Subscribe to PHP Freaks RSS Releases for PHP 5.6.32, 7.0.25, 7.1.11 and 7.2.0 RC 5

syndicated from on October 27, 2017

The has announced the release of several new versions of the language including a few bugfix versions for stable releases and the latest Release Candidate for the upcoming PHP 7.2.0. The versions that have been released are:

Most of these releases take care of similar bugs found across the different releases with some differences between them. While the others are production releases and it is recommended that you upgrade to those where possible, the Release Candidate is pre-production and should not be considered stable yet.

You can download the stable releases from the downloads page for source or for the Windows binaries. The Release Candidate can be downloaded from the source package QA site or the Windows QA site for the binaries.