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FPDF class extension


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Hello freaks,


I am using the FPDF class to generate PDF's on the fly, and I needed a way to generate multiline (flowing) text with specific widths. I found this FPDF extension function from FPDF's website, but can't seem to call it properly.


I recieve an undefined function error!


The function with in my script is as follows:

include_once "fpdf16/fpdf.php";

class PDF extends FPDF {
function WordWrap(&$text, $maxwidth) {
$text = trim($text);
if ($text==='')
	return 0;
$space = $this->GetStringWidth(' ');
$lines = explode("\n", $text);
$text = '';
$count = 0;

foreach ($lines as $line) {
	$words = preg_split('/ +/', $line);
	$width = 0;

	foreach ($words as $word) {
		$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
		if ($wordwidth > $maxwidth) {
			// Word is too long, we cut it
			for($i=0; $i<strlen($word); $i++) {
				$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth(substr($word, $i, 1));
				if($width + $wordwidth <= $maxwidth) {
					$width += $wordwidth;
					$text .= substr($word, $i, 1);
				} else {
					$width = $wordwidth;
					$text = rtrim($text)."\n".substr($word, $i, 1);
		} elseif($width + $wordwidth <= $maxwidth) {
			$width += $wordwidth + $space;
			$text .= $word.' ';
		} else {
			$width = $wordwidth + $space;
			$text = rtrim($text)."\n".$word.' ';
	$text = rtrim($text)."\n";
$text = rtrim($text);
return $count;


My call to this function with in my script is as follows:

$text = $useDesc1;
$pdf -> WordWrap($text, $useDescTextWidth);
$pdf -> Write(10, $text);


Does anyone have a reccommendations as to why this is happening? Thanks in advance.

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Hello KevinM1,


I do instantiate a PDF object in my full script.  It is very long so I cut and pasted the sections to limit the length.  I will post the whole script now though. The WordWrap class extension is located at the top of the script just after the if $_GET condition. Several calls to the function are made toward the bottom of the script.


Does the function need to be after the instantiation of a new(FDPF), maybe?


Code Below:

if(isset($_GET['cmd']) && $_GET['cmd'] == "compilebook") {
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO books (memberID, plant_use, customerName, customerAddress, customerCity, customerState, customerZip, customerPhone, book_template) VALUES ('$memberID', '$plantUse', '$customerName', '$customerAddress', '$customerCity', '$customerState', '$customerZip', '$customerPhone', '$book_template')");

include_once "fpdf16/fpdf.php";

class PDF extends FPDF {
function WordWrap(&$text, $maxwidth) {
$text = trim($text);
if ($text==='')
	return 0;
$space = $this->GetStringWidth(' ');
$lines = explode("\n", $text);
$text = '';
$count = 0;

foreach ($lines as $line) {
	$words = preg_split('/ +/', $line);
	$width = 0;

	foreach ($words as $word) {
		$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
		if ($wordwidth > $maxwidth) {
			// Word is too long, we cut it
			for($i=0; $i<strlen($word); $i++) {
				$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth(substr($word, $i, 1));
				if($width + $wordwidth <= $maxwidth) {
					$width += $wordwidth;
					$text .= substr($word, $i, 1);
				} else {
					$width = $wordwidth;
					$text = rtrim($text)."\n".substr($word, $i, 1);
		} elseif($width + $wordwidth <= $maxwidth) {
			$width += $wordwidth + $space;
			$text .= $word.' ';
		} else {
			$width = $wordwidth + $space;
			$text = rtrim($text)."\n".$word.' ';
	$text = rtrim($text)."\n";
$text = rtrim($text);
return $count;

$plantUse = rtrim($plantUse, ",");
$plantID_str_array = explode(",", $plantUse);	

if ($book_template = "1") {
//////MODERN BOOK STYLE///////////////////////////////////////////

