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MySql fetch array


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I'm wondering if theres a shortcut to a potential problem I have.

I'm currently running a query on my website to pull all the fields from a table in my database, for the data to be used on various parts of the page.


Usually I would do something as follows


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE page='1'");

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
$title = $row["title"];
$data = $row["data"];


And so on and so forth. I would then call the appropriate data by echoing $data for example.

However, my table contains a lot more rows than i've mentioned (Around 25 or so). Rather than assigning each to a variable and having a large portion of variable assignments at the top of the page, is there any clever way of putting all of these values inside of an array.

So for example, I could call $array_data["title"] or $array_data["data"]??

So it keeps the same key, but puts it inside of an array that I don't have to loop through each time?


Hope that makes sense!





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At the moment, I call $row["data"] for example, but it has to be within a mysql_fetch_array() function/loop.

What i'm wondering, is that rather than looping through, resetting the query to the beginning etc each time, be able to put it inside of an array that functions the same as $row["data"], but not within the mysql loop??


I think that makes sense..?

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Ah yes, sorry!

I've actually figured out a way of doing what I wanted to do.


Rather than doing multiple while loops using mysql_fetch_array, or avoiding using a large one at the beginning (and assigning all of the information to variables), I wanted to put it all into an array with the same keys so I could call it without using loops.


The code I came up with is:


while ($data[]=mysql_fetch_assoc($tresult));

echo $data[0]["title"];
echo $data[0]["information"];


etc etc. I've realised this is what I needed, but never tried it before. Of course, if theres a better way, let me know :)



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