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Fixing Redis background-save issues on Docker

syndicated from on November 4, 2018

I've been running redis in Docker for a number of sites, to perform things such as storing session data, hubot settings, and more.

I recently ran into a problem on one of my systems where it was reporting:

Can't save in background: fork: Out of memory

A quick google search showed this is a common error, so much so that there is an official FAQ about it. The solution is to toggle the /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory to 1.

The trick when using Docker is that this needs to happen on the host machine.

This still didn't solve my problem, though. So I ran a docker ps on the host machine to get an idea of what was happening. And discovered that, somehow, I had two identical redis containers running, using the exact same configuration - which meant they were doing backups to the same volume. Killing the one no longer being used by my swarm services caused everything to work once again.

mwop Fixing Redis background-save issues on Docker was originally published on by .