	//BUILD COVER PAGE -------------------------------------------
	$textColor = array(100, 100, 100);
	$headerTextColor = array(50, 50, 50);
	$footerTextColor = array(16, 177, 77);
	$backgroundImageCover = "images/modern/coverbackground1.jpg";
	$backgroundImageCoverXPos = 0;
	$backgroundImageCoverYPos = 0;
	$backgroundImageCoverWidth = 612;
	$backgroundImageCoverHeight = 792;
	$companyLogo = "memberFiles/$memberID/logo.jpg";
	$logoCoverXPos = 41;
	$logoCoverYPos = 58;
	$logoCoverWidth = 65;
	//$logoCoverHeight = 65;
	$companyNameCoverXPos = 119;
	$companyNameCoverYPos = 58;
	$companyNameCoverWidth = 435;
	$companyNameCoverHeight = 20;
	$companyCityStateZip = '' . $companyCity . ', ' . $companyState . ' ' . $companyZip . '';
	$companyPhone = 'Tel: ' . $companyPhone . '';
	$companyWeb = 'Web: ' . $companyWeb . '';
	//$companyInfoCoverXPos = 119;
	//$companyInfoCoverYPos = 78;
	$companyInfoCoverWidth = 300;
	$companyInfoCoverHeight = 12;
	$customerPhoto = "memberFiles/$memberID/$customerName/customerphoto.jpg";
	$customerPhotoXPos = 225;
	$customerPhotoYPos = 328;
	//$customerPhotoWidth = 335;
	$customerPhotoHeight = 223;
	$customerNameCoverXPos = 225;
	$customerNameCoverYPos = 566;
	$customerNameCoverWidth = 335;
	$customerNameCoverHeight = 28;
	$customerCityStateZip = '' . $customerCity . ', ' . $customerState . ' ' . $customerZip . '';
	$customerPhone = 'Tel: ' . $customerPhone . '';
	//$customerInfoCoverXPos = 225;
	//$customerInfoCoverYPos = 614;
	$customerInfoCoverWidth = 335;
	$customerInfoCoverHeight = 12; 

	$pdf = new FPDF('P', 'pt', 'Letter');
	$pdf -> AddPage();
	//Cover Background
	$pdf -> Image($backgroundImageCover, $backgroundImageCoverXPos, $backgroundImageCoverYPos, $backgroundImageCoverWidth, $backgroundImageCoverHeight);
	//Cover Company Logo
	$pdf -> Image($companyLogo, $logoCoverXPos, $logoCoverYPos, $logoCoverWidth);
	//Cover Company Name
	$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
	$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', 'B', '18');
	$pdf -> SetXY($companyNameCoverXPos, $companyNameCoverYPos);
	$pdf -> Cell($companyNameCoverWidth, $companyNameCoverHeight, $companyName);
	//Cover Company Info
	$pdf -> SetTextColor($textColor[0], $textColor[1], $textColor[2]);
	$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '12');
	$pdf -> SetXY(119, 78);
	$pdf -> Cell($companyInfoCoverWidth, $companyInfoCoverHeight, $companyAddress);
	$pdf -> SetXY(119, 90);
	$pdf -> Cell($companyInfoCoverWidth, $companyInfoCoverHeight, $companyCityStateZip);
	$pdf -> SetXY(119, 102);
	$pdf -> Cell($companyInfoCoverWidth, $companyInfoCoverHeight, $companyPhone);
	$pdf -> SetXY(119, 114);
	$pdf -> Cell($companyInfoCoverWidth, $companyInfoCoverHeight, $companyWeb);
	//Cover Customer Photo
	$pdf -> Image($customerPhoto, $customerPhotoXPos, $customerPhotoYPos, '', $customerPhotoHeight);
	//Cover Customer Name
	$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
	$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', 'B', '24');
	$pdf -> SetXY($customerNameCoverXPos, $customerNameCoverYPos);
	$pdf -> Cell($customerNameCoverWidth, $customerNameCoverHeight, $customerName, 0, 0, 'R');
	//Cover Customer Info
	$pdf -> SetTextColor($textColor[0], $textColor[1], $textColor[2]);
	$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '12');
	$pdf -> SetXY(225, 614);
	$pdf -> Cell($customerInfoCoverWidth, $customerInfoCoverHeight, $customerAddress, 0, 0, 'R');
	$pdf -> SetXY(225, 626);
	$pdf -> Cell($customerInfoCoverWidth, $customerInfoCoverHeight, $customerCityStateZip, 0, 0, 'R');
	$pdf -> SetXY(225, 638);
	$pdf -> Cell($customerInfoCoverWidth, $customerInfoCoverHeight, $customerPhone, 0, 0, 'R');

