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Exceptions and talking back to the user

syndicated from on April 10, 2018

Exceptions - for exceptional situations?

From the Domain-Driven Design movement we've learned to go somewhat back to the roots of object-oriented design. Designing domain objects is all about offering meaningful behavior and insights through a carefully designed API. We know now that domain objects with setters for every attribute will allow for the objects to be in an inconsistent state. By removing setters and replacing them with methods which only modify the object's state in valid ways, we can protect an object from violating domain invariants.

This style of modeling domain aggregates (entities and value objects) results in methods that modify state, but only after checking if the change is allowed and makes sense, given the rules dictated by actual domain knowledge. In terms of code, these methods may make some simple assertions about the arguments passed to it: the number of things, the range of a number, the format of a string. When anything is wrong about a provided argument, the domain object simply throws an exception. If everything is okay, the changes will be accepted by modifying any attribute involved.

So exceptions in your (object-oriented) domain model are not merely meant to signal an exceptional situation. They can be used to prevent invalid or unsupported usage of an object. By offering well-named methods (with sensible parameters) for changing the object's state, and by being very precise about throwing exceptions when invalid use is imminent, you make your domain objects usable in only one way: the way that makes sense. This is the exact opposite of how your domain objects end up looking if you generate getters and setters for every attribute.

Using exceptions for validation

You might say that, given that the object protects itself from ending up in an in valid state, it basically validates itself. However, it won't be good for our application's usability if we'd use these domain-level exceptions as messages to the user. The thing is:

  • Exceptions get thrown ad hoc, whenever something threatens the consistency of the domain object. You can only catch one of these exceptions and turn it into an error message for the user. If the user tries to fix the issue by making a change, sending the form again, and they manage to get past this exception, there may be another exception just around the corner. This will be very frustrating for the user, as it will feel like trial-and-error.
public function processDelivery(int $quantity, string $batchNumber): void {
    if ($quantity <= 0) {
         * If the user triggers this exception, they have to resubmit,
         * which may trigger another exception further down the line...
        throw new InvalidArgument(
            'Quantity should be more than 0.'

if (empty($batchNumber) { throw new InvalidArgument( 'This delivery requires a batch number.' ); }

// ... }

  • Domain exceptions aren't always about validating the data the user provides. They often signal that something is about to happen that can't logically happen, like a state change that isn't allowed or conceptually possible. E.g. once an order has been cancelled, it shouldn't be possible to change its delivery address, because that makes no sense:
public function changeDeliveryAddress(...): void {
    if ($this->wasCancelled) {
        throw new InvalidState('You cannot change ...');

// ... }

  • Exception messages may contain more information than you'd like to share with the user.
  • Validation errors often require internationalization (i18n). They need localization in the sense that numbers should be formatted according to the user's locale. Of course, they often need translation too. Exceptions aren't naturally usable for translation, because they contain special values hard-coded into their messages.
throw new InvalidArgument(
    'Product 21 has a stock level of 100, but this delivery has a quantity of 200.'

Translation needs a template message which will be translated, after which the variables it contains will be replaced by their real values.

So exceptions thrown to protect domain invariants are not validation messages all by themselves. They are there to prevent bad things from happening to your domain objects. They are not useful if what you want is talk back to the user. If you're looking for a dialogue with the user about what they're trying to achieve, you should be having it in a layer of the application that's closer to the user.

There are several options there

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