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pagination class not working


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i am getting Access denied for user 'SYSTEM'@'localhost' (using password: NO)





<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />





//$dbHost = 'localhost';

//$dbUser = 'root';

//$dbPass = '';

//$dbName = 'pagination';


//$mysqli = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName);




$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM records WHERE active='1' ORDER BY name";


$rowsperpage = 5;



$website = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?id=1";


$pagination = new CSSPagination($sql1, $rowsperpage, $website);


); // dont change it

echo $pagination->showPage();



$sql2="SELECT * FROM records ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT " . $pagination->getLimit() . ", " . $rowsperpage;


$dbcon=mysql_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass);




$result = @mysql_query($sql2, $mysqli) or die("failed");


//$result = $mysqli->query($sql2);

//$rows = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)


while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo $rows["name"];

echo "<br>";

echo $rows["id"];



echo $pagination->showPage(); // Show the pagination index












class CSSPagination


private $totalrows;

private $rowsperpage;

private $website;

private $page;

private $sql;


public function __construct($sql, $rowsperpage, $website)


$this->sql = $sql;

$this->website = $website;

$this->rowsperpage = $rowsperpage;



public function setPage($page)


if (!$page) { $this->page=1; } else  { $this->page = $page; }



public function getLimit()


return ($this->page - 1) * $this->rowsperpage;



private function getTotalRows()


$result = @mysql_query($this->sql) or die ("mdv ". mysql_error());

$this->totalrows = mysql_num_rows($result);



private function getLastPage()


return ceil($this->totalrows / $this->rowsperpage);



public function showPage()




$pagination = "";

$lpm1 = $this->getLastPage() - 1;

$page = $this->page;

$prev = $this->page - 1;

$next = $this->page + 1;


$pagination .= "<div class=\"pagination\"";

if($margin || $padding)


$pagination .= " style=\"";


$pagination .= "margin: $margin;";


$pagination .= "padding: $padding;";

$pagination .= "\"";


$pagination .= ">";




if ($this->getLastPage() > 1)


if ($page > 1)

$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=$prev>« prev</a>";


$pagination .= "<span class=\"disabled\">« prev</span>";



if ($this->getLastPage() < 9)


for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $this->getLastPage(); $counter++)


if ($counter == $page)

$pagination .= "<span class=\"current\">".$counter."</span>";


$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=$counter>".$counter."</a>";




elseif($this->getLastPage() >= 9)


if($page < 4)


for ($counter = 1; $counter < 6; $counter++)


if ($counter == $page)

$pagination .= "<span class=\"current\">".$counter."</span>";


$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=$counter/>".$counter."</a>";


$pagination .= "...";

$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=$lpm1>".$lpm1."</a>";

$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=".$this->getLastPage().">".$this->getLastPage()."</a>";


elseif($this->getLastPage() - 3 > $page && $page > 1)


$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=1>1</a>";

$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=2>2</a>";

$pagination .= "...";

for ($counter = $page - 1; $counter <= $page + 1; $counter++)


if ($counter == $page)

$pagination .= "<span class=\"current\">".$counter."</span>";


$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=$counter>".$counter."</a>";


$pagination .= "...";

$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=$lpm1>$lpm1</a>";

$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=".$this->getLastPage().">".$this->getLastPage()."</a>";




$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=1>1</a>";

$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=2>2</a>";

$pagination .= "...";

for ($counter = $this->getLastPage() - 4; $counter <= $this->getLastPage(); $counter++)


if ($counter == $page)

$pagination .= "<span class=\"current\">".$counter."</span>";


$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=$counter>".$counter."</a>";




if ($page < $counter - 1)

$pagination .= "<a href=$this->website&page=$next>next »</a>";


$pagination .= "<span class=\"disabled\">next »</span>";

$pagination .= "</div>\n";



return $pagination;





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The error is occurring at the mysql_query statement, because you have not made a mysql connection before calling code that needs a mysql connection. You also need to get all the @ error suppressors out of your code. There's absolutely no reason to put @'s in any code (when developing and testing code, you want to see all the errors, not hide them and on a live server display_errors should be turned off, so having @'s in your code would just slow it down without serving any purpose.) The @'s you have now are hiding php error messages that would help you find the problems in your code.


You are also trying to put an instance of a mysqli database connection into the second parameter of a mysql_query() statement. That won't work. You cannot mix mysql (non-i ) and mysqli (with-i ) statements together.


Edit: Also, any WHERE clause you use on your page must be present in both query statements so that the queries will find the same set of data.

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