	// BUILD TOC PAGE--------------------------------------------------
	// LIMIT 25 PAGES!!!
	$backgroundImageToc = "images/modern/tocbackground1.jpg";
	$backgroundImageTocXPos = 0;
	$backgroundImageTocYPos = 0;
	$backgroundImageTocWidth = 612;
	$backgroundImageTocHeight = 792;
	$plantToc1XPos = 53;
	$plantToc1YPos = 250;
	$plantToc1Width = 315;
	$plantToc1Height = 18;
	$landscapeUseToc1XPos = 381;
	$landscapeUseToc1YPos = 250;
	$landscapeUseToc1Width = 105;
	$landscapeUseToc1Height = 18;
	$pageNumToc = "3";
	$pageNumToc1XPos = 516;
	$pageNumToc1YPos = 250;
	$pageNumToc1Width = 60;
	$pageNumToc1Height = 18;

	$pdf -> AddPage();
	//TOC Background Image
	$pdf -> Image($backgroundImageToc, $backgroundImageTocXPos, $backgroundImageTocYPos, $backgroundImageTocWidth, $backgroundImageTocHeight);

	$p = $plantToc1YPos;
	$l = $landscapeUseToc1YPos;
	$pn = $pageNumToc1YPos;
	$pni = $pageNumToc;

	foreach ($plantID_str_array as $key => $value) {
		$plantID_use_pair = explode("-", $value);
		$plantID = $plantID_use_pair[0];
		$use = $plantID_use_pair[1];

		$sql = "SELECT botanicalName FROM plants WHERE plantID='$plantID' LIMIT 1";
		$result = mysql_query($sql);

		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			$botanicalName = $row["botanicalName"];
		//TOC Plant Botanical Name Column
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($textColor[0], $textColor[1], $textColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '11');
		$pdf -> SetXY($plantToc1XPos, $p);
		$pdf -> Cell($plantToc1Width, $plantToc1Height, $botanicalName, 0, 0, 'L');
		//TOC Landscape Use Column
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($textColor[0], $textColor[1], $textColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '11');
		$pdf -> SetXY($landscapeUseToc1XPos, $l);
		$pdf -> Cell($landscapeUseToc1Width, $landscapeUseToc1Height, $use, 0, 0, 'L');
		//TOC Page Number Column
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($textColor[0], $textColor[1], $textColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '11');
		$pdf -> SetXY($pageNumToc1XPos, $pn);
		$pdf -> Cell($pageNumToc1Width, $pageNumToc1Height, $pni, 0, 0, 'C');

		$p = $p + 18;
		$l = $l + 18;
		$pn = $pn + 18;

