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Registering Module-Specific Routes in Expressive

syndicated from on January 24, 2019

In Expressive, we have standardized on a file named config/routes.php to contain all your route registrations. A typical file might look something like this:


use Zend\Expressive\Csrf\CsrfMiddleware; use Zend\Expressive\Session\SessionMiddleware;

return function ( \Zend\Expressive\Application $app, \Zend\Expressive\MiddlewareFactory $factory, \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container ) : void { $app->get('/', App\HomePageHandler::class, 'home');

$app->get('/contact', [ SessionMiddleware::class, CsrfMiddleware::class, App\Contact\ContactPageHandler::class ], 'contact'); $app->post('/contact', [ SessionMiddleware::class, CsrfMiddleware::class, App\Contact\ProcessContactRequestHandler::class ]); $app->get( '/contact/thank-you', App\Contact\ThankYouHandler::class, 'contact.done' );

$app->get( '/blog[/]', App\Blog\Handler\LandingPageHandler::class, 'blog' ); $app->get('/blog/{id:[^/]+\.html', [ SessionMiddleware::class, CsrfMiddleware::class, App\Blog\Handler\BlogPostHandler::class, ], ''); $app->post('/blog/comment/{id:[^/]+\.html', [ SessionMiddleware::class, CsrfMiddleware::class, App\Blog\Handler\ProcessBlogCommentHandler::class, ], 'blog.comment'); }

and so on.

These files can get really long, and organizing them becomes imperative.

Using Delegator Factories

One way we have recommended to make these files simpler is to use delegator factories registered with the Zend\Expressive\Application class to add routes. That looks something like this:

namespace App\Blog;

use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface; use Zend\Expressive\Application; use Zend\Expressive\Csrf\CsrfMiddleware; use Zend\Expressive\Session\SessionMiddleware;

class RoutesDelegator { public function __invoke( ContainerInterface $container, string $serviceName, callable $callback ) : Application { /** @var Application $app */ $app = $callback();

$app->get( '/blog[/]', App\Blog\Handler\LandingPageHandler::class, 'blog' ); $app->get('/blog/{id:[^/]+\.html', [ SessionMiddleware::class, CsrfMiddleware::class, Handler\BlogPostHandler::class, ], ''); $app->post('/blog/comment/{id:[^/]+\.html', [ SessionMiddleware::class, CsrfMiddleware::class, Handler\ProcessBlogCommentHandler::class, ], 'blog.comment');

return $app; } }

You would then register this as a delegator factory somewhere in your configuration:

use App\Blog\RoutesDelegator;
use Zend\Expressive\Application;

return [ 'dependencies' => [ 'delegators' => [ Application::class => [ RoutesDelegator::class, ], ], ], ];

Delegator factories run after the service has been created for the first time, but before it has been returned by the container. They allow you to interact with the service before it's returned; you can configure it futher, add listeners, use it to configure other services, or even use them to replace the instance with an alternative. In this example, we're opting to configure the Application class further by registering routes with it.

We've even written this approach up in our documentation.

So far, so good. But it means discovering where routes are registered becomes more difficult. You now have to look in each of:

  • config/routes.php
  • Each file in config/autoload/:
    • looking for delegators attached to the Application class,
    • and then checking those to see if they register routes.
  • In config/config.php to identify ConfigProvider classes, and then:
    • looking for delegators attached to the Application class,
    • and then checking those to see if they register routes.

The larger your application gets, the more work this becomes. Your config/routes.php becomes way more readable, but it becomes far harder to find all your routes.

One-off Functions

In examining this problem for the upteenth time this week, I stumbled upon a solut

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