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Symfony CMF 2.0.0 Stable Release

syndicated from on August 22, 2017

Over the summer, we have been tagging the 2.0.0 releases of the Symfony CMF components and bundles. This week, we managed to wrap up the last bits and pieces and tagged 2.0.0 of all parts of the CMF.

CMF version 2 runs on PHP 5.6 and 7, and is compatible with Symfony 2.8 LTS and all maintained versions of Symfony 3. The sonata admin integration has been moved into its own separate bundle to not clutter up the bundles with an optional integration. We created a resource component inspired by puli. The tree browser bundle was rebuilt on top of the new resource infrastructure, and uses new Javascript libraries. Sonata PHPCR-ODM Admin has also been updated to use the new tree bundle and been released as version 2.0.0.

For a detailed list of changes, see the CMF 2 RC1 blogpost and the changelog of each component.

As already mentioned in the RC blogpost, we had to abandon some packages to focus our efforts. CreateBundle, MediaBundle, SearchBundle and SimpleCmsBundle are currently not maintained. If you want to help co-maintaining any of those packages, tell us in a GitHub issue or in #symfony_cmf of Symfony slack.

How to upgrade?

A lot of deprecated code was removed. Before upgrading, run your tests and check for deprecation warnings in the test log.

Each repository contains a file that should explain the breaking changes when migrating to version 2. The instructions can be incomplete at this point. If you have time to test the migration, please reach out to us on GitHub or Slack if you find inaccuracies or information is missing.

Next steps

We are happy with the current release, but there is of course always more that could be done. When Symfony 4 starts to take shape, we will have to make sure all components are compatible with it.

For CMF 2.1, there is a tentative roadmap in the CMF wiki. Another topic we discuss is whether to use a mono repository aproach or a tool to synchronize files into all our repositories, similar to the Sonata dev-kit.

If you want to get involved, comment on the github issues or join us at #symfony_cmf in the Symfony slack.