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Magniphpicent 7.3 – September 2018

syndicated from on September 4, 2018

PHP 7.3 features, upgrading legacy code, Symfony Worfklow, estimates, Kahlan, RabbitMQ, and more

Silohoutte of a cowboy on a rearing elephant.

In this Issue

Magniphpicent 7.3 has articles on:

  • PHP 7.3 is On Track! by Damien Seguy. See what’s new in the next version of PHP.
  • Upgrading Old Legacy Apps to PHP 7 and Beyond by Sammy Kaye Powers shows you how to prepare your legacy code to run in PHP 7.
  • Using the Symfony Workflow Component as a State Machine for Ecommerce by Michelle Sanver. See how to model an e-commerce order flow using this powerful Symfony component.

In September’s The Dev Lead Trenches, Chris Tankersley will prepare you for the next time your boss asks How Long Will It Take? Most developers loath them, but he’ll share how he makes realistic, informed estimates. In Professional Paranoia: Thinking Like an Attacher in Security Corner by Eric Mann, you’ll learn how to understand and think like a potential attacker. By taking the time to probe your systems for weaknesses, you can harden yourself against a future attack. Joe Ferguson looks at how to Describe Your Tests with Kahlan in The Workshop. Kahlan is a relatively new testing library which affords a different way to writing specification tests. In Community Corner: Finding the Perfect Development Job, James Titcumb reflects on his most recent job search and what he had to do to find the right position. Ed Barnard takes a look at Producer-Consumer Programming in Education Station. If you’re application cracks under load, you may want to look at offloading some tasks to a work queue to keep your site chugging along. In finally{} Eli White explains how code reviews will help you overcome The Seven Deadly Sins of Programming: Pride with tips on overcoming Not-Invented-Here syndrome.

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