	//BUILD PLANT PAGES -----------------------------------------------
	$logoXPos = 36;
	$logoYPos = 36;
	$logoWidth = 55;
	//$logoHeight = 55;
	$companyNameXPos = 95;
	$companyNameYPos = 38;
	$companyNameWidth = 471;
	$companyNameHeight = 14;
	$companyInfoWidth = 202;
	$companyInfoHeight = 10;
	$customerNameXPos = 389;
	$customerNameYPos = 52;
	$customerNameWidth = 187;
	$customerNameHeight = 11;
	$customerInfoWidth = 187;
	$customerInfoHeight = 10;
	$useImageBackground = "images/modern/use1.jpg";
	//$useImageBackgroundXPos decided in Foreach loop
	$useImageBackgroundYPos = 100;
	$useImageBackgroundWidth = 108;
	$useImageBackgroundHeight = 108;
	$use1TextXPos = 46;
	$use1TextYPos = 111;
	$use1TextWidth = 88;
	$use1TextHeight = 12;
	$useDesc1TextXPos = 46;
	$useDesc1TextYPos = 131;
	$useDescTextWidth = 88;
	//$useDesc1TextHeight = 70;
	$use2TextXPos = 154;
	$use2TextYPos = 111;
	$use2TextWidth = 88;
	$use2TextHeight = 12;
	$useDesc2TextXPos = 154;
	$useDesc2TextYPos = 131;
	//$useDesc2TextWidth = 88;
	//$useDesc2TextHeight = 70;
	$use3TextXPos = 262;
	$use3TextYPos = 111;
	$use3TextWidth = 88;
	$use3TextHeight = 12;
	$useDesc3TextXPos = 262;
	$useDesc3TextYPos = 131;
	//$useDesc3TextWidth = 88;
	//$useDesc3TextHeight = 70;
	$use4TextXPos = 370;
	$use4TextYPos = 111;
	$use4TextWidth = 88;
	$use4TextHeight = 12;
	$useDesc4TextXPos = 370;
	$useDesc4TextYPos = 131;
	//$useDesc4TextWidth = 88;
	//$useDesc4TextHeight = 70;
	$use5TextXPos = 478;
	$use5TextYPos = 111;
	$use5TextWidth = 88;
	$use5TextHeight = 12;
	$useDesc5TextXPos = 478;
	$useDesc5TextYPos = 131;
	//$useDesc5TextWidth = 88;
	//$useDesc5TextHeight = 70;
	$backgroundImage = "images/modern/usebackground1.jpg";
	$backgroundImageXPos = 0;
	$backgroundImageYPos = 0;
	$backgroundImageWidth = 612;
	$backgroundImageHeight = 792;
	//$image decided in Foreach Loop
	$imageXPos = 46;
	$imageYPos = 218;
	$imageWidth = 255;
	$imageHeight = 170;
	$imageDescHeader = "Image Description:";
	$imageDescHeaderXPos = 56;
	$imageDescHeaderYPos = 398;
	$imageDescHeaderWidth = 235;
	$imageDescHeaderHeight = 10;
	//$imageDesc decided in Foreach Loop
	$imageDescXPos = 56;
	$imageDescYPos = 416;
	$imageDescWidth = 235;
	//$imageDescHeight = 246;
	$plantNamesHeaderBot = "Botanical Name:";
	$plantNamesHeaderCom = "Common Name:";
	$plantNamesHeaderWidth = 84;
	$plantNamesHeaderHeight = 16;
	$plantNamesWidth = 153;
	$plantNamesHeight = 16;
	$hardinessZonesHeader = "Hardiness Zones:";
	$plantTypeHeader = "Plant Type:";
	$heightHeader = "Plant Height:";
	$spreadHeader = "Plant Spread:";
	$flowerHeader = "Flower:";
	$bloomTimeHeader = "Bloom Time:";
	$foliageHeader = "Foliage:";
	$fallColorHeader = "Fall Color:";
	$fruitHeader = "Fruit:";
	$barkHeader = "Bark:";
	$lightReqHeader = "Light Req.:";
	$soilHeader = "Soil:";
	$growthHeader = "Growth Rate:";
	$plantDetailsHeaderWidth = 84;
	$plantDetailsHeaderHeight = 15;
	$plantDetailsWidth = 153;
	$plantDetailsHeight = 15;
	$maintenanceHeader = "Maintenance Information:";
	$maintenanceHeaderXPos = 321;
	$maintenanceHeaderYPos = 488;
	$maintenanceHeaderWidth = 235;
	$maintenanceHeaderHeight = 10;
	$trimmingHeader = "Trimming:";
	$trimmingHeaderXPos = 321;
	$trimmingHeaderYPos = 506;
	$trimmingHeaderWidth = 63;
	$trimmingHeaderHeight = 12;
	$trimmingTextXPos = 384;
	$trimmingTextYPos = 506;
	$trimmingTextWidth = 172;
	//$trimmingTextHeight = 36;
	$fertilizationHeader = "Fertilization:";
	$fertilizationHeaderXPos = 321;
	$fertilizationHeaderYPos = 548;
	$fertilizationHeaderWidth = 63;
	$fertilizationHeaderHeight = 12;
	$fertilizationTextXPos = 384;
	$fertilizationTextYPos = 548;
	$fertilizationTextWidth = 172;
	//$fertilizationTextHeight = 36;
	$otherHeader = "Other:";
	$otherHeaderXPos = 321;
	$otherHeaderYPos = 591;
	$otherHeaderWidth = 63;
	$otherHeaderHeight = 12;
	$otherTextXPos = 384;
	$otherTextYPos = 591;
	$otherTextWidth = 172;
	//$otherTextHeight = 72;
	$pageNo = "3";
	$pageNoXPos = 513;
	$pageNoYPos = 743;
	$pageNoWidth = 18;
	$pageNoHeight = 13;

	foreach ($plantID_str_array as $key => $value) {
		$plantID_use_pair = explode("-", $value);
		$plantID = $plantID_use_pair[0];
		$use = $plantID_use_pair[1];

