . '</span>';
	echo '<img src="/images/free.gif" alt="Free Event" title="Free Event" width="80" height="80" align="right" border="0"></a><br />';
} elseif ($Row['EventOnSaleDate'] <= date("Y-m-d g:i a")){ /** IF ONSALEDATE<=NOW**/
	echo '<img src="/images/logos/ctx/BUY_Tickets_gold.gif" alt="Buy Tickets" title="Buy Tickets" width="85" height="32" align="right" border="0"></a><br />';
} else {/** IF ONSALEDATE!<NOW**/
	echo '<img src="/images/logos/ctx/AvailableSoon.png" alt="Available Soon" title="Available Soon" align="right" border="0"></a><br /><i>Tickets available ' . date("l, F j, Y", strtotime($Row['EventOnSaleDate'])) . ' at ' . date("g:i a", strtotime($Row['EventOnSaleDate'])) . '.</i>'; /** +ONSALEDATE **/
echo '<br />Presented by <a href="' . $Row['website'] .'" target="_blank">' . $Row['Presenter']  . '</a>';
echo '<br />'.$Row['startDate']. ' at ' .  $Row['startTime'].' - '.$Row['VenueName'];
if ($Row['FreeEvents']==TRUE){
	echo '<br /><br />'.$Row['BriefDescription'];
    echo '<br /><br /></p><hr>';


Here is my sample Results page: http://www.myalaskacenter.com/events/venues/test_venues-results.php?VenueCode=ACH

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When I removed the variable from the SQL query and replace it with a value, the PHP code works fine. So maybe it's not a PHP issue.


What I am trying to do is use the variable that was picked and shows up in my URL and my $_GET statement as demonstrated on my sample page. Once I put the variable into the SQL query that is when I get the error message. Perhaps I am putting that into the SQL query wrong. However, when I put the SQL with the variable into my phpMyAdmin page, it does not produce an error.


Also darkfreaks suggested I use a different mysqli statement, but I'm not sure where to place it. I tried to put that into

$NumResults = mysqli_num_rows($Result);
instead of the mysqli_num_rows, but I still get the same error.
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@darkfreaks - A date that acts as a boolean? What does that mean?



I'm assuming the $venueURL variable holds string type data. It isn't quoted in the query string. It also DESPERATELY needs to be validated and sanitized before you use it in a query string.



. . . WHERE venues.VenueCode=".$venueURL." AND . . .



WHERE venues.VenueCode= '$venueURL' AND

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Your VenueCode is a string and would need to be enclosed in single-quotes within the query statement. (edit: which Pikachu2000 pointed out above.)


I also notice you are doing a less-than-or-equal-to date comparison with a date() format of "Y-m-d g:i a". The less-than part of that won't work for a couple of reasons -


1) The g (12 hr time w/o leading zero) and a (am or pm) produce values that are not ordered by magnitude (i.e. 1 pm will be less-than 9 am, 11 am is less-than than 8 am, ...). The hours needs to be 24 hour with leading zero and the am/pm is not needed.


2) Your EventOnSaleDate column is apparently a mysql datetime data type (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) (if it's not, it needs to be for a greater-than/less-than comparison to work) and you would need to use a date() format of 'Y-m-d H:i:s' in order for a greater-than/less-than comparison to work.

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