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Community News: Latest PECL Releases (11.14.2023)

syndicated from on November 14, 2023

Latest PECL Releases:

  • datadog_trace 0.93.2
    ## Tracer


    • [PDO] injectDBIntegration should be public. #2351
  • ast 1.1.1
    - Added support for PHP 8.3 - In version 100, `AST_CLASS_CONST_GROUP` nodes have a `type` child node to represent typed class constants.
  • APCu 5.1.23
    - Revert use of monotonic clock for TTL (#451) - Fix a crash when serializing packed arrays (e.g. lists) in PHP 8.2+ with `apc.serializer=default`. - Reduce memory usage when serializing packed arrays (e.g. lists) in PHP 8.2+ with `apc.serializer=default`. - Speed up serializing arrays with `apc.serializer=default`. - Reduce memory usage when unserializing instances of the empty array in PHP 7.3+. - Removed no longer working apcue extension. - Increased limit on maximum number of slots. - Made tests compatible with PHP 8.3.
  • rpminfo 1.1.0
    - check open_basedir restriction - new function: rpmgetsymlink(string $path, string $name): ?string
  • openswoole 22.1.0
    . PHP 8.3 support . Latest curl support . Fix php_url_encode_hash_ex call for 8.3 @remicollet . Add missing header for GCC 13 @remicollet @erfanmola . Implement draft statements object LOB for postgresql @mrVrAlex . Bug fix for postgresql