		$sql = "SELECT * FROM plants WHERE plantID='$plantID' LIMIT 1";
		$result = mysql_query($sql);
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			$botanicalName = $row["botanicalName"];
			$commonName = $row["commonName"];
			$hardinessZones = $row["hardinessZones"];
			$plantType = $row["plantType"];
			$height = $row["height"];
			$spread = $row["spread"];
			$flower = $row["flower"];
			$bloomTime = $row["bloomTime"];
			$foliage = $row["foliage"];
			$fallColor = $row["fallColor"];
			$fruit = $row["fruit"];
			$bark = $row["bark"];
			$lightReq = $row["lightReq"];
			$soil = $row["soil"];
			$growth = $row["growth"];
			$trimming = $row["trimming"];
			$fertilization = $row["fertilization"];
			$otherMaintenance = $row["otherMaintenance"];
			$use1 = $row["use1"];
			$use2 = $row["use2"];
			$use3 = $row["use3"];
			$use4 = $row["use4"];
			$use5 = $row["use5"];
			$useDesc1 = $row["useDesc1"];
			$useDesc2 = $row["useDesc2"];
			$useDesc3 = $row["useDesc3"];
			$useDesc4 = $row["useDesc4"];
			$useDesc5 = $row["useDesc5"];
			$imageDesc1 = $row["imageDesc1"];
			$imageDesc2 = $row["imageDesc2"];
			$imageDesc3 = $row["imageDesc3"];
			$imageDesc4 = $row["imageDesc4"];
			$imageDesc5 = $row["imageDesc5"];
		if ($use == $use1) {
			$useImageBackgroundXPos = 36;
			$image = "images/plants/$botanicalName/LU-1.jpg";
			$imageDesc = $imageDesc1;
		} elseif ($use == $use2) {
			$useImageBackgroundXPos = 144;
			$image = "images/plants/$botanicalName/LU-2.jpg";
			$imageDesc = $imageDesc2;	
		} elseif ($use == $use3) {
			$useImageBackgroundXPos = 252;
			$image = "images/plants/$botanicalName/LU-3.jpg";
			$imageDesc = $imageDesc3;
		} elseif ($use == $use4) {
			$useImageBackgroundXPos = 360;
			$image = "images/plants/$botanicalName/LU-4.jpg";
			$imageDesc = $imageDesc4;
		} elseif ($use == $use5) {
			$useImageBackgroundXPos =468;
			$image = "images/plants/$botanicalName/LU-5.jpg";
			$imageDesc = $imageDesc5;	

		$pdf -> AddPage();
		//Company Logo Header
		$pdf -> Image($companyLogo, $logoXPos, $logoYPos, $logoWidth, '');
		//Company Name Header
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', 'B', '14');
		$pdf -> SetXY($companyNameXPos, $companyNameYPos);
		$pdf -> Cell($companyNameWidth, $companyNameHeight, $companyName, 0, 0, 'L');
		//Company Info Header
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($textColor[0], $textColor[1], $textColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '10');
		$pdf -> SetXY(95, 52);
		$pdf -> Cell($companyInfoWidth, $companyInfoHeight, $companyAddress, 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf -> SetXY(95, 62);
		$pdf -> Cell($companyInfoWidth, $companyInfoHeight, $companyCityStateZip, 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf -> SetXY(95, 72);
		$pdf -> Cell($companyInfoWidth, $companyInfoHeight, $companyPhone, 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf -> SetXY(95, 82);
		$pdf -> Cell($companyInfoWidth, $companyInfoHeight, $companyWeb, 0, 0, 'L');
		//Customer Name Header
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', 'B', '11');
		$pdf -> SetXY($customerNameXPos, $customerNameYPos);
		$pdf -> Cell($customerNameWidth, $customerNameHeight, $customerName, 0, 0, 'L');
		//Customer Info Header
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($textColor[0], $textColor[1], $textColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '10');
		$pdf -> SetXY(389, 63);
		$pdf -> Cell($customerInfoWidth, $customerInfoHeight, $customerAddress, 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf -> SetXY(389, 73);
		$pdf -> Cell($customerInfoWidth, $customerInfoHeight, $customerCityStateZip, 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf -> SetXY(389, 83);
		$pdf -> Cell($customerInfoWidth, $customerInfoHeight, $customerPhone, 0, 0, 'L');
		//Use Background Image (Dynamic from If Else) 
		$pdf -> Image($useImageBackground, $useImageBackgroundXPos, $useImageBackgroundYPos, $useImageBackgroundWidth, $useImageBackgroundHeight);
		//Use 1
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', 'B', '14');
		$pdf -> SetXY($use1TextXPos, $use1TextYPos);
		$pdf -> Cell($use1TextWidth, $use1TextHeight, $use1, 0, 0, 'L');
		//Use 1 Description
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '10');
		$pdf -> SetXY($useDesc1TextXPos, $useDesc1TextYPos);
		$text = $useDesc1;
		$pdf -> WordWrap($text, $useDescTextWidth);
		$pdf -> Write(10, $text);
		//Use 2
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', 'B', '14');
		$pdf -> SetXY($use2TextXPos, $use2TextYPos);
		$pdf -> Cell($use2TextWidth, $use2TextHeight, $use2, 0, 0, 'L');
		//Use 2 Description
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '10');
		$pdf -> SetXY($useDesc2TextXPos, $useDesc2TextYPos);
		$text = $useDesc2;
		$pdf -> WordWrap($text, $useDescTextWidth);
		$pdf -> Write(10, $text);
		//Use 3
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', 'B', '14');
		$pdf -> SetXY($use3TextXPos, $use3TextYPos);
		$pdf -> Cell($use3TextWidth, $use3TextHeight, $use3, 0, 0, 'L');
		//Use 3 Description
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '10');
		$pdf -> SetXY($useDesc3TextXPos, $useDesc3TextYPos);
		$text = $useDesc3;
		$pdf -> WordWrap($text, $useDescTextWidth);
		$pdf -> Write(10, $text);
		//Use 4
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', 'B', '14');
		$pdf -> SetXY($use4TextXPos, $use4TextYPos);
		$pdf -> Cell($use4TextWidth, $use4TextHeight, $use4, 0, 0, 'L');
		//Use 4 Description
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '10');
		$pdf -> SetXY($useDesc4TextXPos, $useDesc4TextYPos);
		$text = $useDesc4;
		$pdf -> WordWrap($text, $useDescTextWidth);
		$pdf -> Write(10, $text);
		//Use 5
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', 'B', '14');
		$pdf -> SetXY($use5TextXPos, $use5TextYPos);
		$pdf -> Cell($use5TextWidth, $use5TextHeight, $use5, 0, 0, 'L');
		//Use 5 Description
		$pdf -> SetTextColor($headerTextColor[0], $headerTextColor[1], $headerTextColor[2]);
		$pdf -> SetFont('Arial', '', '10');
		$pdf -> SetXY($useDesc5TextXPos, $useDesc5TextYPos);
		$text = $useDesc5;
		$pdf -> WordWrap($text, $useDescTextWidth);
		$pdf -> Write(10, $text);
		//Page Background Image
		$pdf -> Image($backgroundImage, $backgroundImageXPos, $backgroundImageYPos, $backgroundImageWidth, $backgroundImageHeight);
		//Plant Image (Dynamic from If Else)
		$pdf -> Image($image, $imageXPos, $imageYPos, $imageWidth, $imageHeight);
		//Image Desc Header
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//////FLORAL BOOK STYLE///////////////////////////////////////////

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} elseif ($book_template == "3") {
//////NOTES BOOK STYLE///////////////////////////////////////////

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	//BUILD TOC PAGE ------------------------------------------- 
	//BUILD PLANT PAGES -------------------------------------------		

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